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Bhagats The Bhagats And Their Shabads In Sri Guru Granth Sahib

Aug 17, 2009
Bhagat Nam Dev

Province: Maharastra
Total number of hymns in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib: 60
Bhagat Nam Dev was a celebrated saint whose name was a household word for the people of Maharastra. They chanted his hymns amidst their families.
He was born in the village of Narsi Bamni in the Satara District of Maharastra. His father was Dam Setti and mother Gonna Bai. He was inspired to bhagati by his father and later became a disciple of Vishoba Kheehar. They say that once when his maternal grandfather was to go out somewhere, he instructed Nam Dev to offer milk to God. Following the instructions, he created such an atmosphere that God drank the milk.
Another time, Nam Dev was absorbed in meditation, the proud Brahmans jealous of his spiritual attainments, threw him out of the temple saying that being a Sudra he had no business to be in a holy place. Nam Dev bore the humiliation calmly and sat outside the back wall of the temple and plunged into deep meditation. Moved by his love and devotion, God performed a miracle and the temple gate moved to where Nam Dev was sitting. See this the Brahmans recognised his greatness and besought him for forgiveness. Nam Dev himself described this event.
Extracted from Gurbani De Racheta by Abnashi and Guruvinder Singh
Shabad by Bhagat Nam Dev in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib where the temple rotated towards his direction as he was not allowed to sit in there.
Laughing and playing, I came to Your Temple, O Lord.
While Naam Dayv was worshipping, he was grabbed and driven out. || 1 ||
I am of a low social class, O Lord;
why was I born into a family of fabric dyers? || 1 || Pause ||
I picked up my blanket and went back, to sit behind the temple. || 2 ||
As Naam Dayv uttered the Glorious Praises of the Lord,
the temple turned around to face the Lord’s humble devotee. || 3 || 6 |
Shabad by Bhagat Nam Dev in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib on how he had the darshan of the Lord.
Nam Dev milked the brown cow,
and brought a cup of milk and a jug of water to his family god. || 1 ||
Please drink this milk, O my Sovereign Lord God. Drink this milk and my mind will be happy.
Otherwise, my father will be angry with me. || 1 || Pause ||
Taking the golden cup, Nam Dev filled it with the ambrosial milk,
and placed it before the Lord. || 2 ||
The Lord looked upon Nam Dev and smiled.
This one devotee abides within my heart. || 3 ||
The Lord drank the milk, and the devotee returned home.
Thus did Nam Dev come to receive the Blessed Vision of the Lord’s Darshan. || 4 || 3 ||

Bhagat Parmanand

Born: 1332 AD
Province: Maharastra
Total hymns in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib: 1

There is a scarcity of authentic material about the life of saint Parmanand. Macauliffe holds that he was a resident of Barsi in the Sholapur District of Maharastra. Some scholars identify him with the Parmananda Das whose name appears among the Hindi poets of Asht chhap.
Parmanand was a Kankabuj Brahmin and a resident of Kanauj. He studied at the feet of Swami Vallabhacharya and graduated to be a great Vaishnava Bhagat and poet of Brij Bhasha. His verses are collected in the Granth Parmananda Sagar. Parmanad was a devotee of Krishan who perhaps became a Birankari bhagat. Many Sargunvadi sadhus by virtue of their long penance and spiritual enlightenment merged with the formless being.
One of his shabads have been enshrined in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib under Sarang Raga.
Extracted from Gurbani De Racheta by Abnashi and Gurvinder Singh

Shabad from Parmanand in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib
So what have you accomplished by listening to the Puraanas?
Faithful devotion has not welled up within you,
and you have not been inspired to give to the hungry. || 1 || Pause ||
You have not forgotten sexual desire,
and you have not forgotten anger; greed has not left you either.
Your mouth has not stopped slandering and gossiping about others.
Your service is useless and fruitless. || 1 ||
By breaking into the houses of others and robbing them,
you fill your belly, you sinner.
But when you go to the world beyond, your guilt will be well known,
by the acts of ignorance which you committed. || 2 ||
Cruelty has not left your mind;
you have not cherished kindness for other living beings.
Parmaanand has joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Why have you not followed the sacred teachings? || 3 || 1 || 6 ||
O mind, do not even associate with those who have turned their backs on the Lord.

