Ozarks ji
It would be good for you to describe your current level of knowledge on different aspects of Sikhism. After knowing little more about what you already know it becomes easier to guide you from your starting point. Otherwise you can get bogged down in some very simplistic material and stay there for a long time, or longer than is necessary. And get bogged down with private theories of other people. You need a knowledge base.
My own recommendation -- Have a curriculum that you put together to stay on track, keep moving forward and not lose yourself in specifics-- too much of that on the Internet. You plan could look like this.
a. Do some systematic reading every day from an online book about Sikhism. These are two that I like
Sikhism Based on Gurbani - Home
Sikh Missionary Society(U.K.) - Online Publications Library ( eBooks )
b. Every day read from Sri Guru Granth Sahib -- even if it is one page - write down some questions and post them in the forum each week. Learn from the vichaar of others here.
c. Go to the daily hukamnama on the Sikhnet site, listen to the audio and read the explanation by Sukha Singh ji
Daily Hukamnama – English Translation as this will give you a wealth of background on the culture of the Gurus and why they wrote as they did.
d. Explore the history sites here at SPN as well as the threads on Gurmat Vichaar.
e. Make one or two Internet friends who are Sikhs and further along the way to explain things about culture, the use of Punjabi phrases in the middle of conversations, gurdwara, sikh life, in other words, the context in which Sikhism is lived. In just 2 years when I started out -- I ended up with a mailing list with about 45 people on it. None of them from SPN. It just grew and grew.
f. I highly recommend this site
http://www.gurbani.org/articlemenu.php# for interesting essays on many topics that are backed up with references to Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Read one of them or two a week. Again - write down your questions and post them
g. Get practice using a gurbani search engine, like
http://www.srigranth.org/servlet/gurbani.gurbani?S=y or
If you are just starting out -- do not bog yourself down with rules and regulations that other people tell you about. You should have a foundation in knowledge and then when you feel the spirit move you within, then and only then it is time to explore daily banis, bana, and those kinds of things.
That should be a lot for a start. Maybe it is too much. And once you post an update about where you are strong and where you are weak -- then people can steer you toward more specific information that answer your more specific questions. I would be happy to tell you how I started out. If you like, send me a private message and I will describe my first year of study.
Stay in touch with us. :welcome: Remember Sat Nam - Truth is Your Identity whether you decide to become a Sikh or not. Keep the journey pleasant at all times.