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A Question Of Luck? Does Consonance Bless You?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I have a howling problem, I keep wanting to howl, until I finally give in and raising my nose to the wind, I run, and I howl. I howl until life around me degenerates into complete chaos, and then, at the absolute last minute, I wake up, and spend weeks, maybe months getting back onto an even keel, at which point I reward myself, and the cycle goes on, as it has for the last 30 years. What the howling is, is not important, suffice to say it is not in the least Gurmukh.

Today, after 3 weeks, I have finally got back on top of things again, and I can hear it, my wife can hear it, I have just spoken to her on the phone, and the first words she said were 'I can hear it, in your voice, your leaving again', it was not said sadly, or to invoke guilt, more matter of factly, in the manner of someone who has accepted it long ago,

So, onto the problem, I have a absolute belief that Creator is non interventionist, ie, Creator does not smile at you from above, just because you are not howling, nor does he wag his finger and grimace every time you howl, everything that happens has consequences from Creation, its all very matter of fact, cold and without flickering candles or moving music as per your average religious Indian film.

Yet, as much as I will not allow myself to believe in 'luck', strange things keep happening, just when I need it most, someone comes in, pays cash, just when I have written off finding a part in my stash of stock, someone comes in and asks if I want to buy, yes that very part, and even then at some ridiculous price, or sometimes for nothing, 'just have it, I just wanted to have a clear out', this does not happen during the howling, during the howling everything is a struggle, everything is hard work.

I put the phone down from my wife, and decided, in the same way that when you train, you get to a point where your conversion from fat to muscle is at its highest, this point, right here, now, this moment, instead of sinking back to the bottom, I could push even harder, not to get myself out of the mire, but to make a better life, to hope for something better than just to survive, to actually live, and keep pushing, maybe even buy a Land Rover that does not constantly break down, the thought had never occured to me, maybe buy a 10 year old one, not a 20 year old one, have enough in the bank so that if one of the dogs has a problem, not to run around like a headless chicken, or, shock horror, get pet insurance.

I decided to go through a big pile of dead laptops, all very nice ones, but dead nonetheless, the first one, a very nice HP, that has never booted, even though I have tried everything, plugged it in, and it boots, straight away, of course there is a rational explanation, capacitors hold charge sometimes, and a good rest can discharge them all, which resets the motherboard, (in fact if you want a tip, a dead laptop can come alive if you take the battery out, and press the on switch for 20 seconds and then try again).

Is luck relative? does it actually exist? Are we blessed when we do the right thing? how does this relate to the starving in Africa, the raped in Syria, are you blessed from being in consonance?

Personally I think this is a very very dangerous path to go down, but I would most interested to hear the point of view of the rest of you, my friends, thanks.

I intend to push on, there will be no howling yet.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
harry ji

Random thoughts for now, maybe more later.

Preamble: It is apparently a habit of most cultures to remind folk of the suffering in Syria and the starving in Africa, and misery in many other places as well. Some people groove on suffering, and can map anything onto it. Some of that lot are really nasty to the people in close orbit. There are also people who stay focused on world suffering in order to avoid problems close at hand and closer to home. Doing just one constructive thing toward helping others, instead of dwelling on world suffering, is more effective, and frees you or any of us to tackle our own problems which are also very real. Even when they are psychological.

My reaction, intended as a bit of advice, and not an answer to the big questions:
Periodically, think of your issues without world suffering in the equation. It does nothing to solve your problems, and nothing to solve world problems either. In addition it does nothing to tune down the howling.

I am thinking of that drill they put us through before an airline flight takes off. If the cabin decompresses, and the oxygen masks drop into our laps, fasten your own mask first before trying to help someone else. If you don't, that is 2 dead people instead of none.
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
harry ji

Random thoughts for now, maybe more later.

Preamble: It is apparently a habit of most cultures to remind folk of the suffering in Syria and the starving in Africa, and misery in many other places as well. Some people groove on suffering, and can map anything onto it. Some of that lot are really nasty to the people in close orbit. There are also people who stay focused on world suffering in order to avoid problems close at hand and closer to home. Doing just one constructive thing toward helping others, instead of dwelling on world suffering, is more effective, and frees you or any of us to tackle our own problems which are also very real. Even when they are psychological.

My reaction, intended as a bit of advice, and not an answer to the big questions: Periodically, think of your issues without world suffering in the equation. It does nothing to solve your problems, and nothing to solve world problems either. In addition it does nothing to tune down the howling.

I am thinking of that drill they put us through before an airline flight takes off. If the cabin decompresses, and the oxygen masks drop into our laps, fasten your own mask first before trying to help someone else. If you don't, that is 2 dead people instead of none.

I am in your debt :) , you have freed me from one of my problems, thank you


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
On one hand the environment provides the question of internal as well as external suffering and happiness. On the other hand the question of doing the right thing. What is the right thing? Sadly the world today has painted itself grey. There is not white or black. I don't think so.

Is there anything called luck? And then good luck or bad luck? Things just happen. Some outcomes are good for us and some bad. But if we observe them so, we are lost in duality. Too much happiness and too much suffering are hard to handle. People are known to die within weeks after winning a lotto.

If you are in Sehaj, do you look for luck? or thankfulness?


Dec 3, 2011
As long as there is Ego, then there will always be good luck and bad luck, being blessed and being the forgotten one, being chosen and being ignored...etc..etc..

All this will only cease to exist once there is No Ego.

Ego, duality, maya and the creation are all intertwined. Whereas the Creator and Truth both co-exist in the supreme state.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Friday I howled, Saturday I was not 'blessed', I took the liberty of recording myself talking to people, and yesterday, I played it back, at several points I noted my mannerisms although not aggressive, were not gracious, certainly not as gracious as when I am devoid of the howling, at one point, I practically threw someone out, his crime was to question a computer marked up at 80, which I said he could have for £50, as his kids liked it, and he said he had little money, £45? my tone, my manner, basically at that point said, 'out', so, I can conclude, that it is our everyday behaviour that makes our luck. Being in consonance brings out the best in people and situations, not through blessing, or magic, or the Lord rewarding you, but simply, you get out what you put in. After so long spent howling, I guess its unnerving to see everything change before your very eyes, you do start to question why things go so well.

Everytime I howl, I disconnect myself from the world, I am not my true self, its not rocket science, thanks for all the replies :)


Dec 22, 2009
I think everyone has bouts of anger, frustration, fedup-ness. I think it's Normal

I don't think Luck is relevant. I agree with Spnadmin ji, Words are useless, waddling on what could've been, What is. It's just impossible to know another's Situation. Internal especially, what if someone's completely happy w/out all the worldly luxuries...

Point being: I like that your Real. I don't believe in being Perfect all the time, nor is that a possibility. In my opinion, unless you're like completely Isolated from the world, even then, if a racoon takes you're food or something, you'll feel Loss.



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