Re: "Submissive" Does not Mean Subservient.
There are surely many many passages from the bible one could embrace with such vigour, the question is why embrace such a view that is clearly at odds with 21st century living.
Taken in this context it is the will of the Lord that all christian wives should obey their husbands, not just in matters that are marriage related, but also in personal aspirations and goals.
Although husbands are also called upon to love their wives, most husbands would do that by default anyway, men are not being asked to do anymore than love, but wives have to obey?
I consider my wife as my absolute equal, I would not have it any other way!, and sikhi encourages this, the above passage sounds more like a father daughter relationship.
None of us are perfect, I know many marriages where the wife has to be strong, as the husband is not, what happens then in a christian marriage, gender reassignment?