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Controversial Reject Obama For Showing Disrespect To Golden Temple: Grewal

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Reject Obama for showing disrespect

to Golden Temple: Grewal

Sameer Kaura - Punjabnewsline

Monday, 25 October 2010

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PHAGWARA: Senior BJP Leader and National Secretary BJP Kisan Morcha Advocate Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal today appealed the people of the country especially Sikh and Hindu community to reject President, United States of America, Barrack Obama as he abandoned his visit to Sri Harmandar Sahib, Durgiana Temple and Shahidi Smark Jallianwala Bagh showing disrespect and arrogance.

Grewal aggrieved that Barrack Obama may be considered, “Super Power of the World” but he is not above the Supreme Power. Grewal added that all important leaders of the world from Akbar to Queen Elizabeth-II paid their obeisance at Sri Harmandar Sahib, Durgiana Temple and Shahidi Smark Jallianwala Bagh during their visit to India but Barrack Obama seems to be an arrogant lot.

Grewal stated that four doors of Sri Harmandar Sahib are open to every person in the world irrespective of his religious, political, social, and economic status and advised the political and religious leaders not to force Obama to visit Sri Harmandar Sahib, Durgiana Temple and Shahidi Smark Jallianwala Bagh as it is Obama who needs divine intervention of the almighty to take United States of America out of the global economical and other crisis while the converse isn’t true.

Grewal rubbished the claim that the visit had been cancelled owing to inputs from Indian Intelligence agencies and stated that when the country can organize ”Common Wealth Games“ peacefully then protecting a Single Person shouldn’t be a big deal rather people shall decipher actual “Persona” and “Secular Credentials” of Barrack Obama from this incident.

source: http://www.punjabnewsline.com/content/reject-obama-showing-disrespectm-golden-temple-grewal/25278
May 24, 2008
RSS (BJP) has no business to tell Sikhs what to di what not to . Sikhs should try all out to persuade US authorities to make Obama visit Golden Temple ( Darbar Sahib ) , it will do Sikhi a whole lot of good . The Sikhs should be beware of enemy ( RSS/BJP) plans to torpedo this visit .


Apr 3, 2005
RSS (BJP) has no business to tell Sikhs what to di what not to . Sikhs should try all out to persuade US authorities to make Obama visit Golden Temple ( Darbar Sahib ) , it will do Sikhi a whole lot of good . The Sikhs should be beware of enemy ( RSS/BJP) plans to torpedo this visit .

But Why should sikhs try to make him visit golden temple?Just because he is the President of world's most powerful country.Yesterday I was reading News of Badal asking PM to intervene in this issue and comments on rediff.One person wrote that how many times sikh leaders have asked African countries president to visit golden temple.Well I bet not even a single time.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Looks to me as if this is controversial enough but not too overly controversial to gain some free publicity, a way to get some political advantage in the electorate.


Dec 17, 2007
Looks to me as if this is controversial enough but not too overly controversial to gain some free publicity, a way to get some political advantage in the electorate.

SPNADMIN Ji - i agree with you, free publicity. I still remember when after 9/11 the Tri state SIKH community asked NY Times newspaper to do an article on SIKHS to clear the confusion and they asked $50,000. Now the same newspapers are covering this issue for free.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The REAL UNDERLYING reason is the "Durgiana Mandir"....a COPY CAT Darbar Sahib look laike !! Mandir created by the RSS Jansanghi types to COMPETE with and bring down the Darbar Sahib in Amrtisar....
Ever since its creation in the few decades ago..the DM ha sbeen actively PROMOTED as EQUAL tot he Darbar Sahib...and its FOISTED on each and sundry to ....VISIT DM IF YOU VISIT Darbar sahib !!! The QUEEN REFUSED !!! and got away with it...and so will OBAMA..and that RILES the RSS guys a whole lot..hence this SNEAKY CAMPAIGN..it has the Golden temple in its Headline..BUT the more importnat message is in the middle where it says..Durgiana Mandir...and OH yes Jallianwalah bagh just to keep the balance and satisfy the Nationalists.....BUT the "vital part" is to bring the Totally INSIGNIFICANT and ORDINARY DM to the level of the Darbar sahib !!!
ALL along tho LOBBY that actively OPPOSES any Darbar sahib Viist is the Durgiana Mnadir Lobby !!
Did anyone notice the grammatical errors in the article above?

Spelling mistakes are one thing but in this article many sentences including the last paragraph are not even coherent. It appears as if the author just gave up and jolted down whatever popped up into his/her head.

sloppy reporting, if you want to call it reporting in the first place.

PS: SGPC should put an order on for several heavy lift helicopters and Obama will come running, turban tied and everything.

Obama is going to India to sell weapons, not for a spritual enlightenment


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
It is all right here at SPN


The Economic Times of India disclosed in July that "talks are underway between Indian and US officials over a deal to sell 10 Boeing C-17 [Globemaster III] military transport aircraft to the Indian Air Force (IAF)."

Wang Mingzhi, a military strategist at the People’s Liberation Army Air Force Command College, warned "once India gets the C-17 transport aircraft, the mobility of its forces stationed along the border with China will be improved." [5]

The C-17 carries a payload of 164,900 pounds for 2,400 miles and 100,300 pounds for 4,000 miles without refueling.

In late August the U.S. signed a $170 million deal to supply India with 24 Harpoon Block II advanced air-to-surface anti-ship missiles.

This February the Wall Street Journal revealed that the Obama administration, with a renewed focus on the Asia-Pacific region, intends to massively increase arms sales to both India and its nuclear rival Pakistan. U.S. military sales to Pakistan have risen to $3 billion a year and are expected to nearly double in 2011.

