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Sachi Bani


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Saadh Sangat Ji,

Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji De Bachan Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji De Panna # 661

ndir kry qw ismirAw jwie ]
Awqmw dRvY rhY ilv lwie ]
Awqmw prwqmw eyko krY ]
AMqr kI duibDw AMqir mrY ]1]
gur prswdI pwieAw jwie ]
hir isau icqu lwgY iPir kwlu n Kwie ]1] rhwau ]
sic ismirAY hovY prgwsu ]
qw qy ibiKAw mih rhY audwsu ]
siqgur kI AYsI vifAweI ]
puqR klqR ivcy giq pweI ]2]
AYsI syvku syvw krY ]
ijs kw jIau iqsu AwgY DrY ]
swihb BwvY so prvwxu ]
so syvku drgh pwvY mwxu ]3]
siqgur kI mUriq ihrdY vswey ]
jo ieCY soeI Plu pwey ]
swcw swihbu ikrpw krY ]
so syvku jm qy kYsw frY ]4]
Bniq nwnku kry vIcwru ]
swcI bwxI isau Dry ipAwru ]
qw ko pwvY moK duAwru ]
jpu qpu sBu iehu sbdu hY swru ]5]

English Translations:
Dhanaasaree, First Mehl:
If the Lord bestows His Glance of Grace, then one remembers Him in meditation.
The soul is softened, and he remains absorbed in the Lord's Love.
His soul and the Supreme Soul become one.
The duality of the inner mind is overcome. ||1||
By Guru's Grace, God is found.
One's consciousness is attached to the Lord, and so Death does not devour him. ||1||Pause||
Remembering the True Lord in meditation, one is enlightened.
Then, in the midst of Maya, he remains detached.
Such is the Glory of the True Guru;
in the midst of children and spouses, they attain emancipation. ||2||
Such is the service which the Lord's servant performs,
that he dedicates his soul to the Lord, to whom it belongs.
One who is pleasing to the Lord and Master is acceptable.
Such a servant obtains honor in the Court of the Lord. ||3||
He enshrines the image of the True Guru in his heart.
He obtains the rewards which he desires.
The True Lord and Master grants His Grace;
how can such a servant be afraid of death? ||4||
Prays Nanak, practice contemplation,
and enshrine love for the True Word of His Bani.
Then, you shall find the Gate of Salvation.
This Shabad is the most excellent of all chanting and austere meditations. ||5||2||4||


humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Saadh Sangat Ji,

Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Amar Das Ji De Bachan Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji De Panna # 32

gurmuiK ik®pw kry Bgiq kIjY ibnu gur Bgiq n hoeI ]
AwpY Awpu imlwey bUJY qw inrmlu hovY soeI ]
hir jIau swcw swcI bwxI sbid imlwvw hoeI ]1]
BweI ry BgiqhIxu kwhy jig AwieAw ]
pUry gur kI syv n kInI ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
Awpy jgjIvnu suKdwqw Awpy bKis imlwey ]
jIA jMq ey ikAw vycwry ikAw ko AwiK suxwey ]
gurmuiK Awpy dyie vfweI Awpy syv krwey ]2]
dyiK kutMbu moih loBwxw clidAw nwil n jweI ]
sqguru syiv gux inDwnu pwieAw iqs dI kIm n pweI ]
hir pRBu sKw mIqu pRBu myrw AMqy hoie sKweI ]3]
AwpxY min iciq khY khwey ibnu gur Awpu n jweI ]
hir jIau dwqw Bgiq vClu hY kir ikrpw mMin vsweI ]
nwnk soBw suriq dyie pRBu Awpy gurmuiK dy vifAweI ]4]

English Translations:

