Oh really?
You people don't need vast propaganda against you. Your beliefs are completely anti-Gurmat. The video below is not people making fun of Naamdharis. It's just video of Naamdharis. They are all matatekking to their dedhari guru Jagjit Singh (Not to Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji), while the kukay among them go berserk in his presence, pulling off dastaar, yelling, gyrating, rolling around, dancing in front of the sangat. I've seen the opposition Naamdharies are voicing against the airing of this video on another site. Since this is part of your religious practice, why get nervous when it is exposed for public awareness? Why rant endlessly about hostility, prejudice and anger by Sikhs toward Naamdharies? The video speaks for itself. And no one seems angry at you. This is some bizarre Naamdhari thing. But it is NOT Sikhi.
Watch This--->YouTube - Kookay Gone Wild
All I see are long-winded diatribes written about alleged abuses, hatred, anger, prejudice of mainstream Sikhs and need for tolerance, acceptance. It is NEVER going to happen. Stop badgering mainstream Sikhs to accept your beadbi.
First, you are not Sikhs of ShabadGuru Sahib Ji, you are Sikhs of a dedhari lineage of gurus NOT RECOGNIZED AS VALID BY THE ENTIRE SIKH PANTH. The very terminology you use to defend yourselves actually condemns you. You endlessly and propagandistically claim legitimacy of your dedhari lineage like termites while distorting Gurbani in missionary fashion, and whine when Sikhs reject this.
I personally am not intolerant of your traditions. I oppose all missionary efforts. If you come here and say, We are Naamdharies, this is our opinion, people will look at it, some will accept some things. But you don't. Naamdhari missionaries come with a deliberate agenda to confuse and distort teachings already long accepted as mainstream Sikhi, to challenge and undermine these sacred beliefs in order to gain some acceptance and confuse the unaware.
In your shameless self-promotion and missionary efforts, you violate the basic definitions of Sikhi. And it is for this you are attacked. People attack your positions strongly, because your positions are an aggressive and hostile attempt to undermine Gursikhi. So you get exactly what you provoke.
For anyone to accept you as "Sikhs," they are acknowledging your dedhari lineage is valid. And by implication, invalidating the legitimacy and sole Gurgaddi of Shabad Guru Sahib Maharaj. It cannot be both ways.
So what is the point of a thread "Naamdhari is Sikhi?" If not to provoke opposition from mainstream Sikhs who have never accepted this, which you then bemoan, cry, attack, belittle and challenge with missionary propaganda?
I don't see abuses against poor beleagured Naamdharis on these threads. I see intelligent, well-thought out, relentless missionary campaign to undermine distinctions of mainstream Sikhi. To distort and reinterpret sacred Gurbani to manipulate favor toward your dedhari cult. People naturally oppose the confusion you propagandistically spout.
Let's be clear on this. You are no brother of mine. You are all outcasted from the Panth. I did not do this. My krodh did not do this. My narrow-minded prejudice and whatever else you rant and accuse did not do this. THE AKAL TAKHT DID THIS. End of story. You are not Sikhs by any accepted Panthic definition no matter how many websites you infiltrate.
Paycheck from Badal and SAD/RSS-BJP accepted by Naamdhari "satguru" Jagjit Singh.

Panthic Weekly: Badal Promises Revival of Anti-Sikh ‘Namdhari’ Cult
Sadly Naamdharis and their traitor "satguru" ARE IN FACT agents of the RSS working to assimilate Sikhs into the Hindu fold.
Whatever Jagjit Singh is, he is definitely NOT a SIKH! And he is most definitely NOT Guruji!