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Was (Guru) Guru Nanak Dev Ji A Sikh?


Mar 30, 2011
Hi dears,
after i thought about our (Guru) Guru Nanak Dev ji, a question poped up in me... Was our beloved Guru really a Sikh? I know that he said : Na koi Hindu, Na koi Musalman - There is no Hindu, and there is no Muslim. He only said that he is a slave of god, but i never heard that he, by hisself said he is a Sikh. How do we know he is a Sikh, why we want him to be Sikh? How we can claim him? He is a teacher of the world , isn't he? Maybe he don´t said that he is a Sikh because, it fills someone with Proud when you say " I am a Sikh" you are proud of something isn´t that ego (hankaar)?


Nov 7, 2010
How would you define a Sikh ? If you want to learn then fine and Guru Nanak Ji was a great teacher. Whilst you decide whether or not he was a Sikh, Sikhs will read and try to understand his spiritual message....Maybe you will get the answer before we do .


Mar 30, 2011
But what is a teacher? A teacher learns something, but don´t really know the extent he learned, how can he teach, when he doesn´t know the whole extent? If you know everything you know that you are god, but if he knew everything why didn´t he explained the whole World? Why he appointed other Gurus? If he is God he knows the future and the past.
My Question isn´t answered if he is god(or close to god), why he needs to learn? God is almighty and knows everything or not?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
My own interpretation ji

Guru Nanak ji was a man, nothing more nothing less, he was not God, he was not in tune with God anymore than you could be,

What he managed to do was tune into the frequency where he could see what God's essence inside him wanted him to do, again, We all have the ability to do this, and that is the point of Sikhism to spend as long as it takes to do what Guru Nanak ji managed to do.

A Pilot with 20 years experience flying jumbo jets may manage to know everything about flying jumbos, but how can he explain the gut feelings and experience to a student?

All the Gurus were human beings, men, the same as you and me, it took 10 Gurus and hundreds of years to start at Guru Nanak with a gem of an idea, to show the world a different way of connecting that was pure and all inclusive, that did not discriminate, that could appeal to the common man, this ended with the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji which is the 11th Guru, the thoughts and philosophies that can turn a sparrow into an eagle, thus anyone, of any intelligence or social status has the ability, the chance to learn and embrace what the Gurus knew, but it is not in prayer, or contemplation, it is in putting into practice the words of wisdom they left us, on a daily basis, until we can feel that frequency, that connection, that strength

There are two types of 'good man'

he who does good, but wishes he did not have to
and he who does good, and loves every minute of it

getting to the second path is hard, but very very worthwhile, to me it is a major facet of being a sikh, and in that vein, I take Guru Nanak ji as my teacher and Guru as to how I will get to be that good man, he is an example to us all of how to behave and conduct oneself, but he is not a God
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Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
True, a teacher may learn everything, but he might not be able to teach the students as well. Guru Nanak had best of both, He had great knowledge and He had great skills in imparting that Knowledge. Now Google may come up with Knol as a unit, but you can't still measure knowledge. It is hard to compare Guru Nanak's knowledge with the complete knowledge of Universe (Brahmaand). And the fact He appointed other Gurus after Him was a gentle reminder that time is limited for everyone, even our 10 human Gurus. And in His limited time He brought forth whatever Baani he could. It is just like not teaching the class too much in one sitting maybe. He got closer to God after learning only. It is hard to determine and fruitless to debate if He was born with that Divine knowledge or intuition. He learnt it in His initial years of life, all I can say Guru Nanak had a very steep Learning curve :)

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
But what is a teacher? A teacher learns something, but don´t really know the extent he learned, how can he teach, when he doesn´t know the whole extent?

Guru Nanak ji knew how to get in touch with the frequency that is God FM, he has left us with the instructions as to how we can do this individually

Guru Nanakji was completely in tune with the essence of God inside him, but he could never know anymore than that essence

In the same way a drop of water from the ocean cannot replicate the whales, sharks, reefs, that exist in the ocean, if someone were to study this drop, they would conclude that the ocean is made up of lots of little drops, and that would be it,

In my view all our oceans are different, a lot depends on our personality and make up

Guru Nanak ji may not have known about the whole ocean, but he knew enough about the drop to be in tune with it, and that is all he needed to teach, the path after that is between man and God, to be at a level that Guruji was at, was just the start

My opinion only, more educated members will be able to give you the Bani answer, this one came from my heart

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
My student asked me once....I have NO TIME for periods and etc etc...Give me a Day and time...and TEACH ME EVERYTHING in that day and Time. I Cannot be coming again and again to your classes...IF YOU CANNOT teach me everything you know in one day..then you are NOT QUALIFIED enough to TEACH ME !!...... I told him...I can accept your idea..BUT First you will have to proceed to the GOD of the Bible and ask Him to make my "DAY" as long as one of the SIX ..He used to make the World (Genesis) Then maybe I can teach you all i know..BUT the present day of 12 hours is too short. I never saw him after that....

How long is a MILLION BILLION TRILLION CENTURIES to YOU oh GOD ?? OH..for me that is only a MOMENT !! Then How much is a Billion trillion Dollars to YOU oh GOD ?? Oh about a CENT or Penny worth. SO can you give ME a Penny God ? Just a MOMENT MY SON..replied GOD. LUCKILY for this World..GURU NANAK JI had almost 70++ YEARS of His LIFE to devote to US....and He had the LOVE for us to delegate another NINE GURUS to continue His teachings...HE certainly didnt shake us off by saying..Just a MOMENT my dears...SATGUR NANAK pargatiyah..mitee DHUNDDH jagg chanan hoyah declared Bhai Gurdass ji...the SUN rises and SETS DAILY....no such thing as once arisen..no setting..or once set..no rising...its NATUREs law and HIS WILL.:happymunda:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
and most of our "problems" arise due to our LIMITATIONS....we LIMIT ourselves when we draw a circle and shut oursleves inside it....GURU.....GURU is a "teacher"..YES..BUT certainly NOT limited to just TEACHER...the word Teacher is NOT adequate to describe GURU !!! A GURU is also a "FATHER"... YET...He is Much More than both "father+Teacher" combined....a GURU is also a Confidante..He is also a Counsellor..he is also a FRIEND..a COMPANION...a HUSBAND..a WIFE...and YET MUCH MORE than ll those...the PARSAAD that emanates form GUR-PARSAAD is NOT what we get from teachers, fathers, friends, husbands wives etc etc...ONLY a GURU can bestow GURPARSAAD. Guru Ji describes the actions of those who try and "see" beyond their capabilities as KEERREEH charreh asmaan..ant trying to observe the sky and judge its size...The Ant's "teacher" is the ant in front of her...she FOLLOWS the ant in front faithfully and truly...the follish ant thAT STRAYS AND goes about trying to climb higher and see the SKY and MEASURE it...??? what happens...only the questioners know..
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