1. Brahmchareeah/abstinence/celibacy....etc is NOT Gurmatt. Its NOT recommended/praised/required for spirituality per se.
2. In fact Gurmatt and GURBANI strongest terms recommends GRISHTEE JEEWAN..Married LIFE in FAMILY environemnt for maximum Spiritual Growth.
3. EXCESSIVE....OVER INDULGENCE..is what is meant by BHOGGEE....and that can mean Excessive EATING...leading to OBESITY..and a Host of related health problems ( 90 % of world's RICH population is evidence of this )
a miniscule amount of Herion/Morphine is medicine ( prescribed in surgery/pain etc) BUT a BHOGGEE will become an ADDICT..and suffer the dire consequences..
A reasonable amount of MAYA...cash is necessary..BUT a BHOGGEE who makes MAYA his sole and only concern..lies..cheats..robs..murders..for it ...to AMASS IT..becomes a BHOGGEE and suffers the ROG...the anxiety attacks...the terrors and nightmares...and whatever else..
A reasonable amount of SEX is required for a Happy Healthy Family life/procreation..children..future generations...but a BHOGGEE will cause break up of his family..even contract diseases like aids/etc and may end up in life sentence prison for rape etc..
A small amount of Sugar sweetens the coffee...BHOGGEE will consume vast amounts and end up Diabetic...and may lose his legs..
A small controlled fire is vital for cooking.....an ARSONIST (BHOGGEE) will burn down buildings and cause loss of life and properties
The LIST is endless..
GURMATT is in favour of CONTROL....
BHOGGEE is in favour of running riot....
The CHOICE IS YOURS....Burn the Candle at BOTH ENDS..and in the MIDDLE....OR..Control....