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Narol Gurbani News And Articles Required


Aug 9, 2011
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh ||

Sat Sri Akal Ji,

We are please to inform you that we are running online Gurbani News portal and online Gurbani Radio (12 hours) in Auckland, New Zealand under the banner of "Punjab Di Awaaz" in New Zealand. The prime focus of “Punjab di Awaaz” is to promote Sikh teaching and distribute the message of Spiritual awareness among the human being.

With your kind co-operation, we will do our best to bring all Gurbani News, Sikh News, Kirtan Samagams, Katha Vichar, Dharam Vichar, Gurbani Programs and any other news/photographs which promotoes teaching of Sikhism and Gurbani. “Punjab di Awaaz” can be reached under the website link of www.awaaz.co.nz.

You can send us Gurbani news article and photos of all your gurbani programs through online form available at http://awaaz.co.nz/?page_id=355. Alternatively, you can also send email to us at info@awaaz.co.nz

You can also send us your Gurbani CDs, Katha Vichar, Gurbani Programs in audio (MP3) format and we will run it through online radio station.

You are requested to send all information about your programs in Punjabi but English language is also welcome.

Your feedback is most welcome.

PS NOTE: We only cover narol gurbani news & articles and any other articles which do not cover any aspect of politics.

Warm Regards
Randip Singh