Swami Ramanand

Occupation: (Pandit) Brahmin
Province: Utter Pradesh
Total hymns in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib: 1

Swami Ramanand is rightly regarded as an eminent of the bhagati movement in northern India and as a distinguished leader of the Bhairagi Movement. He was a follower of Swami Ragavacharya of the Ramanuj Movement (1017-1137). In the later part of his life the Archarya commanded more respect than even his own Guru and came to be known as an exponent of Rama Bhagati.
Born in 1366, Ramanand was the son of Bhoor Karma and Sushila. He was mystically inclined from his early childhood. Acharya Ragavnand, showed him the path of Yog sadhna. Ramanand also visited places of pilgrimage such as Kanshi, where as mark of respect, people built a memorial that stands there to this day. After his pilgrimage, Ramanand realised that God can be worshipped by everyone whereas his Guru Archarya Ragavnand, who comes from the Sadhu Varna Ashrama believe that not everyone is entitled to perform Puja Bhagati.
Hence he started preaching his gospel in Kanshi and imbued many devotees with the spirit of Bhagati. Kabir was the most renowned amongst his disciples. Ravi das, Sain, Dhanna and Pipa are believed to be his followers even though all of them were not his contemporaries.
Ramanand was a learned Pandit. Many of his books such as Sri Vaishnava, Matanbuj Bhaskar, Sri Ramarachan Padhti are still available. One of his hymns has been inserted in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib under Rag Basant.
Extracted and adapted from gurbani De Racheta by Abnashi & Gurvinder Singh

Shabad from Ramanand in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib
Where should I go?
My home is filled with bliss.
My consciousness does not go out wandering.
My mind has become crippled. || 1 || Pause ||
One day, a desire welled up in my mind.
I ground up sandalwood, along with several fragrant oils.
I went to God’s place, and worshipped Him there.
That God showed me the Guru, within my own mind. || 1 ||
Wherever I go, I find water and stones.
You are totally pervading and permeating in all.
I have searched through all the Vedas and the Puraanas.
I would go there, only if the Lord were not here. || 2 ||
I am a sacrifice to You, O my True Guru.
You have cut through all my confusion and doubt.
Raamaanand’s Lord and Master is the All-pervading Lord God.
The Word of the Guru’s Shabad eradicates the karma of millions of past actions. || 3 || 1 ||
(SGGS, 1195)

Bhagat Ravidas

Province: Uttar Pradesh
Total hymns in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib: 41

Like Kabir, Ravidas was also a resident of Kanshi and came from a cobbler's family. According to general belief, he was a follower of Swami Ramanand but there is no historical proof about it. Inspite of his low caste, Ravidas rose to a positionof great honour through a life of simplicity and piety. He never felt ashamed of his pedigree and faced fearlessly the pandits, who were proud of their high caste. He told them the spiritual greatness is achieved through a loving devotion to the Lord. He boldly proclaims,
O people of the city, everyone knows
I am a cobbler by trade and tanner by caste
One of the low caste, and yet within my heart
I meditate upon God.
I am haunted day and night by the thought
Of my low birth, society and deeds
O God! the Lord of the Universe!
O life of my life - forget me not
I am ever Thy slave.
He was such a faithful bhagat that once he gave a ****hing (Damri) to some sadhus, who were going to Hardwar, requesting them to offer it to Ganga Mai on his behalf. They say that when the sadhu presented the damri sent by Ravidas, Ganga stretched out her hands to receive it.
He was greatly respected during his life time to the extent that even veteran pandits of Kanshi bowed before him. Tradition has it that Queen Jhalan of Mewar became a follower of Ravidas. But despite close contacts with an affluent section of the society, he chose to live austerely.
They say that someone once offered him a paras (the philosopher's stone that turns cheaper metal into Gold) and assured him he could get anyamount of wealth by making use of it. Ravidas asked him to place it in a corner. When he came to Ravidas again after some months, he found the saint still lurking in poverty. He asked the bhagat why he had not utilized the paras. Ravidas remarked that for him, "God's Name alone was the paras, that was the "kamdhen" and "chintamani".
Extracted from Gurbani De Racheta by Abnashi Singh & Gurvinder Singh

Occupation: Barber
Province: Punjab
Total hymns in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib: 1
There are two varying accounts of bhagat Sain's life. Some people hold that he was an employee of the ruler of Bidar and a faithful devotee of Saint Gyaneshwar. But according to the popular tradition he was a barber who served as a personal attendant under Raja Ram, the ruler of Bandhawgadh.
Bhai Gurdas, who regards him as a follower of Gosai Ramanand says that under Kabir's influence, Sain the barber became a bhagat. His nights were consecrated to a loving adoration of the Lord while the days were devoted to the humdrum duties at the King's darbar. Bhagat Sain as been classfied with the other greater bhagats in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib,
With thy grace, O Lord I were redeemed
Namdeva, Kabir and Trilochan
As were Sadhna and Sain.
Guru Arjan writes,
Jaidev has abandoned ego,
And, Sain, the barber, has been redeemed by serving the Lord.
Deeply interested in bhagati, Sain was always found in the company of the holy. Once a member of sadhus gathered together and went on reciting kirtan throughout the night, thus preventing Sain from attending to his work. Next morning when he went to the Raja and apologise for his absence from duty. The Raja remarked that he had done his job well.
Sain was overwhelmed with gratitude that God came to his rescue. The Raja realised that he had reached to such a elevated stage that God had sent someone else in place. Thus the Raja and his entire family became the devotees of Sain.
Extracted from Gurbani De Racheta by Abnash & Gurvinder Singh

