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Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
I dont understand these Rada Swamis..... so you can be a muslim, hindu or sikh or whatever and go and join this splinter group called rada swami. If you become a rada swami then are you giving up your sikhi for a new way of life or is rada swami and add-on to whatever religion you are?

I heard they keep the guru granth sahib present in their sangat but place it lower then their master because the master is condered higher than the Sri Guru Granth SahibJ!

Did the rada swami masters not come to Southall some time ago in the 80sand start having sex with women that could not have children becuase they promised them some sort of love potion to make them have kids? Then the real SInghs found out about these babas and pretended to follow their cult and when they got close enough they shot him. After the baba got shot he stood up and said no bullets can do anything thing to me because I am from God, then the Singh said how about this and shot him in the head. The followers where waiting for him to stand up again but he did not and later they found out that he was actually wearing a bullet proof vest.....

Dear Badshah Ji
There are different branches within RS
I have only ever experienced the Beas group and have never seen SGGSJ at a Satsang
Aug 6, 2006
I have heard that they used to keep Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji in earlier times but after objections from some sikhs they stopped it a long long time ago. Anway while preaching they often give references from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.
I have also heard that the head of radha soami dera never claims himself the guru or the master. He often says that he is just a normal human like other sangat and nothing more.
Now, if anyone says that he preach against sikhi or he claims to be a guru or master, then the one should give some written or audio proof. if not then no one has the right to start another big fuss in Punjab.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I dont understand these Rada Swamis..... so you can be a muslim, hindu or sikh or whatever and go and join this splinter group called rada swami. If you become a rada swami then are you giving up your sikhi for a new way of life or is rada swami and add-on to whatever religion you are?

I heard they keep the guru granth sahib present in their sangat but place it lower then their master because the master is condered higher than the Sri Guru Granth SahibJ!

Did the rada swami masters not come to Southall some time ago in the 80sand start having sex with women that could not have children becuase they promised them some sort of love potion to make them have kids? Then the real SInghs found out about these babas and pretended to follow their cult and when they got close enough they shot him. After the baba got shot he stood up and said no bullets can do anything thing to me because I am from God, then the Singh said how about this and shot him in the head. The followers where waiting for him to stand up again but he did not and later they found out that he was actually wearing a bullet proof vest.....

badshah ji

Do you have personal experiences, rather than things you have heard. How about an internet link to the story where the baba is shot in the head.

Recently in the thread very little in the way of firm information has been discussed. Mostly speculation.

If we go back to the first page of comments we can see that this thread is about a particular incident at a particular dera. So we have gone off topic quite a bit.

Aug 6, 2006
yes Narayanjot ji,you are right. The point raised in the opening post was very serious and should have been elaborated but most of us have just gone off the track.
May 24, 2008
Dear Dalbkirk Ji

That is interesting

I am no fan but there are RS converts in my immediate and extended family and over the years I have attended a number of Satsangs including a few delivered by their present Master

I would have to say he has never said anything derogatory about Sri Guru Granth SahibJ

Passages have been quoted and interpreted but nothing ever disrespectful

As for Sikhs, I did once hear him say words to the effect that it's one thing to go to the Gurudwara, it's another to practice the teachings in your daily life. So he appeared to be encouraging Sikhs to embrace and practice the scriptures

Again, I am not a fan and am just quoting from my own experience

Seeker Ji ,
Anybody who is well versed with the principle of SHABAD GURU ( Word as Guru ) enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib & as a result in Sikhi can make it clearly what they are targetting . One one hand they keep reciting Gurbani & sometimes their own KACCHI BAANI mixed alongwith but the explanations they give are at the best hilarious . They keep reciting Shabads which stress on the importance of having a Guru again & again in the end they ask you to follow Radhasoami Gurus . Simply does not make any sense . The explanation they give for the word RADHASOAMI is no less interesting actually Radha was the name of wife of Saomi Shiv Dayal in Agra the alleged founder of the Dera on their combined name the Radha Soami has been derived , the meanings of which have been tried to change in futulity . They specifically criticise Sikhs as being blind following a deaf & dumb non living BOOK . They say their explanation is necessary to follow the teachings hence they are the Gurus not the Sri Guru Granth Sahib . They also criticise Sikhs for keeping hair unnecessarily . I personally know many Sikhs who had cut their own as well as their boys' hair under the influence of Radhasoamis . The prakash of Sri Guru Granth Sahib in whose name the farmers of Village Bal Saran donated six acres of land to Jaimal Singh when he retired from army & expressed wish to villagers to preach Sikhism & do prakash of Sri Guru Granth sahib . After the demise of
babu Sawan singh the dera head in 1948 , Charan singh a lawyer by profession conspired with Sardar Bahadur Jagat Singh & declared him the head at the time of cremation of Babu Sawan Singh to deprive Kirpal Singh of his position as the sucessor of Sawan Singh who was seen in most quarters as the natural successor to Sawan Singh owing to his spirituality ( Later Kirpal Singh started his own sect Kirpal Ruhani Mission ) Enraged Kirpal then through the farmers of Bal Saraan sued in Punjab high court taking plea that since the registry of the original land is in the name of Sri Guru Granth sahib the land should be returned to them . To which Charan Singh replied that no swaroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib is there in the Dera & no prakash is being done . this is the real story behind the Bir of Guru Granth Sahib no longer there in Dera . The rise of Radha Soami Dera is a classical tale of ruler & the clergy getting together . After the Gurudwara Act of 1925 the Britishers started supporting anti Sikh sects & Sants which was continued post 1947 by Congress & even hastened post 1966 after the formation of Punjabi Suba . Their rise is a very minutely planned business like startegy executed with the help of respective Govts in power mainly Congress in all the states . To a knowledgable Sikh their fundas are mostly carbon copied from Sikhism or at the best hilarious . But their rise is a very sad commentary on the role of Sikhs in propagating their religion unable to sell gold at silver prices in times when other have sold brass as costlier than gold .
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Aug 14, 2011
Sadh Sangat Ji,

