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Dec 8, 2005
Please post your views on the following passage which I have recieved in the Hukamnama quite sometimes back. It always inspired me whenever I felt let down by circumstances or people around me. But now I have read this translation of this Shabad at one of the sites & got confused about the word "She" used in the translation which I need to understand. Anyone who could evaluate it further.

Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||

mqw krau so pkin n dyeI ]
mathaa karo so pakan n dhaeee ||
Whatever I resolve, she does not allow it to come to pass.

sIl sMjm kY inkit KloeI ]
seel sanjam kai nikatt khaloee ||
She stands blocking the way of goodness and self-discipline.

vys kry bhu rUp idKwvY ]
vaes karae bahu roop dhikhaavai ||
She wears many disguises, and assumes many forms,

igRih bsin n dyeI viK viK BrmwvY ]1]
grihi basan n dhaeee vakh vakh bharamaavai ||1||
and she does not allow me to dwell in my own home. She forces me to wander around in different directions. ||1||

Gr kI nwieik Gr vwsu n dyvY ]
ghar kee naaeik ghar vaas n dhaevai ||
She has become the mistress of my home, and she does not allow me to live in it.

jqn krau aurJwie pryvY ]1] rhwau ]
jathan karo ourajhaae paraevai ||1|| rehaao ||
If I try, she fights with me. ||1||Pause||

Dur kI ByjI AweI Awmir ]
dhhur kee bhaejee aaee aamar ||
In the beginning, she was sent as a helper,

nau KMf jIqy siB Qwn Qnµqr ]
no khandd jeethae sabh thhaan thhananthar ||
but she has overwhelmed the nine continents, all places and interspaces.

qit qIriQ n CofY jog sMinAws ]
thatt theerathh n shhoddai jog sanniaas ||
She has not spared even the river banks, the sacred shrines of pilgrimage, the Yogis and Sannyaasees,

piV Qwky isMimRiq byd AiBAws ]2]
parr thhaakae sinmrith baedh abhiaas ||2||
or those who tirelessly read the Simritees and study the Vedas. ||2||

jh bYsau qh nwly bYsY ]
jeh baiso theh naalae baisai ||
Wherever I sit, she sits there with me.

sgl Bvn mih sbl pRvysY ]
sagal bhavan mehi sabal pravaesai ||
She has imposed her power upon the whole world.

hoCI srix pieAw rhxu n pweI ]
hoshhee saran paeiaa rehan n paaee ||
Seeking meager protection, I am not protected from her.

khu mIqw hau kY pih jweI ]3]
kahu meethaa ho kai pehi jaaee ||3||
Tell me, O my friend: unto whom should I turn for protection? ||3||

suix aupdysu siqgur pih AwieAw ]
sun oupadhaes sathigur pehi aaeiaa ||
I heard of His Teachings, and so I have come to the True Guru.

guir hir hir nwmu moih mMqRü idRVwieAw ]
gur har har naam mohi manthra dhrirraaeiaa ||
The Guru has implanted the Mantra of the Lord's Name, Har, Har, within me.

inj Gir visAw gux gwie Anµqw ]
nij ghar vasiaa gun gaae ananthaa ||
And now, I dwell in the home of my own inner self; I sing the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord.

pRBu imilE nwnk Bey AicMqw ]4]
prabh miliou naanak bheae achinthaa ||4||
I have met God, O Nanak, and I have become care-free. ||4||

Gru myrw ieh nwieik hmwrI ]
ghar maeraa eih naaeik hamaaree ||
My home is now my own, and she is now my mistress.

ieh Awmir hm guir kIey drbwrI ]1] rhwau dUjw ]4]4]
eih aamar ham gur keeeae dharabaaree ||1|| rehaao dhoojaa ||4||4||
She is now my servant, and the Guru has made me intimate with the Lord. ||1||Second Pause||4||4||

(Ang - 371)

:wah: :wah: :wah: :wah: :wah: