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United Sikhs UNITED SIKHS AID Teams Continue Relief Efforts In Tornado-hit Moore, Oklahoma And Uttarrakhand


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
UNITED SIKHS AID Team Continue Tornado Relief Efforts in Moore, Oklahoma

Moore, Oklahoma – Acres of debris and the need for food and life’s basic necessities greeted UNITED SIKH Aid volunteers upon their arrival in Moore, Oklahoma. As thousands still struggle from the aftermath of the deadly tornado ripping through Moore, Oklahoma last week, UNITED SIKHS Aid team continue to support the victims. Beginning on Saturday, May 25, 2013, UNITED SIKHS Aid team along with local Sikh volunteers from Oklahoma, assisted in cleaning up debris in Moore. Volunteers cooked and served hot meals to survivors and volunteers at Abundant Life Church in Moore.

Thus far, the UNITED SIKHS Aid team has cleaned up over two acres of debris with the assistance of over 27 volunteers from Seattle and Oklahoma. Approximately 750 hot meals have been prepared and served as well. Mark Fuller, Pastor, Abundant Life Church said, "I appreciate UNITED SIKHS volunteers helping us with food and debris clean-up. I thank God that you came to help. I'm out of words to thank you."

Truckloads of emergency supplies were delivered including diapers, hygiene products, blankets, and water.

Summary of Relief as of Today
Total Hot-meals served 750
Debris Clean-up: 2.5 acres
Blankets distributed 50
Diaper Boxes 40
First Aid Kits 25
Total Volunteers on Ground (Local, Seattle and Dallas): 48
No of Churches visited: 3
Value of Supplies Delivered and Services Rendered $30,000
Teams on Ground
Teams No of Volunteers
Seattle 4
Dallas 21
Oklahoma City 23

Special thanks to the Sikh Gurdwara of Oklahoma City (SGOC), its members and the parbhandhak committee, along with Mr. Lakhwinder Singh (Lucky), hotelier, who has provided a tremendous amount of assistance in the relief effort and has provided the UNITED SIKHS Aid team with a vehicle and lodging during its mission. SGOC has provided a kitchen to prepare meals and its sangat has generously volunteered in the relief operation.

As the days go by, UNITED SIKHS Aid Team will continue to go door-to-door and provide necessary services inclusive of the cleanup process and the distribution of hot meals. A team from Dallas of an additional 21 volunteers has joined the efforts to assist and continue visiting churches and shelters housing those who no longer have homes to return to. Volunteers with construction experience are needed and encouraged to join the efforts.

UNITED SIKHS Aid Team can do a lot more with your help. Please consider donating generously to this cause. Our team will purchase the needed items.

UNITED SIKHS AID: Uttarakhand Disaster Relief Efforts

On Monday, June 17, 2013, heavy flash flood due to cloud burst created heavy destruction in the districts like Rudraprayag, Chamboli eliminating existence of many villages and towns. Authorities have reported the death toll of 5000.

"UNITED SIKHS is committed to assist in the emergency recovery of survivors and our hearts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families," pledged Kuldip Singh, UNITED SIKHS.

UNITED SIKHS Aid team is on site to make assessment and provide hot meals to the most affected areas.

You can help by making donation towards humanitarian relief efforts.

Donate to these efforts by clicking this link http://www.unitedsikhs.org/


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