i think SPN is just like an interactive encyclopedia, where every topic has its own place of importance and is certainly open to debate even after a lapse of considerable time... this ofcourse goes with what Sikhi is all about! ever evolving! So there is simply no concept of a dead horse as far topics on SPN are concerned! You never know when you could find a nugget hidden in these old debates!peacesign
Aman Singh ji well put.
Brillance of a diamond does not change with age. Everyone will look at it with a new glance.
Baba Farid ji's Bani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji's will be about 1000 years old in this Century! It still feels fresh as a dew drop under your feet in the morning or the first raindrop on your head or the first crowing of the {censored}rel every morning:interestedmunda

I am referring to my fond memories from Khalsa College Amritsar).
Still a joy, challenging, refreshing, resetting of the psyche, etc., etc.
Sat Sri Akal.
PS: Somebody is deleting some of my posts :angryyoungkaur::angryadminkaur: in response to bad posts by otherswinkingmunda