Do post any instances or statements derogatory to the Guru Granth Sahib Ji Mahraj by Radha Soami Preachers or Guru ? I wish to figure out the cause of opposition within the sikh masses. Is it true or fabricated ?


Aug 8, 2011
I once met a RS who very proudly told me that he does not visit Mandir, do any path pooja, even what "you people do, Japji"
But he was able to take control of his bad habits, mainly intoxication and stopped consuming meat once he took "Naam"

Renouncing bad habits can be good for our physical and mental health but it cannot serve as a "food for soul" IMO.

Can someone who knows about the Radha Soamis tell me that what is there take on God, soul and aim of human life and how to achieve it.
And also that why do their Masters keep a Sikhi swaroop even when they have chosen a separate path for themselves? Or have they?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sadh Sangat Ji,

Do post any instances or statements derogatory to the Guru Granth Sahib Ji Mahraj by Radha Soami Preachers or Guru ? I wish to figure out the cause of opposition within the sikh masses. Is it true or fabricated ?

We are not here to conduct seek and destroy missions toward RS nor any other faith. We are here to talk about differences in a heartfelt and informed way. So I discourage the invitation to post derogatory statements. I do encourage discussion of how RS contradicts ShabadGuru when that is a relevant discussion to have. Sometimes that is a difficult thing to to....to argue against another's path without deliberately setting out to dismantle it


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I once met a RS who very proudly told me that he does not visit Mandir, do any path pooja, even what "you people do, Japji"
But he was able to take control of his bad habits, mainly intoxication and stopped consuming meat once he took "Naam"

Renouncing bad habits can be good for our physical and mental health but it cannot serve as a "food for soul" IMO.

Can someone who knows about the Radha Soamis tell me that what is there take on God, soul and aim of human life and how to achieve it.
And also that why do their Masters keep a Sikhi swaroop even when they have chosen a separate path for themselves? Or have they?

Searching ji

You make an interesting comment imho. Often RS is considered by some to be less a religion and more part of the self realization movement among many other "new age" systems of belief. RS being only one and acting like a multifaith assembly in a way. That may make your other questions difficult to answer because in RS one can and does find individuals who are members of RS but also profess to be adherents of other faiths. So maybe RS is not a religion, but a sangat of people from different religions seeking similar discoveries about themselves. If that is true then takes on God and how to achieve it will be conversations in different rooms under the same roof.


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
That is what people need today. A 'New' system of belief. They don't want any rules. No Paaths or readings to be done daily. They just want peace. Anyway it is good that they are getting some discipline. As for food for soul, they will come to know when their soul is hungry :)


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Radha Soamis practise the 'Hatha Yoga', the form of Yogic pratice involving the unnatural agitations of the natural body systems. For an instance, they sometimes meditate by close their eyes with fingers on the eyelids, and believe that the 'surt' travels (their books actually give the travelling distance in yojanas {measure of length}, kilometres etc.) and returns within 'worlds'.
And for those who claim Radha Soamis are not ritualistic, apparently don't know the reality. They literally worship their leader whom they call 'Hazoor Maharaj', like a Human-God, and accept idiosyncratic words from him as the 'Naam-daan'. They continuously meditate on the same word for a fixed time daily, which they don't disclose. Also, do they meditate on the pictures/photos of their own 'Gurus'. They have their own prayers or 'Bentis'.
Radha Soami cult to me, is the ancient Nath-Jogi tradition in the masquerade of a bigger and modern sect; far from understanding religion, but distorting its very pristine form to suit the cruel needs of the lazy-unsuspecting masses.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
That is what people need today. A 'New' system of belief. They don't want any rules. No Paaths or readings to be done daily. They just want peace. Anyway it is good that they are getting some discipline. As for food for soul, they will come to know when their soul is hungry :)
Well, if you think Radha Soamis don't do paath, then you are probably wrong. Their 'Guru' gives them idiosyncratic words as the 'Naam-daan' which they recite at fixed times daily, as programmed parrots do. If you read the Japji, you can alays look out its meaning from a translation or a 'Steek' (Well, that's what Gurbani is meant for, reading and understanding), but how would you like to be intructed to mindlessly recite the same monotonous word daily, without understanding or enquiring, the Radha Soami way?
And about discipline, the more Radha Soamis I meet, the more I come to know they are not so angels, most of them consume alcohol, and are not so clean in their dealings, they are much the same way as most of the non-Radha Soamis are, even worse sometimes, if you may say.
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