Gyani jiPlease re read my I already said that a person must be real saint in these circumstances todo sewa.I am talking about people in General .It is not like they haven't heard.But majority of sikhs believe that It is the duty of Gurdwaracommittee's to take care of them.Both SGPC and DSGMC are super cash rich.From where this money is coming?.The problem is that rich sikhs or rich people Don't want to dedicate their time for sewabecause their entire time is for business and then for family.
Gyani ji
Please re read my I already said that a person must be real saint in these circumstances to
do sewa.I am talking about people in General .
It is not like they haven't heard.But majority of sikhs believe that It is the duty of Gurdwara
committee's to take care of them.Both SGPC and DSGMC are super cash rich.From where this money is coming?
.The problem is that rich sikhs or rich people Don't want to dedicate their time for sewa
because their entire time is for business and then for family.