Do all religions lead to God?
I'll agree with those who have replied to you and said "yes that is the aim", it's true that religions were created with the higher aim of "reaching the supreme", whether we call him/her by Waheguru, Allah, Jesus, Jehovah etc etc. Religions just have different ways of reaching the Supreme. My wonderful grandmother had a wonderful way of putting it, she used to say "We are all children of the same God, we have just been put into different classes...some are muslims and attend the mosque, some are sikh and go to the gurdwara, some are hindu and go to the mandhir, but we are all the same...just learning in different classes"
I too, like you have been blessed by being born into a sikh family, and although my beliefs now are slightly different to my family's, does not make me value God any less than if i were to remain a Sikh. I chose the path i have because i felt, in my heart it was right FOR ME.
God is everywhere... one does not necessarily need to follow a religion in order to find God, as God is inside each and every one of us, we are all connected regardless of caste, colour, creed, religion simpy because our souls are part of God. The path to God? There are 1000's of paths to God, and no single path is the one "true" path to God as the paths are different but not better than each other.
I have read through the posts, and it struck me how some more than others in different ways are incredibly passionate about Sikhi, and that is definately a good thing, but i have the impression that they see Sikhi as a "better" religion. These are all opinions of one another, and we need to respect each others beliefs (instead of putting down others eg. Muslims).
Before you all think im "Pro-Muslim" or something you need to remember that we are all indiviuals and we find different paths to the divine.
Some paths may appear as violent, as "wrong" because some aspects preach violence and therefore they are "bad", other paths may appear as simply perfect and the best path... the one path true to our heart will be "perfect" for us... What works for one may not necessarily work for another.
However, going back to the original post: God is everywhere, the divine is all around us, within us, within nature, God is the vibration in the air, the energy, the light, the wind, simply put EVERYTHING. To find that connection with God, i believe it will happen when it is meant to, you will find that path be it Sikhism, Christianity, whatever it is and you will feel that beautiful connection with the divine and the way you will KNOW this path is true to you, because your HEART will tell you is the path for YOU. Like i said above "What works for you will not necessarily work for someone else". I would advise that maybe you search around, read scriptures, read articles, essays, go to the Gurdwara, whatever feels best for you and slowly but surely... It will all fall into place. Be happy