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General Rehat Maryada For Doing Sehaj Path From Sanchi Sahib

Nov 17, 2011
Please give complete rehat maryada for doing sehaj path from sanchi sahib , this is really important because many of us who don't have the idea and are afraid of making mistakes and don't do sehajpath from sanchi sahib because there are many misconception regarding this and no proper definition is available

I would request all the members to share their knowledge so that it would benefit those who want to start doing sehajpath as many sikh family have sanchi sahib at their home , may be their grandparent's would have been doing path from sanchi sahib , but now no does it because of lack of knowledge

I know some of the family who have sanchi sahib , at home but are afraid to start the path as the lack in rehat maryada


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
GURBANI BANNEAH...is the instruction in SGGS...Meaning...BECOME GURBANI...and that is only possible via PRACTISE of GURBANI every waking sleeping moment of our life..

When we become so engrossed into ...rules and regulations..dont do this..dont do that..do this..do that..we tend to remember the "RULE" and forget the SUBSTANCE...

LOVE of Gurbani comes form LIVING it...most forget this..they rather pay attention to washing hands, covering heads and etc etc...how to sit..wehre to sit..when to sit..which way to face..relaxed or ramrod straight backed..fan on or wind will blow the pages ?? air con on or too cold for baba Ji ?? etc etc..nit picking DEFEATS the very purpose...Now we we know washing hands is important..but who decides ?? plain water..boiling hot water..dettol wash..chemical hand wash..what about MOUTH ?? dettol wash out..cloroxed ?? ..BOTTOM LINE...BE REASONABLE....learn and PRACTISE..paying LIP SERVICE is self cheating...


Mar 19, 2013
I was just listening to a katha! Actually I found this Katha after I did ardas in front of Maharaj! I was feeling stupid for 'reading' ang after ang without even registering a tuk!! Maharaj am i wasting my time and yours! Am wrong for doing paath when half of what i am reading is wrong, and the other half i don't understand!!

In the katha a manmukh like me asks a sant same question. I am like a sieve! Chanani! When i read bani it just runs through me! I don't soak anything i am left dry and unlearned after the whole paath too!

The sant asked the guy to run a real chani though water! And do it again! Nd again! The manmukh said! See like me the chaani is till dry, full of holes and has not gained anything! The sant asked him to look again! 'Do u see how clean it is now' when u pray cleanses your mind and soul! Like guru Arjan dev ji said! Even if you don't understand a thing, don't think you did not sow the seed of naam! But what did was til the land of your heart and got it ready for naam!! It will come to you!! Just keep faith and love!!!

What i do when Sahej path is

1) make parsad and do ardas to babaji to help me start and complete the paath
2) i promise to do what ever amount of paath i have set for that day!! I know sounds stupid but for manukh like me the kaljug is strong and this promise to babaji what keeps my paath going! I have done Sahej with 10 to 100 angs a day
3) i do a quick paanj ishnan before sitting on the vedi and do a small ardas to babaji to help me focus and understand baani while doing paath!
4) do a collective ardas for all the paath of day at rehras sahib ardas
5) do a prasad and ardas at madh
6) on bhog day i do an additional japji sahib, anand sahib and aarti!
7) my mom makes prashad, a small langer of praunthas and dahi most of time!!

Bhul chuk maaf!!!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Parrup ji

You are really hard on yourself!

Read what I said on that other thread. Or ignore it, because sometimes down-to-earth advice doesn't sound too good because it is down-to-earth.

Lighten up. You will discover that the paath you suffers from sarbloh deficiency in the blood if there is no love to receive and do amongst those around you.


Mar 19, 2013
I don't know why you think i am hard on myself! I have been through that! When you are like that it doesn't make you happy! For a change i am really content with my relationship with Waheguru!!! I am ready to take this journey at the exact pace guruji sets for me:)

PS i am not offended by your advice! Nor take it lightly! I strongly beleive in what you said!

But i have also learnt one thing: every individual should have their own relationship with God! Its too personal of relationship for anyone else to describe how it should be!!!! Like in a marriage u cab go to a councler for help:) but at the end of the day its upto you how u manage that that relationship


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Parrup ji

You are really hard on yourself!

