Re: ਸੁਖਮਨੀ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਅਸਟਪਦੀ ੧ ਸਬਦ ੧ / Sukhmani Sahib Astpadi 1 Sabad ੧
Sat Sri Akaal,
Divine Knowledge shall be available free of cost to each and everyone,
When divine blessings comes as divine learning, they are forever rich,
money has not that relevance.
One is in peace and content
Sukh (Peace) of Mani (Inside Mind)
What one sounds as speech, is desire and discontent
"Speech" is expression formed with breath "flow of air"
When one lacks expression, of desire and discontentment,
air causes pressure on mind,
and mind feels heavy, and feels "Dukh"
Silence has 2 forms,
1. outer silence, but inner turbulence"
due lack of expression, or no physical solution for expression.
2. inner silence, peace of mind,
due to desire less and content.
Silence to desirous and discontent person comes when he express desire and discontent, or he gets resolution for desire and discontent.
Who's mind has no silence,
there is air in his vessel (body), nothing can flow inside
As there is air lock,
Air lock doesn't allow solid and liquid to flow, but air can diffuse in air, giving calm.
Understanding of this natural phenomenon,
seeker of "GURU's BANI" recites "Naam Jap"
to expel desire and discontent, brought by others, as his self is desire less and contented.
before connecting to "GURU's BANI"
"Sukh" to someone means
for manmukh "Expression" of desire and discontent
for Gurmukh power to "Naam Jap" and "Naam Simran"
"Sukhmani" has different mean for different persons.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh