KDS Jio,
Its not specifically who is following who ??
There is no such thing as the "super Brahmin" who is directing all this...
its the IDEOLOGY...that is violentlly OPPOSED to Buddhism, Jainsim..and NOW SIKHISM. If you read the hsitory fo India you will realsie how VIOLENTLY Buddhism was cleansed out of India and exiled abroad...Hundreds of thosuands of Buddhists massacred, their shrines taken over and converted to Hindu mandirs...jainism simply absorbed back.
The House of GURU NANAK is the next biggest threat to this IDEOLOGY...GURMATT and the SGGS and the 5 Ks of Sikhism pose the greatest challenge to this ideology..the Division of Indian sub-continet into Pakistan by eliminating Muslims..didnt quite work out so well...millions fo muslims stayed behind..and TODAY the Indian muslim population in India is GREATER than the one in pakistan+Bnagladesh combined !! PRE-1947 population statistics have resurfaced.
FROM DAY ONE..wehn Guru nanak challenged the Brahmin Supremacy by REFUSING the JANEAU...and then Caste through Guru ka Langgar...through the Khandeh Batte dee Pahul...common name Sigh/Kaur..its hitting at the very ROOTS of this Juggernaut that has had a BILLION Hindus in its tight GRIP for a thousand years GURMATT destroys the roots of each and every vital institution that the Brahmin depends on for survival...caste, pilgrimages, teeraths, alms, charity, power to decide shubh days, bad days for every important day, weddings, businesses, whatever..SIKHISM posed such abig danger..that attempts to destroy and UNDERMINE it began on Day ONE..in 1469...continued through Martyrdoms, adulterations in Gurbani, chugleean to Emperors, battles, wars, false promises in 1947...broken promises after 1947..and 1984..and beyond...the massive propoganda effort to declare Sikhs terrorists even in the Diaspora, aircraft bombers..blowers-Ups, extremists, , etc is a continous effort. Sikhs cannot even have what they want in their Khalsa parades...the "powers to be"... want to dictate what photos to have, what photos to place in their Sikh Museums.. Gurdawra Walls, Libraries, etc etc..Martyrs to Sikhs are terrorists and murderers to them...???? Why even bother?? Sikhs dont bother what Hindus have in their Mandirs ...in their Parades...whether they carry open trishuls or swords..?? But a SIKH parade even in far off Canada is worrisome to the "powers to be" ?? WHY ??
This IDEOLOGY is in a lot of people...it was in Nehru..in Patel..in Gulzarilala nanda..it is in Vajpayee..in Advani..even in badal..a most unlikely candidate..but then it was in Genral lall Singh and Dhian Singh Dogra so why not ?? Appearances can be deceiving and they do decieve. No single party has a monopoly on these. They are in the Shiv sena, the Hanuman sena, the RSS, the BJP, the sangh parwar, the Congress, the Southern parties....
WHY Congress allowed the Millions of MUSLIMS in 1947. The DIVISION itself happeend due to the NEHRU GREED to grab power as fast as possible...He really had no time to wait anymore...Gandhi was opposed to division...but Gandhi was not in PM candidture...Nehru was..and eh couldnt wait.
It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to CUT OUT each and every Muslim..out of India...they were scatterred all over...the EASY way OUT was taken...Divide the MAJORITY AREAS. This is WHY the SIKHS LOST OUT. They were admittedly the THIRD FORCE...after the Hindus and Muslims...BUT SIKHS were so scatterred all over..NOT a SINGLE tehsil in Punjab...even had a CLEAR and OVERWHELMIMG MAJORITY SIKH POPULATION. What the SIKHS finally goit was due to their joining with the HINDUS..and as SYMPATHY from the BRITISH..due to the GURDWARAS...IF NOT for the GURDWARAS...there would be NOTHING.
AMRITSAR was a Heavily majority MUSLIM TOWN...should have gone to paksitan...BUT DIDNT..because the BRITISH KNew that the Sikhs would all rather DIE...so BECAUSE of DARBAR SAHIB..Amritsar came to INDIA. JUST BECAUSE OF HARMANDAR SAHIB ONLY. IF harmandar shaib ahd been in LAHORE..lahore would be Indian...Nankana sahib not being that important..was traded in... Simple as that..plain British SYMPATHY...for SIKHS.
HYDERABAD in the Smack Centre of India was Muslim majority...HOW to drive them all out in a short time...UP..BIHAR..large muslim populations...Kashmir..large muslim population..being near the border of pakistan..helped them rebell...and what happeend..till TODAY..the cancer festers !!! OLD Delhi..majority Muslim...
Together with his greed to become PM fast..Nehru also wanted to show how "secular" he was...and he was pretty sure the Muslims could be tamed...Its just like the new Owner of a building..lets the Tenants stay....because ensurign the complete clear-out of all tenants MAY take time...so he is satisfied with being given OWNERSHIP....he is under the impression..that as owner he can "deal" with the tenants later...the Godhara Riots..the Mumbai Riots..and periodical riots against Muslims are the "DEAL' by the new owners with troublesome tenants....!!!
The BEST governemnt for India would have been the one led by TRUE PATRIOTS like SHUBASH CHANDER BOSE....those who fought bravely - unlike the sly ones like Nehru who plotted in the background. This NATIONALISTIC STREAK is what the BENGALIS and the PUNJABI SIKHS have in common....and thats why the NEHRU CLIQUE struck back by DIVIDING only BENGAL and PUNJAB...the two THORNS in their side.
I sahll stop here..the reply is getting too long...