I want to reflect more on this concept. What does nirbhau nirvair mean to you, and how does this concept play a role in your life?
Nirbhau , most commonly translated to as 'fearless'.
What is fear ?
Psychologists believe fear can arise from a feeling of 'different' attitude towards things.
We fear what we don't know !
Hence our fear of a masked person or fear of clowns (Hollywood movie : IT )
The masked person or clown represents someone but we don't know who is that someone.
This curiosity generates fear because we fear what is different to us.
Thats why americans fear people of middle east . Because they're so different.
But if one becomes one with god , then nothing else remains .
Then nothing is 'other' , nothing is 'alien' to that person who has merged into the infinite .
Since god is only thing that exists , god is fearless because there's no 'other' to god whom god should fear !
This is the meaning of 'nirbhau' .
Again the same concept could be extended to 'nirvair' . Since there's no one else , who will god have enmity with . All is god and god is in all .
This is only a theory I have. I still get angry , have too much krodh and irritation towards others, I hate some people . I am nowhere near that state of 'nirbhao nirvair' .
I only tell you what I have read.
Kabeer says
"Padhe sune kya hoe jo sehaj na mileo soe"
(What use of collecting knowledge, reading and listening , if one does not attain to that state of peace)