- Jun 1, 2004
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- 83
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Woman as Gudiya: Her Ordeal Amounts to Negation of Islam
[ MONDAY, OCTOBER 04, 2004 12:00:00 AM ]
The Gudiya episode gives us an opportunity to examine the Qur'an and its spirit vis-a-vis women. During the Prophet's time, women freely questioned him on their status in the holy book. Tabari, in his treatise on the history of Islam, records that the Prophet's wife Umm Salama had asked her husband, 'Why are men mentioned in the Qur'an and why are we not?' It was after this query that the following lines were revealed in verse 35 of Surah 33, Al Ahzab
Full Article... http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/872153.cms


Full Article... http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/872153.cms