Giani Ji thanks for your post on reincarnation and totally agree with you but would like to share a review on the subject; REINCARNATION-A REVIEWABSTRACTThe Doctrine of reincarnation teaches that the eternal Conscience of man lives many successive lives on earth occupying every time a human form and continually progressing toward perfection. It must be carefully distinguished from a certain teaching which often goes by the name of Metem-psychosis or Transmigration which holds that humans can incarnate in to animal or vegetable depending on the Karma. The truth of the matter is that there is no transparency in this Doctrine, which can force an individual to progress spiritually under its fear. Ravidas ponders metaphorically in Raag Dhanasari in his loneliness and love towards God; The rest of this article can be found at this link
Giani Ji thanks for your post on reincarnation and totally agree with you but would like to share a review on the subject;
The Doctrine of reincarnation teaches that the eternal Conscience of man lives many successive lives on earth occupying every time a human form and continually progressing toward perfection. It must be carefully distinguished from a certain teaching which often goes by the name of Metem-psychosis or Transmigration which holds that humans can incarnate in to animal or vegetable depending on the Karma. The truth of the matter is that there is no transparency in this Doctrine, which can force an individual to progress spiritually under its fear. Ravidas ponders metaphorically in Raag Dhanasari in his loneliness and love towards God;
The rest of this article can be found at this link