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India Two SGPC Employees Caught Stealing

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Two SGPC employees caught stealing

Amritsar, February 3

Two SGPC employees were caught stealing from the Golden Temple offerings yesterday.

Close-circuit cameras captured the two stealing currency notes of the denomination of Rs 1,000 and concealing these under their shirts.

Avtar Singh Makkar, SGPC president, said the Manpreet Singh and Kuljeet Singh had been placed under suspension.

When frisked, Rs 80,000 in cash was recovered from them, he said.



Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Why can't be there 5 different Punj Piayaras from the local public when the money is being counted. Millions of dollars remain unaccounted because I am sure they are working on the behalf of the top brass for some commission, just like the drug carriers.

It is not only a shame but a disgraceful thing to do but there is this inside Blue robed mafia who wants to grab as if it were their right.

My questions is why were the thieves suspended rather than arrested?

Tejwant Singh
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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
the unlucky 2 or the unfortunate. 2..BUT Not really the ONLY 2 !! This is the tip of the Biggest iceberg since the one that sank the Titanic..ha ha..they steal by the TIPPER TRUCK FULL..not pocket full...the GURUS GOLUCK is NOT the Poor mans mouth..its BADALS POCKET...put in as much as you like..he will never say ENOUGH..ha ha:whatzpointsing:


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Nun faces grand larceny charge tied to casino gambling

A nun with a casino gambling problem will be charged today with stealing more than $100,000 from two churches where she worked in Orleans County, The Buffalo News learned late Sunday.
Investigators believe that donations made by parishioners were stolen by the nun, and she has been treated for an addiction to casino gambling, sources close to the case told The News.
Although there have been several cases in recent years in which at least one priest and several area church employees were caught stealing large amounts of money to finance casino gambling addictions or extravagant spending, Cardone said he does not recall any such case involving any local nuns.
While local authorities could not recall another recent case in which a nun was accused of theft, there have been a number of similar incidents involving church employees and at least one priest:

• In July 2009, the Rev. F. Norman Sullivan, 74, admitted in court that he had been stealing for years from Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Cheektowaga. While making a salary of $20,000, Sullivan admitted, he stole nearly $214,000 over a period of eight years. He owned condos in Fort Myers, Fla., and the Virgin Islands, and repaid all the money after investigators caught him.

• In June 2008, Randall Kozlowski admitted in court that he stole nearly $400,000 while keeping the books for another Cheektowaga parish, Our Lady Help of Christians. Kozlowski said he routinely wrote checks to himself to cover gambling debts.

• In July 2007, former church office manager Maureen Durrell was sentenced to six months in prison after she was convicted of stealing $488,000 from St. Christopher Church in the Town of Tonawanda. The Erie County District Attorney’s Office said she spent stolen money on lavish vacations, home improvements and family expenses.

(Source: http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121104/CITYANDREGION/121109640/1010)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
A good thing to think is what the Gurus would have done? And what is being done right now? That would show how far we have come.

The GURU BURNT them in boiling cauldrons of hot oil... ( So much for waiting for them to die first before punishing them in "Hell"...that's another proof that reincarnation and heavens hells dont exist..??..so such nasties got o be punished HERE and NOW...
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
3 more booked for theft at Golden Temple
Tribune News Service
Amritsar, February 6

The police has booked three more persons, including deputy manager of the Golden Temple Gulzar Singh and sewadars Balbir Singh and Baldev Singh, under Sections 381, 408 and 120-B of the IPC for stealing from the gurdwara ‘golak’ (collections).

Earlier, sewadars Manpreet Singh and Kuljeet Singh, who were caught stealing cash offerings on the CCTV, were suspended by the SGPC. The two were deputed for counting cash in the SGPC’s treasury department.

On February 2, Manpreet Singh concealed bundles of notes in his shirt with the help of Kuljit Singh. However, one of the bundles containing Rs 80,000 fell and was later found by a gurdwara inspector.

Balbir Singh and Baldev Singh, who allowed the two sewadars to flee after the theft, have been suspended by the SGPC.

source: http://www.tribuneindia.com/2013/20130207/punjab.htm#16


Jun 1, 2004
Its naive to think that this was going on under the nose of SGPC management and they did not know... there is/was a clear nexus between the top and lowest level... Simple mathematics, Rs. 80,000 in one instance of currency counting and there would countless such instances in a single day let us say 25 ... consider the amount of money stolen daily over the... decades... :whoohoo::a29:
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