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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Deported For Being Too Handsome? Saudi Arabia Reportedly Boots 3 Emirati Men Over Good Looks

The Huffington Post | By Ryan Grenoble
Posted: 04/17/2013 12:20 pm EDT | Updated: 04/17/2013 1:10 pm EDT

Getting deported typically isn't something you'd brag about. Then again, most people aren't deported for being "too handsome."

According to Emirates 24/7, Saudi Arabia recently deported three United Arab Emirates men over concerns their dashing good looks may prove irresistible to Saudi women.

The Emirati men had been attending the Jenadriyah Heritage and Cultural Festival in Riyadh, the Saudi capital, reports the Telegraph, when an officer spotted the dapper delegates and gave them the boot.

A statement in Arabic-language newspaper Elaph, translated by The Telegraph, added, "A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the Commission [for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices] members feared female visitors could fall for them."

"Urgent measures" were reportedly taken to escort the men to Abu Dhabi, according to the International Business Times.



Aug 8, 2011
This is a prime example of a male dominated society. Women cant drive, cant work with male colleagues, and now, cant even look.

On a serious note are the they really pious if they are kept under such strict rules? The real test of character would be when we are given full freedom to anything we want and then come out clean. There is no piety in being confined for the fear of transgreassing. Especially when the confinement is a forced one.
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