namjap ji
Thank You for the link! I'd never heard of the IRBT before - but what they do has done a LOT for many, many people in my 'non-Dharma-practitioning' Society; as they've opened a LOT of eyes to the possibilities that the 'Standard Christianity' might not containg a trully complete set of teachings about the True Nature of "Life, the Universe, and Everything". (The "Answer to it all" is 43 - according to God, in Douglas Adams 'Hitchikers Guild to the Galaxy' - only, once they found it, they realized, in a very 'Zen Moment' that they'd forgotten the question!).
Yes...Memory Regression, in Movies like 'On a Clear Day You Can See Forever', have done as much to help Americans move towards true Enlightenment as all of the Faddish, Corrupt Yogis who've come to our shores ever did (No direspect to those who have NOT tried to kill off a small town in the State of Oregon!).
There's a renewed interest in using certain ancient, traditional tools of the Shaman - not to mention Zarathustra! - to help so-called 'mentally-ill' people, or people facing imminent Death from Disease, to deal with the anxiety and trauma of the experience, as exemplified by the half dozen articles in no less than Scientific American Magazine; which is important to me - as I've been 'labled' Mentally Ill (though I'm actually Physically Disabled!), by Christians who're hell bent on violating my Civil Rights - because it 'got out' that I, too, have found 'relief' in these things.
I don't like to think of it as having attained 'relief from Mental Illness', though; which is why I'm glad that the Inventor of a certain 'Problem Child' - who recently died, at the age of 102! - did himself point out the Spiritual aspects of the whole thing.
I'm not currently a paid subscriber to Scientific American - so I can't link you to the latest in their series of very libertine items on the Good Swiss Doctors 'Mind Expanding' research; but it's in the latest issue, if you want to read it (if you remind me in a few weeks, I'll post it then, as they make past issue item available on their site about two weeks after they're taken off the stands).
And, NO, I'm not a Crazy Japanese guy who wants to indiscriminately 'dose' people because he thinks he's 'OM'; nor do I share the motivations of the 'Chicago Seven' (have to say that, been taking a LOT of 'Legal Heat'!!!); I just want everyone who is 'ready' for it, to have access to the Somas (Greater and Lessor), through the legitimization of their use, so that they, too, don't end up taking a bunch of Legal Heat from SCARED Christian People!!!