jagmeet said:
So you give no marks to the non-baptised for japping waheguru.
My question then is:-would the non-baptised,in your opinion, earn marks for doing paath or reading japji sahib,rehras sahib etc. or not?I understand that gurmantar should be japped after initiation,but what about paath--hope that would be of equal help to the non-baptised also.What do you say?
Veer Jio,
Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh.
Who am i to "give" or dotn give..marks... THAT is Waheguru's work..
but seriously... GURBANI SHABADS are of two types... One is GYAAN..KNOWLEDGE... ( sort of RECIPE..examples of how Bhagats, Guru Jis japped Naam and what benefits they received, how pleasant it is..etc etc.
The second type is NAAM JAPP..Guur Ji or the Bhagts tell us in no uncertian terms WHAT NAAM to JAPP and HOW. These shabads are recognised by the NAAM..occuring TWICE or more times. Such shabads will have Har har...Gobind Gobind...Narayan narayan narayan etc..and AARDH URRDH ABHIYAAS technique is fro WAHE - GURU NAAM in this Age.
All these NAAMS in Gurbani can be Japped..but obviously the KING is WAHEGURU.
Gurbani tells us very clearly that our PURPOSE is to NAAM JAAPP... there is NO SALVATION NO MUKTEE without Naam Japp.
The other GURBANI..our Paaths, the NITNEM etc is all for TUNING our Mann towards NAAM JAPP.. the "RECIPE" to Bake the CAKE (naam japp) My take is Waheguru is not going to be happy if we tell him... I READ ALL YOUR RECIPES a MILLION TIMES..BUT I had NO TIME to BAKE THE CAKE. We are SENT here to BAKE THE CAKE....not just read the RECIPES or How nice Bhagat kabir Jis cake tasted...gunggeh nu mithayee..IF we DONT have our own CAKE..guess the result yourself.
I hope this helps.
Get Cracking..read all the recipes you want or need..BUT BAKE THE CAKE..that is what will count...NAAM is the ONLY THING that GOES with US.....NOTHING ELSE !!
Jarnail Singh Gyani