Bhagat Sain

Shabad by Bhagat Sain in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib
Sri Sain:
With incense, lamps and ghee,
I offer this lamp-lit worship service.
I am a sacrifice to the Lord. || 1 ||
Hail to You, Lord, hail to You!
Again and again, hail to You, Lord King, Ruler of all! || 1 || Pause ||
Sublime is the lamp, and pure is the wick.
You are immaculate and pure, O Brilliant Lord of Wealth! || 2 ||
Raamaanand knows the devotional worship of the Lord.
He says that the Lord is all-pervading, the embodiment of supreme joy. || 3 ||
The Lord of the world, of wondrous form,
has carried me across the terrifying world-ocean.
Says Sain, remember the Lord,
the embodiment of supreme joy!

Bhagat Tirlochan

Province: Maharastra
The exact place of birth is not known. Some historians claim its Barsi near Sholapur, Maharastra and others claim its Uttar Pradesh but spent most of his time in Maharastra. The fact that two slokas of Kabir constitute a dialogue between Nam Dev and Trilochan shows that these two saints were contemporaries.
There are 4 shabads by Bhagat Tirlochan in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. In these he has condemned superficial rituals and pretentious renunciation and stressed the holiness of the heart.
Extracted from Gurbani De Racheta by Abnashi & Gurvinder Singh
Shabad by bhagat Tirlochan in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, where he tells the relationship between the thought pattern in the mind just before a person dies and the consequence.
At the very last moment,
one who thinks of wealth, and dies in such thoughts,
shall be reincarnated over and over again, in the form of serpents. || 1 ||
O sister, do not forget the Name of the Lord of the Universe. || Pause ||
At the very last moment,
he who thinks of women, and dies in such thoughts,
shall be reincarnated over and over again as a prostitute. || 2 ||
At the very last moment,
one who thinks of his children, and dies in such thoughts,
shall be reincarnated over and over again as a pig. || 3 ||
At the very last moment,
one who thinks of mansions, and dies in such thoughts,
shall be reincarnated over and over again as a goblin. || 4 ||
At the very last moment,
one who thinks of the Lord, and dies in such thoughts,
says Trilochan, that man shall be liberated;
the Lord shall abide in his heart. || 5 || 2 ||
Bhagat Tirlochan message in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib. He shares with the Yogi's who practices renunciation and rituals; all this will not make you realize the Lord. He also emphasize on the importance of having a Guru, inner realisation and meditation.
You have not cleansed the filth from within yourself,
although outwardly, you wear the dress of a renunciate.
In the heart-lotus of your self, you have not recognized God -
why have you become a Sannyaasee? || 1 ||
Deluded by doubt, O Jai Chand,
you have not realized the Lord, the embodiment of supreme bliss. || 1 || Pause ||
You eat in each and every house, fattening your body;
you wear the patched coat and the ear-rings of the beggar, for the sake of wealth. You apply the ashes of cremation to your body,
but without a Guru, you have not found the essence of reality. || 2 ||
Why bother to chant your spells?
Why bother to practice austerities?
Why bother to churn water?
Meditate on the Lord of Nirvaanaa, who has created the 8.4 million species of beings. || 3 ||
Why bother to carry the water-pot, O saffron-robed Yogi?
Why bother to visit the sixty-eight holy places of pilgrimage?
Says Tirlochan, listen, mortal: you have no corn - what are you trying to thresh?
Bhagat Tirlochan shares with us in the Siri Guru Granth Sahib on humility, forgiveness, sweet speech and not to use harsh words.
What is that word, what is that virtue, and what is that magic mantra?
What are those clothes, which I can wear to captivate my Husband Lord? || 126 ||
Humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue, and sweet speech is the magic mantra.
Wear these three robes, O sister, and you will captivate your Husband Lord. || 127 ||
If you are wise, be simple; if you are powerful, be weak; and
when there is nothing to share, then share with others.
How rare is one who known as such a devotee. || 128 ||
Do not utter even a single harsh word; your True Lord and Master abides in all.
Do not break anyone’s heart; these are all priceless jewels. || 129 ||
The minds of all are like precious jewels; to harm them is not good at all.
If you desire your Beloved, then do not break anyone’s heart. || 130 ||
SGGS 1386
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