When disciples or the flock are asked to believe in this, what is not possible?
It is a Brahmin scam that Sikh Gurus spoke up against. Look at the typical Puja stuff below as it is all for Brahmin to have a good day in the name of Lord Vishnu,
Articles & Materials for Lord Vishnu Puja
1 An altar with a picture or an idol of Lord Vishnu
2 Ghanta, Bell
3 Panchapatra, a small vessel filled with clean water, Arghya
4 Agarbatti, incense
5 Deep, 2 oil lamps with oil and cotton wicks
6 Kapur, camphor
7 Chandan, sandalwood paste
8 Kumkum in small container
9 Haldi, turmeric powder
10 Tulsi Mala
11 Fresh fruits, placed on a tray
12 Coconut, cut in half
13 Fresh fruits, placed on a tray
14 Panchamrita
15 Flowers, whole or petals
16 A flower garland , Banana Leaves
17 A plate to offer Aarti
18 Naivedyam, food prepared for offering
[/FONT]Who needs to work or go to McDonalds to eat peacesign
Sat Sri Akal.