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Christianity The Man Who Never Died

Feb 23, 2012
United Kingdom
Re: Introducing Myself

There is a fantastic and deeply considerate Sikhi interpretation of Christ written by Dr Gopal Singh (1917-1990) called, "The Man Who Never Died".

His collection of poems on Jesus Christ, "The Man Who Never Died", was described by Pope Paul VI as the most beautiful book, and as a rare gesture, the Vatican Radio broadcast excerpts from the book

It an epic poem about the figure of Jesus Christ from a Sikh point of view.


The Sikh statesman Dr Gopal Singh wrote an extended poem, The Man Who Never Died, which won the approval of the Pope as speaking of Christ in a way that Christians had failed to do in two thousand years.
The first Sikh to undertake the task of translating the Sri Guru Granth Sahib into English was Dr. Gopal Singh Dardi of Amritsar. He translated the scripture into English prose. The translations were accurate but did not attempt to capture the melodic elements in the original hymns. He had undoubted ability to handle the task. He presented his translations to the Pope. It is also claimed that he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Later he was asked by Indira Gandhi to stand as a member of the Rajya Sabha (Upper House of Indian Parliment) and then as governor of Goa and Nagaland.

Dr. Gopal Singh, [FONT=HAPHN K+ Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPHN K+ Garamond,Garamond]The Man Who Never Died[/FONT][/FONT]:11 [FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond]Dr. Gopal Singh (1917-1990) was a Sikh scholar, poet and critic. He was the first to translate the [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond]Sri Guru Granth Sahib[FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond], the Sikh [/FONT]

[FONT=Garamond,Garamond]Scripture, into English. His long poem, [/FONT]
[FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond]The Man Who Never Died [/FONT][/FONT]is a meditation on the NT portrait of the life of Jesus and his teaching. He casts his story of Jesus as the bringer of salvation into a Sikh conceptual framework, while keeping a clear connection to biblical texts. He also interprets words and deeds of Jesus with examples from the natural world, setting it into a cosmic context.

Singh sets the theme on the opening page:

<DIR><DIR><DIR><DIR>[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]This is the story of the Man [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]

[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]Who never died: [/FONT]
[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]and who proclaimed [/FONT]
[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]that he who’s born [/FONT]
[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]must be re-born; [/FONT]
[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]and he who’s dead [/FONT]
[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]must rise from the state of death. [/FONT]
[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]For it is not in the nature of man to die, [/FONT]
[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]but to live from no-time to no-time (p. 1). [/FONT]

[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]
[FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond]Jesus birth among the animals in the stable established "the identity of man with all life and with no-life." His birth went unnoticed in a land where God’s people Israel lived, worshipped and suffered in their history, no one noticed or knew who he was, except "a single wonderstruck star" and "three stray Wisemen of the East,… Even though the whole universe reverberated / with the song of the Angels of Light" (p. 10). [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]​
[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]

</DIR></DIR></DIR></DIR>The poem is filled with wonderful paradoxes. God permeates everything and God’s Grace surrounds us, even though we do not know it. In contrast to human beings, "who go to the man who has, / God goes to the man who hasn’t" and is always "at thy beck and call, the more / when you need Him most and own Him least" (p. 36). People demand his death, because otherwise he will "‘destroy all the ancient values of man. / the kings… The poor shall lose their misery and the harlots their ill repute" (p.61). "Destiny destroys us in two ways: / by refusing our wants / or / by fulfilling them! / But he who wills as God Wills / escapes both!" (p. 67)

People want his death to make themselves safe from his claim. Others see his death as tragic, for people fail to see that God comes only through pain and that "‘Salvation is possible only in a tragic world’" (p. 65). When people thought he was finished, he rose from the dead and said to believers, "Nothing dies in the realm of God …

<DIR><DIR><DIR><DIR>[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]Only the past dies or the present [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]
[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]but the future lives forever. [/FONT]

[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]​
</DIR></DIR></DIR></DIR><DIR><DIR><DIR><DIR>And I’m the future of man. [/FONT]

[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]To me, being and non-being were always one. [/FONT]

[FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]

</DIR></DIR></DIR></DIR>I always was and never was! (p. 69). [/FONT]


[FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]

Moved from Introducing Myself. spnadmin
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Nov 14, 2010
Re: Introducing Myself

_/|\_ Sat Nam

Is it out of print? I looked it up at Amazon and it was really expensive. I wonder if it is available online somewhere.

