Re: Sikhi - End GameOneD10s ji some comments and the tester for identifying possible qualities of those destroying Sikhism. Unfortunately some who post here do too fit the profiles. Makes lot of sense to me (extracted from brother did you try the spotter quiz to see which posters at spn follow the set up like a glove on hand. I mean the following flags of caution,if the forum or person insists that the Dasam Granth is a genuine composition of Guru Gobind Singh he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.if the forum or person explains the Guru Granth Sahib by reference to Hindu Mythology or the Hindu Religion he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.If the forum or person does not accept the principle of Raj Karega Khalsa, he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.If the forum or person does not accept the principle that The Guru Granth Sahib is the revealed word of God, he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.If the forum or person does not accept the principle that the Guru Granth Sahib is subject to only one unitary interpretation he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.If a person talks a lot about Sikhi but cannot recite the Japji Sahib from heart, he is suspect. This is an excellent test. Ask him to recite the Japji Sahib, standing up.If the person does not know or ever discuss Sikh History or steers you away from Sikh History, he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.If the person or forum steers a discussion away from real politics to mysticism and religious obscurantism he or the forum is a 100% ENEMY Agent or an agent of the IB.Any so called Gurdwara which refuses to fly the Nishan Sahib, the flag of the Sikh Nation is a ENEMY or IB frontAny Gurdwara which has idols or pictures in the Darbar Sahib and in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib is an ENEMY or Intelligence controlled “fake gurdwara”. No idol or statue can be located on Gurdwara premises or in it’s vicinityBeware of people with a conflict of interest. For example, people with property in India. Their personal selfish interests will conflict with the interests of the Quom. They are easy to blackmail. This is one technique that K.P.S. Gill loved to use. He simply murdered the family members of suspected terrorists or used this threat to coerce people to do his bidding.Pretty thought provoking and so simple to understand if one so wishes.Sat Sri Akal.
Re: Sikhi - End Game
OneD10s ji some comments and the tester for identifying possible qualities of those destroying Sikhism. Unfortunately some who post here do too fit the profiles. Makes lot of sense to me (extracted from
OneD10s brother did you try the spotter quiz to see which posters at spn follow the set up like a glove on hand. I mean the following flags of caution,
Pretty thought provoking and so simple to understand if one so wishes.
Sat Sri Akal.