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'Pastors Trafficking NE Children For Church Grants And Foreign Donations'

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
'Pastors trafficking NE children for

church grants and foreign donations'

Dhananjay Mahapatra, TNN, Aug 6, 2010, 02.39am IST

<!-- google_ad_section_start -->NEW DELHI: Promising proper education, pastors are trafficking children from the north-eastern states to Tamil Nadu and Karnataka with an oblique motive to get grants from churches and abroad, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights said in a damning report to the Supreme Court.

Inquring into recent rescue of hundreds of children trafficked from the NE states and housed in Homes illegally run by pastors in the southern states, NCPCR found that girls were even asked to give massage to the directors of these Homes and molested.

Analysing the situation in a detailed report, NCPCR said insurgency coupled with the virtual absence of government officials at the sub-district and block level to address the education, health and developmental problems have made the entire north-east an easy hunting ground for middlemen to lure out children from parents in the name of providing them proper education.

"All-out effort are being made by pastors and other category of persons who are reaching out to source areas through middlemen for getting children in order to obtain financial support from churches within the country or donations from outside," the NCPCR said in response to a direction from the apex court to inquire into the incidents.

The source areas for the pastors are Tamnglong, Senapati, Chandel, Bishnupur, Churachandpur and Imphal in Manipur, North Cachar Hills in Assam and Meghalaya. The destination states are TN, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.

"The main reason for children being sent out by the poor parents to far off places in southern states is due to their high expectation of quality education for their children which is not available at their own places," the Commission said.

The other main reasons for the parents agreeing to send their children far away were no easy access to schools; lack of basic infrastructure such as road connectivity, power and hospitals; insurgency and lack of a sense of security among parents to send children walking to schools; poor financial status of parents preventing them from putting children in boarding schools; and absence of governance in sub-district and block level to address education, health and developmental problems of vulnerable families.

This provides a perfect opportunity for middlemen to exploit the situation and is being taken advantage of by pastors. But, the children get caught between the devil at home and the deep sea in the Homes in southern states, NCPCR said.

"Mostly these children from north-east who are brought to TN and Karnataka are put in Tamil and Kannada-medium schools for study. It is not easy for these children to have education in the languages which are not spoken in their states," the Commission said.

Apart from giving a series of recommendatory directions to the NE states to improve the educational and health facilities, NCPCR asked the Union HRD ministry to supply data about the number of schools and hostels in the north-east currently occupied by the armed forces.

While asking the HRD ministry to open Kendriya Vidyalayas, Navodaya Vidyalayas and model schools in the affected areas, the Commission said the Union home ministry must ensure that "the para-military forces vacate the schools and hostels occupied by them and submit an action taken report within two months to the SC".

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Nov 5, 2009
Bangalore, India
While lust, fake spirituality and greed overtake the true tenets of a religion, incident like these will continue to occur. Most of the Christians in Nort East India were converted by mass conversion activities in rural areas through active proselytizing. The missionaries were just concerned about the numbers. They cry foul if people oppose mass conversions but do not hesitate to slander the holy scriptures of other faiths for the sake of achieving their conversion numbers. There was a topic on conversion of poor Sikhs to Christians in Punjab. I beleive in Lord Jesus Christ, but not in the type of fake Christianity propagated by foul play and slandering the scriptures of other faiths disrespecting their Lords and Prophets.

This act of trafficking for commercial gains is an unpardonable sin! Followers of Lord Jesus Christ pray for forgiving the sins of one and all. But I'll not pray for pardoning this act.
Oct 10, 2009
Their are have been many Christain ministries in India and Abroad are using false ways to
convert people to their religion their only sole aim is to increase their numbers and hold
mass large gathering of people and in this way Christanity is falsely propagated and I think Jesus Christ would never have approved his mission to be preached in such a way.


Gurveen Singh

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
<!-- /scrollShell --> <!-- /sideScroller --> <script type="text/javascript"> var storyStrip = new CBSThumbScroller('storyStrip', {'setArrowClasses': true}); window.addEvent('domready', function() { (function(){ storyStrip.toNextScreen(); }).delay(5000); }); </script> ST. PAUL, Minn., April 5, 2010 Priest Charged with Abusing Girl Still Working

Indian Priest Accused of Molesting 14-Year-Old in Minnesota Continues Work in Home Diocese; Vatican Says It's Cooperating

  • image6365901g.jpg
    Attorney Jeff Anderson points to a poster-size photo of Rev. Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul during a news conference April 5, 2010 in St. Paul, Minn. Anderson represents a teenage girl who was allegedly molested by a the Jeyapaul in 2006 when she was 14. Jeyapaul remains on the job in his home parish in India. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)

<script type="text/javascript"> if($defined(usm)){ usm.loadBox(); } </script> (CBS/ AP) <!-- longtext start--> Updated 4:48 p.m. ET

Vatican officials warned church officials in India to monitor a Catholic priest charged with sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl in the United States, but four years later he continues to work in his home diocese.

In a 2006 letter to the bishop of the Diocese of Crookston, Minnesota, Archbishop Angelo Amato wrote that the Rev. Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul would be watched in his home diocese "so that he does not constitute a risk to minors and does not create scandal."

Amato was secretary to Cardinal William Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which handles all abuse cases.

But following the publication of an Associated Press story on Jeyapaul Monday, the Vatican said it has cooperated with U.S. law enforcement officials working to extradite him.

In a statement to AP, Vatican attorney Jeffrey Lena says the Holy See had handed over the Rev. Joseph Palanivel Jeyapaul's address in India.

Jeyapaul told the AP on Monday that he is innocent and has no plans to return to the U.S. to face charges.

Lena says the Vatican had recommended Jeyapaul be defrocked, because it believed the charges were serious enough, but that his local bishop in India refused.

The bishop, the Most Rev. A. Almaraj of the diocese of Ootacamund, said he had disciplined Jeyapaul by sending him to a monastery for prayer.

Amato's letter is among evidence gathered by Jeff Anderson, the attorney for Jeyapaul's accuser.

Jeyapaul denies the charges and has no plans to return to the U.S. to face the courts. His current bishop says Jeyapaul has a paperwork job in his office and does not work with children. <!-- longtext end-->

© MMX, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.



Jun 14, 2010
:disgustedmunda: There are too many scandals, it is not possible to address each one as an isolated case. More and more people want to see the Pope himself brought to justice as head of the Church. Enough the rule of Omerta! These guys make the Mafiosi look like amateurs, it's disgusting...even more so is to see there are still people who remain in that Church and continue living on their knees. There is a prophecy that says this Pope is the last ever, I don't beleave in prophecies but I admit it would be nice.
Here in Quebec we had a huge scandal: during decades orphans were categorised as mentally ill or retarded and whole orphanages were converted into mental health institutes. Some even got lobotomised and served for various experiments and most of the children were not even orphans. It was a way for the clergy to obtain more money from gov't subsedies. The survivors fought during many years until the clergy and the gov't. gave in. They got some symbolic compensation from the gov't but the Church did nothing except apoligise for the "mistake".
I think India wants to have a law against conversions because of the Christian agressive conversion tactics?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
polpol ji

I am very familiar with the story in Quebec. It was horrifying and there is no way to make amends for something so long-lasting and so deeply entrenched. People's lives are never right again. Trust and confidence are lost forever. Self worth is trashed. Your sense of the corruption that results from unchecked power is right where my thinking is.
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