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Apr 24, 2020
@Dr Karminder Singh Sir,

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

Please share some insight and guide me on a very sensitive subject, but silly or childish.

1. Though it is easy to say a lot, and have knowledge also by practising or trying to understand, but why is it so hard to actually act? Why if I know basic teachings in Gurbani , still I am not able to act when time comes especially in context of facing or opposing tyranny or standing against human rights violations or helping people in need? Why I am not able to develop courage or fear when it is required? Is it because I have not really understood Gurbani or not really feeling struggles and hardships of Guru Saahibaan's for the sake of humanity.

2. Why after knowing something and understanding that I am doing a thing seriously wrong, I am doing wrong. Though I know inside it is not me , I don't want to become this. Then why serious mistakes? Am I taking life lightly? And not really serious about others's feelings?

3. Is Bhai Ravi Singh ji , CEO of Khalsa Aid in this forum? How is he really acting in front? How to develop that courage? How to overcome fear ?

Thank you sir. Please try to strengthen Sikh youth Sir, they need you and many Sikh personalities really.


Jun 1, 2004
Dr Karminder Singh is extremely busy with his upcoming book releases...
Bhai Ravi Singh Ji has been a patron of SPN for the longest time but as his organization KA has grown gradually as has been his responsibilities. So, you might have to wait for the responses from these guys. :)


Apr 24, 2020
@Admin Sir, thank you so much. Don't worry , I wrote simply. I am a little childish. Of course their responsibilities are more important than we people simply typing on our mobiles. I don't want them to answer me leaving their work of humanity. I just wanted to tell what is in my heart. I am sorry for being personal. I just wanted to know how to overcome fear and gather such courage and actually do something instead of talking. How to start?


Aug 13, 2019
@Dr Karminder Singh Sir,

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!

Please share some insight and guide me on a very sensitive subject, but silly or childish.

1. Though it is easy to say a lot, and have knowledge also by practising or trying to understand, but why is it so hard to actually act? Why if I know basic teachings in Gurbani , still I am not able to act when time comes especially in context of facing or opposing tyranny or standing against human rights violations or helping people in need? Why I am not able to develop courage or fear when it is required? Is it because I have not really understood Gurbani or not really feeling struggles and hardships of Guru Saahibaan's for the sake of humanity.

2. Why after knowing something and understanding that I am doing a thing seriously wrong, I am doing wrong. Though I know inside it is not me , I don't want to become this. Then why serious mistakes? Am I taking life lightly? And not really serious about others's feelings?

3. Is Bhai Ravi Singh ji , CEO of Khalsa Aid in this forum? How is he really acting in front? How to develop that courage? How to overcome fear ?

Thank you sir. Please try to strengthen Sikh youth Sir, they need you and many Sikh personalities really.


You shouldn’t think about it, you should just do it. That’s the key. Fear is an illusion.. Be positive and fearless. Don’t believe nindya, for it’s just what the nindaks think about themselves and it’s obvious.

Dont be afraid of humans, accept yourself to be one and the same as Truth. Everyone serves the Truth... angels and demons alike are in service of it, for without it, there would be no universe... so what and who is there to fear in reality.

Bad souls wake up to the sun powered by truth each morning and sleep to the stars of truth in the night. By gods grace they sleep in their beds and go to work.

The reason that Nanak was able to reach so many sinners, serial killers etc, is because they knew that they served this Truth. They had yet to realise that they Were it.

Noone can Override it. You just need to know yourself and believe in yourself, that you are Truth, God is us and we are him, ocean in the drop and drop in the ocean. Eventually you’ll see maya and negativity bow down at your feet.

You won’t fall for the bs illusion and you’ll see God in the scariest demon and the seemingly worst souls And see that they serve him too.
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Apr 24, 2020

You shouldn’t think about it, you should just do it. That’s the key. Fear is an illusion.. Be positive and fearless. Don’t believe nindya, for it’s just what the nindaks think about themselves and it’s obvious.

Dont be afraid of humans, accept yourself to be one and the same as Truth. Everyone serves the Truth... angels and demons alike are in service of it, for without it, there would be no universe... so what and who is there to fear in reality.

Bad souls wake up to the sun powered by truth each morning and sleep to the stars of truth in the night. By gods grace they sleep in their beds and go to work.

The reason that Nanak was able to reach so many sinners, serial killers etc, is because they knew that they served this Truth. They had yet to realise that they Were it.

Noone can Override it. You just need to know yourself and believe in yourself, that you are Truth, God is us and we are him, ocean in the drop and drop in the ocean. Eventually you’ll see maya and negativity bow down at your feet.

You won’t fall for the bs illusion and you’ll see God in the scariest demon and the seemingly worst souls And see that they serve him too.
Thank you sir, I like your way of explanation. Only 'angels'and 'demons' are us only. Thanks a lot for taking time. I appreciate your help sir.


Aug 13, 2019
Thank you sir, I like your way of explanation. Only 'angels'and 'demons' are us only. Thanks a lot for taking time. I appreciate your help sir.

You’re welcome. I am by no means perfect and fall sometimes, but remembering this truth is good. Also I am a female, so it’s madam 😀

God bless you.


Aug 3, 2018
1. Though it is easy to say a lot, and have knowledge also by practising or trying to understand, but why is it so hard to actually act? Why if I know basic teachings in Gurbani , still I am not able to act when time comes especially in context of facing or opposing tyranny or standing against human rights violations or helping people in need? Why I am not able to develop courage or fear when it is required? Is it because I have not really understood Gurbani or not really feeling struggles and hardships of Guru Saahibaan's for the sake of humanity.
While awake we can do things and control things that are not possible when we are asleep. Naam wakes us up, and Gurbani calls a lack of Naam a dream-state or a dead-state. Sikhi is a journey that takes us from dream-state to awake-state. Keep at this journey.
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh


Aug 13, 2019
While awake we can do things and control things that are not possible when we are asleep. Naam wakes us up, and Gurbani calls a lack of Naam a dream-state or a dead-state. Sikhi is a journey that takes us from dream-state to awake-state. Keep at this journey.
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

I like this post. Life is such a blessing and we can learn so much here on earth. When we die, we go to the astral realm. Many beings there which can be both beautiful and horrifying.

Here, especially living in the west, we have the opportunity to be in control and dictate our lives, to work ie seva daily, and to be balanced souls. We often don’t have the crazy distractions we have in the astral realm and are able to focus on our selves and discovering and enjoying life here.