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Purpose Of Life: GUrbani Ethics


Feb 25, 2008
sikh80 ji

This articles sounds very good to me as much as principles of Sikhism go; however, my problem is that I couldnt read Gurbani qouted by Dr Sahib ji due to font problem. It is hard to comment further. I went on page 1245, I couldnt find very relevant waak to a quoted one. I myself was looking for that kind f waak.
Oct 14, 2007
Pk70 ji,
You may kindly get the fonts downloaded from the site where the Shaib singh ji's commentary appears.After downloading it is easy to instal by going to 'control panel' of windows and click 'instal fonts'. I hope that it should solve the problem.
Oct 14, 2007
To the moderators

I have many articles that I have compiled over a period of time.However, I have not noted the source of the articles as i never thought that I would be posting here.
If it is explicitly permitted I would post them under the category of 'Essays'
May kindly let it be known. The treasure is vast that is not used by me now.


Jun 1, 2004
To the moderators

I have many articles that I have compiled over a period of time.However, I have not noted the source of the articles as i never thought that I would be posting here.
If it is explicitly permitted I would post them under the category of 'Essays'
May kindly let it be known. The treasure is vast that is not used by me now.

Respected Sikh80,

What you have shared and are sharing on SPN is a treasure that can't be valued... and no words can be used to thank you for the dedicated efforts to share your treasure for the benefit of online sangat.

I can understand your concern about not knowing the source of the articles... although it is important that source is known to verify the authenticity of the articles... we can only try to be a little more careful in collecting the articles in future. :)

I think idea of putting your articles in the shape of Essays is far sighted one. Please go ahead and make that section yours. :) We have a bigger role for your to play on SPN in the coming future... One we make a decision, we will let you know. :)

Thanks for your presence at SPN.

Warm Regards
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