Thanks for telling us about the book, Vouthon ji. I hope to have time to read it one day.

Nam Jiwan :)
Apr 11, 2007
Re: Introducing Myself

There is a fantastic and deeply considerate Sikhi interpretation of Christ written by Dr Gopal Singh (1917-1990) called, "The Man Who Never Died".

It an epic poem about the figure of Jesus Christ from a Sikh point of view.


[FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]

Moved from Introducing Myself. spnadmin

Thanks for the article Vouthon ji. This really touched me! Nice written work! :grinningsingh:
Oct 16, 2024
Re: Introducing Myself

There is a fantastic and deeply considerate Sikhi interpretation of Christ written by Dr Gopal Singh (1917-1990) called, "The Man Who Never Died".

It an epic poem about the figure of Jesus Christ from a Sikh point of view.


[FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]

Moved from Introducing Myself. spnadmin
I wonder if you can help me, please? I wrote my PhD on the encounter of Sikhs and Christians and included in that a long section on Dr Gopal Singh's remrkable poem. I'd like to write a fuller commentary introducing Christians to his remarkable way of writing about Jesus. The only problem is I will probably need permission to reproduce it. I had dinner with his widow ages ago when I was in New Delhi, but didn't ask such permission. His daughter illustrated the book but went to live in New York. I think she would probably be in her mid 70's by now, so my question is: Who has the copyright? Can you help?

Regards, Dr John Parry.

swarn bains

Apr 8, 2012
jesus died in kashmir. i saw his burial place. but he did not have the credentials of a prophet. he was basically unknown till they hanged im
Mar 11, 2024
Indians, in order to assert their spiritual supremacy, want to own Jesus.

Jesus like Nanak and Krishna hate inequities. Gobind established Sikhism as a balancing act of religions in India.


Oct 29, 2023
Jesus say we are Gods because we are sons of God , citing David
Jesus thought like Hindus: he thinks Atman is a part of Brahman, he is prophet of the Brahman like Buddha
Re: Introducing Myself

There is a fantastic and deeply considerate Sikhi interpretation of Christ written by Dr Gopal Singh (1917-1990) called, "The Man Who Never Died".

It an epic poem about the figure of Jesus Christ from a Sikh point of view.


[FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond][FONT=HAPFP N+ A Garamond,Garamond]

Moved from Introducing Myself. spnadmin
Its irrelevant post on SPN but i do agree with writer as Jesus was not crucified so how could he die?
Rest everything is myth, Vatican hides this truth.
Here is the full book if u want to download and read it, the one the Vatican is supposedly hiding in a locked vault.

The gospel of Barnabus, earliest date is around the 13th century, but some scholars and historians date is as late as the 17th century.

So around 1500 years after Jesus.

Even the Sri Guru Granth Sahib was written before this book.
Indians, in order to assert their spiritual supremacy, want to own Jesus.

Jesus like Nanak and Krishna hate inequities. Gobind established Sikhism as a balancing act of religions in India.
Respect the Guru by writing his full name, shame on you as by name you appear me a Sikh but most probably a convert.
What balancing act is done by Guru ji? He created Khalsa and converted his disciples from saints to Saint soldiers. His message is very clear;
Message of Guru to his Khalsa;
“ You are the immortal soldiers of true dharma and the messengers of God. This country’s honor and liberty is entrusted to you by Waheguru. Mix freely with the world, but remain of one soul, one ideal and one aim.”Women shall be equal of men in every walk of life and their names would bear the epithet ‘KAUR’ meaning princess. He who kills his daughter, the Khalsa will snap ties with him. By doing so guru ji also once again added respectability to the women folk. You will keep unshorn hair to look like ancient sages. You will love the weapons of war and become excellent horsemen, marksmen, sportsmen and wielders of swords and spears. Physical prowess will be as sacred to you as spiritual sensitiveness. You are friend of all but enemy to none except the oppression. You would serve the poor without distinction of Caste, Creed, religion or region and would protect them with Deg (community food) and The ( physical strength). You will call yourself as Singh i.e. lions and greet each other with the salutation Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh meansKhalsa belongs to god Victory be to God.
Guru fateh !!
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