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Sikh Rehat Maryada And The Divisions


Dec 3, 2011
Well I have just come across and learned that the SGPC maryada caused an apparent division in the panth when the revisions were made.

I was informed by a fellow sikh that during the implementation of the current SGPC maryada, Bhai Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale and Bhai Randhir Singh ji had walked out of the conference in rage!
The alleged reason for this was that they had both learnt that meat was going to be an option and they strongly disagreed with this issue.

Hence, then we have the Damdami Taksaal and AKJ, both with their own vegeterian rehats.

It's no wonder there are so many divisions in the panth.
I am not sure about the extent of truth in this matter, but it all seems very

The problem I and many others have knowing this is -
- Who do we follow ??
- Who is more closer to gurbani in other aspects not just the said meat issue ??

I hope we can get a little more clarity with some sensible discussion here.
Without being offensive, ones that are in the 'know' should give us the Good, bad and negative points of these other sampardas and jathas.

We should be clear cut and to the point whilst maintaining some respectful sensitivity to some members that may belong to these or other jathas.

I don't belong to any and am perfectly neutral and that is the stance I would view any positive or negative slandering etc...as long as it is OK with admin.

And lets not turn this into 'another meat debate'- that is not the primary concern. The real concern is who do you go to for amrit sanchar?

Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ke phathey
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Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
This is not the only point where AKJ and DT are in differance over the SRM. Dasam Granth, Raagmala, Baanis in Rehraas Sahib are other issues too , to which they donot agree. Nanaksar people hev their own version of SRM while Nihhangs observe some other.

We need a real postive discussion and clarifications from these groups too.

Regarding, Amrit Sanchaar, you can go to any one of them. Yours target is to get enrolled to the class of SIkhism only. So not to worry.
Jul 18, 2007
I think it all comes down to one thing, Ekta in the Panth. This was the primary mission of having one Rehat Maryada that was contemplated over 17-18 years or so.

So, two parties differed and walked out, did the rest stay? Seems so, as the list of all jatha's who agreed to it are listed in the document itself and it is substantial.

The biggest problem is about ego, those who practice things beyond the SRM such as saying all Sikhs must be vegetarian, eat out of sarbloh only, get "naam" from 5 pyaray's etc etc argue that these are the basic necessities to be a Sikh and those who don't do them are wrong.

For example lets say two people have the same task to do, they may both have different methods of completing that task. The key is they will both come to the same result. SRM is giving Sikh's the basics, the rest is flexible, if you personally want to do above and beyond that do so, but don't enforce that on other Sikhs.

So, the problem with taking amrit is with the panj pyaray as their basic rules will differ depending on who you go to! This is where the Sikh should learn and research and understand more about their faith and what Panth means before rushing into Amrit.

Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
I think it all comes down to one thing, Ekta in the Panth. This was the primary mission of having one Rehat Maryada that was contemplated over 17-18 years or so.

So, two parties differed and walked out, did the rest stay? Seems so, as the list of all jatha's who agreed to it are listed in the document itself and it is substantial.

The biggest problem is about ego, those who practice things beyond the SRM such as saying all Sikhs must be vegetarian, eat out of sarbloh only, get "naam" from 5 pyaray's etc etc argue that these are the basic necessities to be a Sikh and those who don't do them are wrong.

For example lets say two people have the same task to do, they may both have different methods of completing that task. The key is they will both come to the same result. SRM is giving Sikh's the basics, the rest is flexible, if you personally want to do above and beyond that do so, but don't enforce that on other Sikhs.

So, the problem with taking amrit is with the panj pyaray as their basic rules will differ depending on who you go to! This is where the Sikh should learn and research and understand more about their faith and what Panth means before rushing into Amrit.

Hard fact , Sir. The ego of what they only do is the best and only way made them walk out of SRM meetings in early fourties. SRM was the basic and the minimum possible module of Sikhism. You wish to increase the numbers of rehats, bannis or any other things were upto one's own. But to be in the Sikhi way you have to observe minimum of what was stated in the SRM.


Dec 3, 2011
The problem is that we have so many sikhs who only follow what the panj pyarey say at the time of amrit.
I mean of course we are to regard them highly because it was the panj who gave amrit to the Guru.
But these are just the panj pyarey on the weekend or whatever and during the week they go back and become ordinary dudes like everyone else.
Should we really just stick to exactly what we are told by them ?

Personally, I know of someone who is actually illiterate and when she told the panj pyarey that she won't be able to do nitnem due to inability to read, they told her to do ''waheguru' mantar naam jap and to listen as much as possible !!!
Now, what she does is- gets nitnem done with simple naam jap every morning.
She hasn't made any attempt to learn it by repeated listening etc because everyone is asleep so she can't put a tape or video on.!!
She will just happily carry on doing this because the panj pyarey said so !!
She has plenty of time in the day to learn, but she would rather watch the terrible indian channels and the dramas.
I feel to young and immature to even suggest that she should be a little pro-active.

We must have this situation in numerous households all over the planet.

Then there is also some that feel that sukhmani sahib is the healer of all problems you face. I am not saying it isn't, but gurbani is Guru's Bani.. Full Stop.
But some of these folks, who think that ONLY SUKHMANI is like a jantar of some sort request if they can do this every morning instead of nitnem banis !!
I'm not sure exactly what they get told, but they don't get discouraged that's for sure.
They only ever do sukhmani along with japji !!!

These are some of the problems encountered when people disregard the rehat and pay attention to what the panj say, or they influence the panj to agree with them at the time !!

Sometimes, the more I learn from different sikhs, the more I get confused and annoyed at irrational behaviour.