Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
Thanks for enquiry about an English translation of the SGGS.
I came across this problem while I first started Sikh, and while I do have an English copy of the SGGS, I still have barely read any of it.
CaramelChocolate I agree with your view – some people have the tendency to believe the Gurmukhi/Punjabi is the only language/communication style that should be used. The language is less important, it’s the underlining principles that really matter. Well I disagree with that, the reason being is that the all-supreme Waheguru is infinite in power and understanding. More detail…
God is infinite, he has no number, no limit and no name - he is omnipresent and not linited like the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji says. Because of this, his creations are infinite. This means that there is no official language of Waheguru or only one way to communicate to him. If we did say that Gurmukhi/Punjabi was the only way, that would imply that Waheguru was a number or limited, which is false.
So if we don’t know Punjabi, and speak a different language, it’s ok! The Sikh religion is universal and global, how can it be global if we all try to fit into someone else’s communication style and language? I always get kind of annoyed when some ppl tell the youth and converts that they must learn Punjabi, it doesn’t hurt to learn it, but it’s not an end-all, be all must to know Waheguru.
It would help if we had our SGGS available to people who want to read it. Today, the SGGs has no been translated into many languages, this must be revered if we want to spread sikhi around the world.
Another point I would like to touch on is that the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is NOT a book; it’s the 11 guru that has been given to us today to guide us. As a result, we should not treat it like a book and keep it and use it casually.
A propose that there should be a book called “Essentials of the Guru Granth Sahib” this book would be for new people and would have direct quotes from the guru. Why? Well a convert can get overwhelmed from the amount of info from the SGGS, it is best to progress slowly than try top learning all at once. Perhaps this could be a SFC goal?
Anyways, if you want to purchase the SGGS, there is a Sikh store located in surrey BC called the “Satnam trust”, it’s at the Khalsa school.
-Bindy Bains
(Formerly Khalsa Starr)