Siree Raag, Third Mehl:
By His Grace one becomes Gurmukh, worshipping the Lord with devotion. Without the Guru there is no devotional worship.
Those whom He unites with Himself, understand and become pure.
The Dear Lord is True, and True is the Word of His Bani. Through the Shabad, we merge with Him. ||1||
O Siblings of Destiny: those who lack devotion-why have they even bothered to come into the world?
They do not serve the Perfect Guru; they waste away their lives in vain. ||1||Pause||
The Lord Himself, the Life of the World, is the Giver of Peace. He Himself forgives, and unites with Himself.
So what about all these poor beings and creatures? What can anyone say?
He Himself blesses the Gurmukh with glory. He Himself enjoins us to His Service. ||2||
Gazing upon their families, people are lured and trapped by emotional attachment, but none will go along with them in the end.
Serving the True Guru, one finds the Lord, the Treasure of Excellence. His Value cannot be estimated.
The Lord God is my Friend and Companion. God shall be my Helper and Support in the end. ||3||
Within your conscious mind, you may say anything, but without the Guru, selfishness is not removed.
The Dear Lord is the Giver, the Lover of His devotees. By His Grace, He comes to dwell in the mind.
O Nanak, by His Grace, He bestows enlightened awareness; God Himself blesses the Gurmukh with glorious greatness. ||4||

Source: SikhiToTheMax

Gurmukhi Translations:

jy prmwqmw gurU dI rwhIN (jIv au~qy) ikrpw kry qW (jIv pwsoN) BgqI kIqI jw skdI hY, (gurU dI srn pYx) qoN ibnw prmwqmw dI BgqI nhIN ho skdI [ jyhVw mnu`K Awpxy Awp nUµ (gurU dy) Awpy ivc joV dyvy qy (ies Byq nUµ) smJ ley qW auh pivqR (jIvn vwlw) ho jWdw hY [ prmwqmw sdw-iQr rihx vwlw hY, (aus dI is&iq-swlwh vI iQr rihx vwlI hY, is&iq-swlwh dI bwxI dI rwhIN hI aus nwl imlwp ho skdw hY [1[
hy BweI! jyhVw mnu`K prmwqmw dI BgqI qoN s`Kxw irhw, aus nUµ jgq ivc Awaux dw koeI lwB nhIN hoieAw [ ijs mnu`K ny pUry gurU dI d`sI syvw nwh kIqI, aus ny mnu`Kw jnm ivArQ gvw ilAw [1[rhwau[
prmwqmw Awp hI jgq dy jIvW dI izMdgI dw shwrw hY, Awp hI (jIvW nUµ) suK dyx vwlw hY, Awp hI imhr kr ky (jIvW nUµ) Awpxy nwl joVdw hY [ (jy auh Awp imhr nwh kry qW aus dy crnW ivc juVn vwsqy) ivcwry jIv iblkul AsmrQ hn [ (pRBU dI imhr qoN ibnw) nwh koeI jIv (aus dI is&iq) AwK skdw hY nwh suxw skdw hY [ prmwqmw Awp hI gurU dI rwhIN (Awpxy nwm dI) vifAweI dyNdw hY, Awp hI AwpxI syvw-BgqI krWdw hY [2[
jIv Awpxy prvwr nUµ vyK ky ies dy moh ivc Ps jWdw hY [ (pr prvwr dw koeI swQI) jgq qoN qurn vyly jIv dy nwl nhIN jWdw [ ijs mnu`K ny gurU dI d`sI syvw kr ky guxW dy ^zwny prmwqmw nUµ l`B ilAw, aus dI (Awqmk au~cqw dI) kImq nhIN pY skdI [ prmwqmw aus mnu`K dw dosq bx jWdw hY im`qr bx jWdw hY, AMq vyly BI ausdw shweI bxdw hY [3[
Awpxy mn ivc Awpxy ic`q ivc byS`k jIv ipAw AwKy, dUijAW pwsoN BI AKvwey (ik myry AMdr haumY AhMkwr nhIN hY) pr ieh haumY AhMkwr gurU dI srn pYx qoN ibnw dUr nhIN ho skdw [ jyhVw pRBU sB jIvW nUµ dwqW dyx vwlw hY qy BgqI nwl ipAwr krdw hY auh ikrpw krky Awp hI (AwpxI BgqI jIv dy) ihrdy ivc vsWdw hY [ hy nwnk! pRBU Awp hI (AwpxI BgqI dI) suriq b^Sdw hY qy soBw b^Sdw hY, Awp hI gurU dI srn pw ky (Awpxy dr qy) ie`zq dyNdw hY [4[
Source: GuruGranthDarpan(Bhai Sahib Bhai Sahib Singh Ji)

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness
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