As for its neighbor, "India is one of the largest buyers of foreign-made munitions, with a long shopping list which includes warships, fighter jets, tanks and other weapons. Its defense budget is $30 billion for the fiscal year ending March 31, a 70% increase from five years ago." [6]

In January U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited India and later in the month Washington secured a deal to sell India 145 U.S. howitzers for $647 million.

"The Obama administration is trying to persuade New Delhi to buy American jet fighters instead [of Russian ones], a shift White House officials say would lead to closer military and political relations between India and the U.S. It would also be a bonanza for U.S. defense contractors, and [the White House] has dispatched senior officials such as Mr. Gates to New Delhi to deliver the message that Washington hopes India will choose American defense firms for major purchases in the years ahead."

The Wall Street Journal quoted Tom Captain, vice chairman and Global and U.S. Aerospace & Defense director at Deloitte headquarters in New York, as claiming "For 2010 and 2011, India could well be the most important market in the world for defense contractors looking to make foreign military sales," where Russian equipment accounts for about 70 percent of that currently in use.

Referring to India’s plans to spend $10 billion for 126 multirole combat aircraft, Captain added: "That’s the biggest deal in the world right now. If it goes to an American firm, that would be the final nail in the coffin in terms of India shifting its allegiance from Russia to the U.S." [7]

Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen was in the Indian capital on July 22-23 and met with Defence Minister AK Antony, Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Vasant Naik and other military leaders. As a local news agency divulged, "Mullen’s visit comes at a time when both sides are looking at expanding defence cooperation across a swathe of areas.

"The visit also coincides with intensified lobbying for the $10 billion contract for 126 fighters for the Indian Air Force (IAF)." [8]

The White House is negotiating new export control agreements with India to assist American arms firms to sell more high-technology weapons to the Asian nation.

At the top of the list of U.S. objectives in expanding military ties with India are replacing Russia as the country’s main arms supplier and the concomitant supplanting of Russian political influence, further tightening an Asian NATO around China [9] and weakening the Shanghai Cooperation Organization [10], all to ensure unimpeded American presence and domination in Eurasia.
Obama is turning out to be an experienced arms dealer, even better than bush...major deals a couple months ago with the Koreans, taiwanese and just recently he closed a $60billion deal with the Saudis. and recently i heard they are giving the pakistanis some free scraps. and without a doubt he will walk out of India with hefty deal. Rumours speculating that America might win the indian MRCA deal/tender if they toss in a AESA radar system.

But thats ok,
as long as he wears the Nobel peace prize medal around his neck, all those weapons will shoot flowers and rainbows at the enemy.:smiley_peace:

what else is a president suppose to do when the chief industrial complex of your country specializes in making sophisticated killing machines.


Apr 3, 2005
Did anyone notice the grammatical errors in the article above?

Spelling mistakes are one thing but in this article many sentences including the last paragraph are not even coherent. It appears as if the author just gave up and jolted down whatever popped up into his/her head.

sloppy reporting, if you want to call it reporting in the first place.

PS: SGPC should put an order on for several heavy lift helicopters and Obama will come running, turban tied and everything.

Obama is going to India to sell weapons, not for a spritual enlightenment

Well the all controversy started When Mr. Obama himself declared that he will visit Golden temple.I don't think anyone would have even cared What he is doing in India if he had never said that He will visit Golden temple

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
and THAT statement sent alarm bells ringing in the anti-sikh (BJP/RSS/Jansanghis/Lalas/Aryasamajists etc etc lobby)....U see he is going to Bombay where the terrorists attcked inncoent civilians....and if he comes to darbar Sahib..wont some sikh raise the question of Bluestar and the FOURTH GHALLUGHARA...state terrorism blah blah....so why not KILL two birds wiht oen stone...Get Obama to either withdraw from Darbar Sahib..or force him to viisit the ordinary Mandir..as well...and make him condemn the British for the Jallianwallah bagh and thus forget the 1984 ghallughara (which was much worse)..OR funnier still GET the SGPC/AKAL TAKHAT to bend over backwards and say..OH Obama CAN WEAR ANYTHING....hat, cowboy hat, baseball cap..skull cap..whatever....and then "SIKHS" like baseball wearers, cap wearers cna also do the SAME later on..and the patka is OUT !! IF Obama cna wear anything on his head..whats to deny say anyone else coming in wearing a baseball cap ??...Heads YOU lose..TAILS I WIN !! and Sikhs are falling for it...swordfight
Well the all controversy started When Mr. Obama himself declared that he will visit Golden temple.I don't think anyone would have even cared What he is doing in India if he had never said that He will visit Golden temple

well Obama himself never declared he was going to go to amritsar...it was his staff. i doubt obama could find amritsar on a map.

this is how i think it all happened

The Taj mahal photo-op is already played out by the clinton's...so Obama's staff starts looking at some fresh new photo-op backdrop to highlight his visit.

so they declare a photo-op at the golden temple.

on doing further research they find that it is more trouble than it is worth...and back-off

that is how it probably happened.


Apr 3, 2005
well Obama himself never declared he was going to go to amritsar...it was his staff. i doubt obama could find amritsar on a map.

this is how i think it all happened

The Taj mahal photo-op is already played out by the clinton's...so Obama's staff starts looking at some fresh new photo-op backdrop to highlight his visit.

so they declare a photo-op at the golden temple.

on doing further research they find that it is more trouble than it is worth...and back-off

that is how it probably happened.

No matter what it was declared that Golden temple is on list of places which he will visit and then suddenly backing off just 16 days prior to visit has hurt the sentiment of some sikhs.


Even on October 16 his visit was confirmed

Now what do you want,next time any US president will visit Golden temple then Sikhs should start preparation Just after he arrive in the city
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