With Waheguru's grace, the Totally Obvious yet not so much.
(By the word "obvious" I mean no disrespect to anyone. I see how it may be taken to be such but understand that that is not my intention. See if you can find the obvious in my post.)
Gyani ji, you point out the obvious quite articulately... and that's no small feat! Seriously.
I think when everything is stated one way e.g. in rules and regulations, this causes people to observe things as rules and regulations. The mind then does not see it any other way. Then they miss out on the obvious. That which is right under our noses but we don't notice.
All previous posts are just pointing out the obvious.
The obvious when seen from one perspective looks very different than from a different perspective but it's still obvious. When all perspectives are meditated upon the obvious is realized. This realization is infinite, never-ending because there are infinite number of perspectives. And this is why Gurus and other holy men were said to be able to see all. They see the obvious which slips from everyone else's mind. The obvious encapsulates everything! It is everything!
Like the blind men feeling an elephant and each pointing out a different body part. What they are all referring to is the obvious. That is if you are paying attention to the obvious, ie. looking at the elephant in the room.
Now if each man had his own handicap, this is what the obvious would look like. (From Existance of Abrahamic God thread)
The deaf one listens to the elephant and says he is quiet. The blind one sees the elephant and says there is nothing there. The mute one talks to the elephant and says there is no response...
Even when such perspectives contradict. Ritual - no ritual... both perspectives are referring to the same practice. One may not even call it practice, they may use the words "way of life". Practice - no practice, way of life - not way of life... it's referring to the same... the removing of shoes, covering of head, etc. Which Gyani ji points out are in essence the same as things we do for our parents. That is, it's to show respect, which in essence, is to give attention. Give attention to what??
That's right...the obvious.
If you don't pay attention to it, it will slip away from you. All scriptures and everything are talking about it. So pay attention to them, their meanings, and follow them so the obvious can be realized.
We have all have different names for the obvious, and use different words to express it, as we have all done here... and everywhere else.
What could be another name for "the obvious"? Think about it.
Perhaps, God or perhaps, Hukam or vartmaan, the present moment?
So the answer to all questions to me then seems to be "Do the obvious". And if you are not sure what the obvious is, then just talk to people. They will point it out from every direction; impossible to imagine this direction. And of course, pay attention to the obvious so you can do the obvious.
This was of course... all obvious.

Ishna ji, you always have good questions. Clearly you like pointing out the obvious in the form of questions.

I think I have answered your questions but if not please let me know and I'll try again.
BTW the word "obvious" was inspired by one of your post on the Existance of God thread.
Like when I've read thr gurbani I understand but it doesn't stay in my mind, and when someone (ie you) point it out it's like du'h, I already knew that! *facepalm*
(By the word "obvious" I mean no disrespect to anyone.)