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USA Miss America Crowns 1st Winner Of Indian Descent; Racist Tweets Flow


Apr 3, 2005
(CNN) -- No sooner had the tiara been placed atop her head than a barrage of racist tweets flooded the Internet.

"If you're #Miss America you should have to be American," said one.

"WHEN WILL A WHITE WOMAN WIN #MISSAMERICA? Ever??!!" screamed another.

Nina Davuluri is American. She just happens to be of Indian descent. In fact, she's the first Indian-American to be crowned Miss America.

But the tweets that followed the 2014 pageant in Atlantic City on Sunday night didn't focus on how it's the second consecutive year that a Miss New York has taken the crown, or about the judge's questions (including ones about Miley Cyrus and Syria).

They were about Davuluri's heritage.

"Well they just picked a Muslim for Miss America. That must've made Obama happy. Maybe he had a vote," vented one person.
Not that it bears pointing out, but Davuluri's not a Muslim -- and the president didn't have a vote.

The 24-year-old Davuluri, who's from Syracuse, competed on a platform of "Celebrating Diversity through Cultural Competency." For the talent portion, she performed a classical Indian dance fused with Bollywood moves.

"The liberal Miss America judges won't say this - but Miss Kansas lost because she actually represented American values. #missamerica." That was Todd Starnes, host of Fox News and Commentary.

"Miss America? You mean Miss 7-11," tweeted Jalin Leatherman, perpetuating the tired stereotype about Indians and convenience stores.
Davuluri's father is a physician. And she wants to be one too. She once battled bulimia, according to a profile of her on syracuse.com.

Being a trailblazer isn't easy. When Rima Fakih was crowned Miss USA in 2010, she faced a nasty backlash as well. Fakih is of Lebanese descent, and many were quick to try to link her to the militant group Hezbollah.
In Davuluri's case, many tweeters wasted no time connecting her to terrorism.

"Miss America right now or miss Al Qaeda?" tweeted Shannon McCann.
Others invoked the September 11, 2001, terror attacks. Yes, really.

"9/11 was 4 days ago and she gets miss America?" posted Luke Brasili.
For her part, Davuluri didn't immediately respond.
But many, turned off by the reaction, turned off Twitter and turned in for the night.


Some Americans can't even accept an indian origin girl who dress, speak like them What are their chances they will accept a turban and bearded sikh men?


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May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
Some Americans can't even accept an indian origin girl
who dress, speak like them What are their chances they
will accept a turban and bearded sikh men?
Well, social networking can be too harsh sometimes, but I don't think people who post these hate tweets represent all Americans.
That Miss Nina belongs to an ethnic minority and still gets to represent America in this worldwide beauty pageant, shows the amount of freedom and equality enjoyed by the minorities. I may sound like the devil's advocate, but despite problems faced by minorities, the amount of representation they get in the United States is still enviable.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Well, social networking can be too harsh sometimes, but I don't think people who post these hate tweets represent all Americans.
That Miss Nina belongs to an ethnic minority and still gets to represent America in this worldwide beauty pageant, shows the amount of freedom and equality enjoyed by the minorities. I may sound like the devil's advocate, but despite problems faced by minorities, the amount of representation they get in the United States is still enviable.

Social networking brings out the worst in those have the worst to offer the world.

So who are the people motivated enough to Tweet their rage and cultural hatred? Many of those who follow Miss America approach it as a religious experience --- they are crazed by it. In addition to all those who are crazed are large bands of fans, supporters, sponsors and all of their associates who have vested huge sums of money in the outcome. Miss American is a commercial venture behind the scenes. Multiply all of the input, financial and emotional by 50 states, the District of Columbia, and US territories and subtract 1 for the state that won, New York. Now you have a sense of the scope of this. Within the critical mass there are sore-losers. Within these groups, the crazed, the investors who lost and the sore losers, are the cultural haters.

It won't go on like this forever. Some people just haven't learned yet how to chill. Expecting some people to be tolerant isn't easy either.

The fact is that woman of Indian descent won the pageant. Someone had to think she was A-OK.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
First things first. Congratulations to Nina Davuluri, Miss America 2014!

You deserve the crown and good luck in the Miss World/Universe contest down the road.

In 140 characters or less, it is easier to flaunt one’s ignorance, hatred, bigotry and self-insecurity. Tweeter is a multi-edged sword. It is a shame that people use this sword to bash, slash and wound others.

Tweeter has shown how ignorant the Americans of the so called the best, exceptional country are. They are nothing but an uneducated lot to put it mildly. Even, the people of the new famous show," The Duck Dynasty" on A&E seem to have more sense than these uneducated rednecks whose faces seem to be redder than their necks with this kind of disdainful mentality.

The other thing worth noticing is that the new opening song for the Thursday NFL game on NFL Network is sung by Priyanka Chopra, Miss World 2000, a famous Bollywood actress and a singer. I have been told that her song is a hit.

Here is an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about her: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2013...anka-chopra-became-a-kickoff-act-for-the-nfl/

I am sure the same people who tweeted hateful things after Nina was crowned are also ardent NFL fans which puts another coat of ignorance on them.

It is also a shame that these people are too illiterate to know that the first tirage during 9-11 was set up by a turbaned Sikh doctor.

I was talking to a white veteran in the past two weeks who told me that the white people will only end this racist mentality on an individual basis if they are saved by an Indian/Pakistani doctor or the new organs they got belonged to a non-white which includes the blacks.

How right he is!

Tsk... Tsk... Tsk...

Tejwant Singh
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Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
I still can't understand how so many Americans... who tout their education system as one of the best, can still manage to mistake Indians for Arabs... and lump the Indian subcontinent into the Middle East and equate all darker skinned people as terrorists etc. Even here... I have to admit (quite embarrassingly) that some of the guys I work with, when they found out I became Sikh, asked where my 'Hijab' was... so much ignorance... do people even watch the news? Or bother to learn anything outside their little rose coloured world? :(

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
The funny thing is... and it irks me to no end... when these same people say things like 'It's OUR country...' telling people to go back to their own etc. And even worse when they say things like 'America is a Christian country' etc. because really...... the ONLY people on American soil who can claim to be TRUE Americans are the Native Americans... everyone else are immigrants, whether from Europe, Asia etc. doesn't matter... North America is a melting pot!



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