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UK Must Watch! BBC Documentary On Sex Grooming Of Sikh Girls - Monday 2 September 2013 (& Sky1 Channel


Oct 12, 2012
MUST WATCH for all Sikh Sangat please !!! the following is a comprehensive list of all media exclusives this weekend which are essential reading and viewing for all Sikh Sangats and that we all get behind this media attention as it will be the first time these issues are aired on National TV.

Saturday 31st August - Times Newspaper Article

The Times newspaper on Saturday will be publishing a full two page spread article on the work of the SAS and the national problem of Sexual grooming. Please get the newspaper.

Monday 2nd September - 7:30pm - BBC Inside Out London Special on Grooming of Sikh Girls by Muslim Men.
(Can be viewed on Sky channel 954 (BBC One London) for those who are not in the London area!)

This programme has come about through the ongoing support work of the Sikh Awareness Society with abuse victims. The programme will highlight issues and problems that are being faced by the Sikh Community and how they are tackling these issues themselves.

An Inside Out London special, uncovers the hidden scandal of sexual grooming of young Sikh girls by Muslim men. Breaking their silence, they speak to Chris Rogers about their experiences at the hands of these predatory men and why justice is being denied to them by their own community and the police.

Monday 2nd September - 8pm - Sikh Channel - Sikh Ethics programme will discuss the BBC documentary

After the BBC programme airs on TV on 2nd November straight after on the Sikh Ethics Programme on Sikh Channel from 8pm-9pm the programme will be discussed by Mohan Singh and the SAS team

Sky Channel 840, Rogers TV Channel 676, Bell Fibe TV Channel 667 online www.sikhchannel.tv/watchus and via iOS and Android applications.

Sikh Awareness Society can be contacted via the following links.
Website: http://www.sasorg.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SikhAwarenessSocietySAS


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Dec 3, 2011
Did anyone watch this last night?

It's an awful situation. I'm glad the Sikh Awareness Society are doing such good work.

Does anyone have any stories from their area? What is being done to help these women? What more can we do as members of the sangat? For both prevention and support?

Actually, this problem has been there for a very long time.
You probably won't remember, but when you were about 6/7 years old, UK had it's first formation of religion based street gangs because of this very issue.
The Sikhs formed the huge 'Shere Punjab' whilst the Pakistani muslims had the 'Panthers'.
The Shere Punjab started off with very good intentions and try to educate across the board about what was going on with the younger generations. They would turn up at gurdwaras and try to get the message across to parents and they would also turn up at the famous 'daytime gigs' to not let Sikh girls inside.
I know that they would make sure that girls who had skipped class to get there would be given a ride back to class or home by male gang members.

For those of you unfamiliar with the term daytime gigs or daytimers-
'(Daytimers" were discos or bhangra gigs held in nightclubs during the school day normally in the hours of 11 to 5pm, in major cities like Birmingham and London. These gigs started back in 1985 and were organized by Punjabi Sikhs/muslims for youth that mainly consisted of kids that would never be allowed to go to clubs/discotheques in the evenings because of their strict parents. Not surprising then that this same youth were free to bunk off school and college to go and experience their 'nasha' of jawani without their parents ever knowing or finding out !
I think we can all understand that our Sikh girls were the most desperate to get a taste of these few hours of freedom. Sadly, they were also the most vulnerable.
After young Sikh boys witnessed some of the disturbing events of seeing their sisters intoxicated and being taken advantage of by muslim boys, they quickly started to unite in large numbers with Shere Punjab.)

However, since Shere Punjab had many members that were just regular street guys just in it for the violence and fighting, it soon started to decline in popularity and it got to a point where they were getting blamed for all sorts of crime and trouble.
The intentions of the founding members were all about unity and saving our troubled youth. Sadly, the Punjabi nature of fighting within ourselves was a major factor in leading to the decline whereas the muslim panthers only got stronger in their own group.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This is the recap of the program for the many of us who do not have access to BBC broadcasts. SPN has followed these events over 2 years; it does not hurt to be reminded of them.

British Sikh girls at risk of 'sexual grooming'


London: Minor British Sikh girls, sexually abused by gangs of Asian men who befriend them over a period of time, usually do not report the crime to authorities, according to a new investigation by the BBC.

The probe found that in many cases, the men deceive the girls into believing they are Sikh to gain their trust.

"Desperate to hide their secret for fear of bringing shame to their families, girls are often forced to leave home," the BBC’s 'Inside Out' programme reported.

Reporter Chris Rogers travelled to a remote part of the US to meet a 16-year-old British Sikh girl who was 'groomed' and sexually abused over a period of time by a Muslim gang. She is one of at least a dozen British Sikh girls living abroad to hide their secret.

The Sikh Awareness Society UK (SAS), a charity that focuses on family welfare, claimed it has investigated over 200 reports of child sexual grooming in Britain over the past five years. However, there are no official statistics to support this claim, because incidents of sexual abuse involving Sikh minors are rarely reported to the authorities.

'Grooming' refers to actions undertaken with the aim of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a minor in order to exploit the person for sex or labour.

Last week, six men – including two of Indian origin – were jailed at Leicester Crown Court for offences including facilitating child prostitution of a Sikh girl. The convictions are being heralded as a legal landmark because it is the first high-profile case involving a Sikh victim of sexual abuse that has led to convictions in the UK, BBC reported.

Bharat Modhwadia, 25, was jailed for 16 months for paying for the sexual services of a child, inciting child pornography and trafficking the girl by driving her to a location for sex, while 37-year-old Chandresh Mistry was jailed for eight months for attempting to pay for the sexual services of a child. The other four men, aged between 20 and 39, were jailed for periods ranging from eight months to five years.

"While it is fair to say that none of the defendants played any part in her decision to prostitute herself, it is equally true to say that anyone meeting her would immediately have realised that this was a vulnerable 16-year-old girl from a good Sikh family, who was embarking upon a disastrous course of action," Judge Michael Pert said in his judgement.

According to Detective Superintendent David Sandall of Leicestershire Police, sexual abuse remains severely under-reported among 'faith-based communities'. He said: "We want more victims to come forward because we are here to help."

The reason Sikhs rarely reveal incidents of abuse to the authorities has been linked to the strong sense of family honour within the community.

"Our community is very honour-based. The majority of parents just want to shut up shop as if nothing has happened because they know that a girl who is tarnished with this kind of thing will never actually get married," explained Mohan Singh of SAS.

The 'Inside Out' investigation, telecast Monday night, discovered that groomers exploited the fact that Sikh families are less likely to report incidents of abuse. "Inside Out" spoke to a girl whose own mother told her not to go to the police even though she had been subjected to sexual abuse by countless men.

Fifteen-year old Jaswinder was under the control of a groomer for nearly two years. The man charged countless men to have sex with her and took obscene pictures that he used to blackmail her. Campaigners have called for greater awareness and tougher action to tackle the issue of sexual grooming targeting specific communities in Britain.

Sue Berelowitz, deputy children’s commissioner for England, said: "There is quite a way to go in terms of police forces around the country waking up to the fact that there are ethnic minority victims of sexual abuse."


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
One of the most inspiring parts of the documentary was a couple who have opened their house up to girls who have been abused. After seeing the effect on their own daughter, they have made their home a halfway house which is safe and nurturing for recovering girls. We all have choice over our actions - whether to wallow in shame or care for others who are hurting. We must all challenge our own beliefs then we can change attitudes in the community.
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