As the subject now at debate is whether we indeed have free will regarding matters like cutting our hair, I will proceed on that basis as this is a relevant point,
Allow me to say a little on you making choices, some of which were calculated and some perhaps, random. And, as a result, you holding yourself responsible for all that has transpired to date.
I absolutely do.
Given that we're all made of "atoms" and accept the general theory of relativity, then:
- if atoms behave deterministically [clockwork], then we too must be fully determined, and
- we must share the same fate as the rest of the universe.
When we look inside our brains, we find similar sort of mix, interconnected neurons, whose behaviour is governed by their underlying molecular structure, which in turn obeys the strict laws of quantum mechanics. If this be the case then how can we make free choices and be held responsible?
I am not one of those people that defer to fate or even quantum mechanics, I do, however, know what beats in my heart, and the reason I am in a marriage that is coming to its end, living with three dogs I hardly see, and spending most of my time in a hamster cage, is absolutely down to my choices and the way I have played the game. Could it have been different? absolutely!
This is where Baba Nanak comes into the equation as a guide to help us understand the mechanistically arrangement of the universe [gur ka shabd ko virla bhuja SGGSJ p120, meaning, one light few know]. And, it is to this intent and purpose Sikhism points clearly. Says Nanak, everything has an ultimate end or purpose towards which it will inevitably develop. Humans and their society have in deed an ultimate state of perfection to which they must naturally approximate and towards which they must necessarily strive and that "hakum" is an essential command for precipitating this end.
we are speaking of the same thing, but using a different language, my language is one of perception, logic, of being pragmatic, yours is of spirituality, of order, faith. Mine is of a conscious alignment with Ek Ong Kar, a decision, to live life in a certain way, to you, that alignment appears either automatic or pre destined.
The importance of spiritual heights of human nature is as powerful as its instinctual depths.
I disagree, one depends on faith, the other does not.
The focuses is on the specific human phenomena, that is, humankind's desire to find and fulfil a meaning in their life
I make people laugh, that is my meaning of life, its not hard to achieve, but from an early age, the sound of laughter obsessed me, my meaning of life is to make everyone else's journey a bit more happy, and that is what I do, I don't think beyond that these days.
Like you, sizeable population's "will" to meaning of life is frustrated on a worldwide scale
not at all, there is no shortage of people that need to laugh!
Ever more people are haunted by a feeling of meaninglessness which is often accompanied by a feeling of emptiness
Once you get your head round the fact that no amount of sex, cars, money is going to make that feeling go away, it subsides over time, till all you have left is today.
Classic example of which was you last night, walking out and then having a sense of guilt as a result
The sense of guilt I feel is down to my realisation that I was never meant to be a family man, never meant to be one of those fellows who is always there for his family, what family I had is on the verge of final destruction, because the whole world is now my family, I will gladly help anyone, but my destiny is solitude and the journey to the self.
t is a prerogative and privilege for you to quest for a meaning to your life and to question whether such a meaning exists after all, for no other creature known to humankind asks such a question. Meaning to life may be formed from suffering, guilt or whatever and that is the very reason why life remains potentially meaningful in spite of all the doom n gloom.
The quest was over some time ago, rightly or wrongly, I came to the conclusion that the meaning of life was quite simple, to find out who you are, and to be that person, as far as Sikhism goes, it rubber stamps the end product with the facets of personality of Creator as described in Mool Mantar, so there you go, the meaning of life is to find out who you are, and then be that person aligned as best you can with the personalities of Creator. To achieve this does not need a family, friends, love, happiness, sex, money, cars, power, ego, pride, whatever. In fact solitude is more your friend than your enemy!
Besides; you're not alone, for among the affluent, fifth of humanity who have the good fortune to the fruits of global economy another form of poverty is on the rise, the poverty of the spirit.
I am broke because I choose to be, I could put my prices up, charge more than a chocolate bar for light repairs, pay my engineer less, stop giving sweets to the local kids, no, I am broke because I enjoy not being a slave to money.
Speak soon - and forgive for errors, omissions or distasteful content. Spoke to you from my heart as a younger brother.
Thank you !
yes, I see that, you write warmly, it is always a pleasure to read your writings
so that we can keep this thread on subject, I will start a new thread where we may continue this,