Read what I said on that other thread. Or ignore it, because sometimes down-to-earth advice doesn't sound too good because it is down-to-earth.

Lighten up. You will discover that the paath you suffers from sarbloh deficiency in the blood if there is no love to receive and do amongst those around you.

Forgive me for giving advice. I am left stymied however. This is what you began your post with ... these words.

I was just listening to a katha! Actually I found this Katha after I did ardas in front of Maharaj! I was feeling stupid for 'reading' ang after ang without even registering a tuk!! Maharaj am i wasting my time and yours! Am wrong for doing paath when half of what i am reading is wrong, and the other half i don't understand!!

In the katha a manmukh like me asks a sant same question. I am like a sieve! Chanani! When i read bani it just runs through me! I don't soak anything i am left dry and unlearned after the whole paath too!

So I felt great emotions for you because you said you felt stupid, reading without registering a tuk, wondering if you were wasting your time and that of Guruji, wrong because half of what you read is wrong, and you don't understand the other half. You called yourself a sieve, that bani just runs through you and you don't soak it up. You are left dry and unlearned.

I count 11 negative things you said about yourself. And I wondered if maybe you needed encouragement. I apologize for misunderstanding.
Last edited:


Mar 19, 2013
I will call that accepting my mistakes and trying to improve on them! When i started off on this journey i promised to be honest to myself! I refuse to say that i know how to do path correctly or that i have full concentration while doing path! I am far from being a gurmukh! Its a very long and hard journey. So calling manmukh is only fair :)

I am not upset about your advice! As i said before it is very personal! It might seem from outside that i am being hard on myself! But if we can Hard on ourself for acheiving our worldy goals, introspecting and acknowledging our mistakes and working on them! Why not do that to get closer to Guru!

Like you said in one of your posts about lip service! I realized my mistake and was trying to apologize to God and ask for help! I am not ashamed of saying i am wrong and i made mistake! Because it makes me stronger !!!!

Your very kind with your helpful words! And i truly appreciate them! I did not mean to offend you or demean your advice! At the risk of sounding low and neagtive again! I have too many improvements ti make in my wn life to jump on someone else!! I am sorry if i sounded ruded or offended!!


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
BUT BOTTOM LINE IS...DONT REMAIN a "CHHANNEE" for ever....a chhannee is a chhannee till the end no matter how clean it is..IT NEVER RETAINS the "WATER"....the Human MIND and BODY is NOT menat to be a "Chahnnnee"..its meant to RETAIN..PRACTISE...as Guru ji has already advised us..SICHEH SOCH NA HOVEAHEEE....no amount of CLEANING !!!! serves any good..unless the cleanliness achieves a purpose....we CLEAN a UTENSIL..in order to FILL IT UP..with water..yoghurt etc...simply Clenaing over and over and looking at the SHINY POT is waste of time..even the "Cleanest chhannnee" is WORTHLESS to a seeker of a cup of WATER..because the chhannee CANNOT SUPPLY a drop even though it sieved a MILLION GALLONS of it....so lets not dwell too long on a Katha no matter how "commonsense" it looks....GURBANI is for USING personally....DRINK IT....and stop looking at the chhanneee !!!
Mar 15, 2022
I have come across some bani words in Sanchis that do not get printed or ink spread out and make the words unclear to read. I like to know if it is okay to rewrite on print on the sanchis pages to fix the mistakes.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
thanks for the quick response! Waheguru!
sure ji...no problem. Actually I too read my paath daily from SAINCHEE even though I have full sroop as well. I have full set sainchees in Larivaar as well as non-larivaar. After you have mastered the NON Larivaar, proceed to Larivaar as that requires more attention and is more satisfying. Of course the next step is INTERNALISING the Divine Gurbani Messages into our Daily Lives to bring about CHANGE. You may like to listen to my younger brother Dr Karminder Singh here: www.sikhivicharforum.org ( You tube as well as www.Sikh Bulettin.org)
We have lots of Gurbani videos which will provide you with a Paradigm Shift in Understanding Gurbani.
Thanks and welcome to SPN too.