Atrocities have been visited on the weak by the powerful, and on the weak by the weak, for centuries with no sign of ending. Advocacy and speaking out, actively lobbying, becoming a force for good....all important, and all necessary. But if these were the sole cures, these problems of abuse of women would have ended long ago (as would abuse against children, animals, the disabled and the poor). They haven't. They are still with us. The place to start is with ourselves. Each individual, who is trying to perfect his/her own soul's journey toward the divine, is one more person turning the wheel of dharma in the direction of what is right, and one less person turning that wheel of dharma away from what is wrong. It starts and ends with you. "happily reading nitnem, basking in feelings of closeness to the divine," is how to combat atrocities. That is how Guru Nanak started.