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Leisure An Addiction

Oct 21, 2009
Being a member for over 4 years, I found the site[SPN] very interesting and educative both in terms of Gurbani and allied areas like sikhism. My main interest is in Gurbani and sikhism. Some of the doubts have been clarified and some do exist at present.

I visit the site daily, may be, four to five times a day to see which are the new posts, I may not log in every time. The practice of visiting has become an addiction. Some times I do check in in the morning at early hours as well.

I find SPN fairly addictive and I suffer from this addiction. Where ever I am, I do visit the site daily unless I have unavoidable preoccupations.

Do you, like me, find the SPN addictive?
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May 9, 2006
Great thread Taranjeet Ji.

I'm addicted too, and sometimes I check the forum at inappropriate times (like when I'm at work) and I hear the words 'kirat karni' running about my brain then work through my lunch break haha.

I've learned a lot here, about Sikhi, about politics, about human nature, and about living in Truth.

Unfortunately I haven't learned about conquering addiction hahaha


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Being a member for over 4 years, I found the site[SPN] very interesting and educative both in terms of Gurbani and allied areas like sikhism. My main interest is in Gurbani and sikhism. Some of the doubts have been clarified and some do exist at present.

I visit the site daily, may be, four to five times a day to see which are the new posts, I may not log in every time. The practice of visiting has become an addiction. Some times I do check in in the morning at early hours as well.

I find SPN fairly addictive and I suffer from this addiction. Where ever I am I do visit the site daily unless I have unavoidable preoccupations.

Do you, like me, find the SPN addictive?

Taranjeet ji

I gave some serious thought to your comments. Maybe yes, and maybe no. Going home is something we do each day after work, after shopping, after visiting, after so many things that break up our day. Is that an addiction? Or is it coming back to a stable post where spirits can be renewed. I am not equating SPN with anyone's actual home. But it is similar because this is a place where familiar voices can be heard, ideas exchanged, laughter heard in the background. So many things remind me of sitting in one's parlour and knowing that there is activity, friendly (sometimes not friendly) chatter, and outside noise of people on the street. There is something reassuring about that. Today, many of us don't live in an extended family where moments at home are taken up with discussion, with stories of the day, with things you absolutely must tell someone else. Today gurdwaras don't serve as a place for parchaar, for telling the tales of the past, for strengthening identity the way they once did. It may not be an addiction after all to return "home" in a sense to reassure ourselves that things that matter are alive in the minds, words, noises made by members here. SPN cannot and should not be a home away from home. But SPN can be a homestead to retrieve some of the things that have gone missing in the modern world. There is no price for an admission ticket. The forum is always here. Things don't flash and then fade as they do on social networks. The lights are always lit. The door is unlocked. You can come and go as you please. You can disappear and return after months or years. Someone will be here to receive you. If things shift back to the time when there were conversations to be had all over the village square, in the shops, throughout the neighborhood, within the sangat, this forum will no longer be so attractive. For now we should enjoy what we can without second-guessing ourselves. That i what I believe.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
<TABLE cellSpacing=5><TBODY><TR><TD>ad·dic·tion (
n) n. 1. a. Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction.
b. An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions.

2. a. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.
b. An instance of this: had an addiction for fast cars.


friends, as a former addict to just about everything going, may I respectfully point out that what you are describing as known as a pleasurable and constructive passtime, in my view addiction to anything is dangerous, the addiction for enlightenment has destroyed many a man, addiction conjures up a brain that does not even think anymore, does not have reason, it just needs pleasure following doing something that has been ingrained, although pleasure is perhaps too soft a word, heroin addicts need heroin to stave off the come down, the spiders under the skin, again, I do not see any one member here that displays addict qualities in the interaction on the forum.

I also log on 4 or 5 times a day, but to break the day up, its a treat just to relax, read through, learn something, maybe even write something moderately witty (I always wanted to be a stand up comedian), refresh myself, and then get on with work.


May 9, 2006
Harry ji, I would say my habit it is the largely the same as yours, to break up the working day, however the difference for me is in the feeling I get - a pressure from within - with makes me need to check. Some days if they are particularly challenging I'll lose count of how many times I've logged in just to see 'New Posts: 0' and then I can get back on task. In this way I think it may fit the definition:

2. a. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.

I'm not sure I should be admitting this hahahaha
Nov 23, 2010
I will not open "Fools who rangle over flesh"again. I will not open "Fools who rangle over flesh" again. Oh shoot!!

Just kidding . I do open SPN about twice a day. Usually I have to save off articles to read later when I don't have internet acsess. Speaking of that I visit a news site that lets you view as one page multipage articles . Would that be viable here?:singhsippingcoffee:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I will visit fools who wrangle over flesh. I will... I will. I will.. :)

linzer ji

I have seen news papers set up as one page of multiple articles. But how do you see the comments? Lots of newspapers are moving in that direction.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Having comment section separate could inhibit discussion. I think that is why forums are set up as threads of discussion.

The other thing - the model that news papers are using of one page/multiple articles involves creating one very large image. Each page is a large .jpg file about 1300 pixels wide. Each file has its own url, and pages are linked to the first page making it possible to navigate from page 1 to other pages.

I am not certain of this, but it does seem that the jpg files need to be set up ahead of time using a photo-editor program. So that many articles can be combined as a single page, for as many pages as needed. That would mean that all the articles have to be organized and collected n advance in order to create each page. Spontaneous posting and creation of threads would be ruled out.

Among the examples I have in mind are Rozana Sokesman, The Sikh Spokesman, Jago Punjab, and the Washington Post. They are all set up that way. Rozana alone supports a second section on its web site of html pages where it is possible to discuss the news articles in real time. That section is divorced from the news section.

But you and I may be talking about 2 different things.


May 9, 2006
Would a daily digest email of SPN activity help? I'm not sure if the forum has this feature...

You can use the 'Thread Tools' 'Show Printable Version' to see an entire thread if that helps you save the discussion for reading offline. Combines with a daily digest might make it quicker to click on newest updates, printable version them and save them for later.

Apart from that I'm not sure what else to suggest :-/



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