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Sikhi and Sants


Aug 13, 2019


Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

One must think many a times, before we find text contradictory to create confusion on Truth by way of media. Shallow is knowledge and awareness of seeker, who find contradiction in Universal Truth.
Saying there is false insertion in Sukhmani is totally a wrong broadcast.

Brahmgyan Study of origin
Brahmgyani Aware of Origins
Saint Aware of everlasting truth
Sadh Have practice of truth and control.of emotions and Mind.

With connection of Origin One is having connect to infinite information. One may access due to connect it increases as it is infinite.

Waheguru Ji Ka.Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Nov 7, 2020
Sat Sri Akaal,

One must think many a times, before we find text contradictory to create confusion on Truth by way of media. Shallow is knowledge and awareness of seeker, who find contradiction in Universal Truth.
Saying there is false insertion in Sukhmani is totally a wrong broadcast.

Brahmgyan Study of origin
Brahmgyani Aware of Origins
Saint Aware of everlasting truth
Sadh Have practice of truth and control.of emotions and Mind.

With connection of Origin One is having connect to infinite information. One may access due to connect it increases as it is infinite.

Waheguru Ji Ka.Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

We never claimed there is a wrong inertion in Sukhmani Sahib. That is your own insinuation.
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Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

One must have clarity on Internal and Exterrnal.

Gyan is internal, as Nirankar. Shabad is Akaar and form of that awareness.

ਮਨਿ ਸਾਚਾ ਮੁਖਿ ਸਾਚਾ ਸੋਇ ॥
ਅਵਰੁ ਨ ਪੇਖੈ ਏਕਸੁ ਬਿਨੁ ਕੋਇ ॥
ਨਾਨਕ ਇਹ ਲਛਣ ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਹੋਇ ॥1॥

Attributes to realise connect to Infinite Awareness.

Connect to TRUTH, and speak TRUTH.
Realise ONE connect.

So who is having internet connection can Google, but is not Google.

Brahmgyani is Connect.

While saying it's not human, checks of internal state of a human person, are indicated and well defined.

To say its not Human is false, all have internal Brahgmyan, but few can be aware of connect.

Secondly people who declare themselves as Brahmgyani. Nanak was having connect to Brahmgyan but never declared himself as Bramgyani. As One cannot. Those who label as Brahgyani are false.

ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਕੈ ਨਾਹੀ ਧੰਧਾ ॥
ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਲੇ ਧਾਵਤੁ ਬੰਧਾ ॥

Its Human state by way of State of Mind and Action. And not by name. Those who label themselves as brahgyani, a litmus test of attributes is given, to realise state.

It's a Human but not by definition to make it ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਕੈ ਨਾਹੀ ਧੰਧਾ ॥ commercial. That is attribute. So who have claims to be Brahgyani are false by way of attributes.

Those attributes are not be in One human, and can be challenged before they label, but rare of rare pass the litmus but still not have declaration to commercialise and make it ਧੰਧਾ. ie Business or Commercialise.

Check is Attribute not designation.

For Human it is state of Connect to ONE not designation.

Even the condemn shall reflect TRUTH for practice to all and way to understand False.

But this is within Human.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
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Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

One must have clarity on Internal and Exterrnal.

Gyan is internal, as Nirankar. Shabad is Akaar and form of that awareness.

ਮਨਿ ਸਾਚਾ ਮੁਖਿ ਸਾਚਾ ਸੋਇ ॥
ਅਵਰੁ ਨ ਪੇਖੈ ਏਕਸੁ ਬਿਨੁ ਕੋਇ ॥
ਨਾਨਕ ਇਹ ਲਛਣ ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਹੋਇ ॥1॥

Attributes to realise connect to Infinite Awareness.

Connect to TRUTH, and speak TRUTH.
Realise ONE connect.

So who is having internet connection can Google, but is not Google.

Brahmgyani is Connect.

While saying it's not human, checks of internal state of a human person, are indicated and well defined.

To say its not Human is false, all have internal Brahgmyan, but few can be aware of connect.

Secondly people who declare themselves as Brahmgyani. Nanak was having connect to Brahmgyan but never declared himself as Bramgyani. As One cannot. Those who label as Brahgyani are false.

ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਕੈ ਨਾਹੀ ਧੰਧਾ ॥
ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਲੇ ਧਾਵਤੁ ਬੰਧਾ ॥

Its Human state by way of State of Mind and Action. And not by name. Those who label themselves as brahgyani, a litmus test of attributes is given, to realise state.

It's a Human but not by definition to make it ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਕੈ ਨਾਹੀ ਧੰਧਾ ॥ commercial. That is attribute. So who have claims to be Brahgyani are false by way of attributes.

Those attributes are not be in One human, and can be challenged before they label, but rare of rare pass the litmus but still not have declaration to commercialise and make it ਧੰਧਾ. ie Business or Commercialise.

Check is Attribute not designation.

For Human it is state of Connect to ONE not designation.

Even the condemn shall reflect TRUTH for practice to all and way to understand False.

But this is within Human.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
Sat Sri Akaal,

ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਕੀ ਗਤਿ ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਜਾਨੈ ॥
ਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਗਿਆਨੀ ਕਾ ਅੰਤੁ ਨ ਪਾਰੁ ॥

The state of Brahgyani can be assessed by Brahmgyani.
For eg
The panel to interview for any post have subject expert/s in the panel to assess work and knowledge.

Bramgyani is connect to infinite awareness.