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And So A Year Later

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I am now completely alone, no friends, no family, no one, other than my parents, my on line business is good, does not make a fortune, but enough to ensure I am free, I bought another land rover, an old one, she is a good girl, a workhorse, pretty in a 20 year old sort of way.

Love? Hmmm no, I do not believe in it, parental love, yes, I believe in that, very powerful thing, but romeo and juliet love? romance? no, its all agenda, and this is not the voice of bitterness, more the voice of experience, everything is agenda, we live in a society where people are happy by making others jealous of what they have, and not more so than in our own Sikh culture, personally speaking I could not give a toss what anyone thinks, which means I am free, and as for love, its like a disease, it robs you of your mind, yourself, all you need is love? {censored}, all you actually need is to be loveless, because then you are truly free, I have learned that wanting nothing keeps everything nice and simple, having no goals or wants is quite liberating, all you are left with, is today.

Am I SIkh? probably not, I have no love for people, just disdain, I would find it hard to {censored} on someone if they were on fire, truth be told, so no, I am probably not Sikh, nor would I call myself Sikh, however, the concept of truth still fascinates me, as does debating it, so I am still here.

Am I dark? depressed? melancholy, not at all, I find myself giggling to myself most of the time, for years the meaning of life eluded me, I never realised it was so simple, just {censored} everyone off, and do what you want, without causing harm or stress to anyone else. The Sikh concept of loving all cost me dear, cost me a lot of money ,and a lot of time and energy, and it made no difference to anyone, as soon as you stop loving people and helping them, they revert back to who they were, so all my love and help in fact only took time, theirs and mine, and achieved nothing, other than wasted time, and given time is all we have, thats quite a lot of waste.

We are all different, maybe I did it wrong, who knows, who cares, its just not for me, all that love and help shit, I remain, at 48, a mummy and daddys boy, a little innocent child laughing at all the emperors with no clothes, giggling at all the {censored}s following them, I get my best happiness from making my mum and dad happy, I have retained the same innocence and childlike thoughts I had when I was 11, I am just a big kid now in mans body, I don't know how to impress people, how to chat people up, how to manipulate people, I don't need to, as I do not interact with them, suits me.....


May 11, 2016
I am now completely alone, no friends, no family, no one, other than my parents, my on line business is good, does not make a fortune, but enough to ensure I am free, I bought another land rover, an old one, she is a good girl, a workhorse, pretty in a 20 year old sort of way.

Love? Hmmm no, I do not believe in it, parental love, yes, I believe in that, very powerful thing, but romeo and juliet love? romance? no, its all agenda, and this is not the voice of bitterness, more the voice of experience, everything is agenda, we live in a society where people are happy by making others jealous of what they have, and not more so than in our own Sikh culture, personally speaking I could not give a toss what anyone thinks, which means I am free, and as for love, its like a disease, it robs you of your mind, yourself, all you need is love? {censored}, all you actually need is to be loveless, because then you are truly free, I have learned that wanting nothing keeps everything nice and simple, having no goals or wants is quite liberating, all you are left with, is today.

Am I SIkh? probably not, I have no love for people, just disdain, I would find it hard to {censored} on someone if they were on fire, truth be told, so no, I am probably not Sikh, nor would I call myself Sikh, however, the concept of truth still fascinates me, as does debating it, so I am still here.

Am I dark? depressed? melancholy, not at all, I find myself giggling to myself most of the time, for years the meaning of life eluded me, I never realised it was so simple, just {censored} everyone off, and do what you want, without causing harm or stress to anyone else. The Sikh concept of loving all cost me dear, cost me a lot of money ,and a lot of time and energy, and it made no difference to anyone, as soon as you stop loving people and helping them, they revert back to who they were, so all my love and help in fact only took time, theirs and mine, and achieved nothing, other than wasted time, and given time is all we have, thats quite a lot of waste.

We are all different, maybe I did it wrong, who knows, who cares, its just not for me, all that love and help shit, I remain, at 48, a mummy and daddys boy, a little innocent child laughing at all the emperors with no clothes, giggling at all the {censored}s following them, I get my best happiness from making my mum and dad happy, I have retained the same innocence and childlike thoughts I had when I was 11, I am just a big kid now in mans body, I don't know how to impress people, how to chat people up, how to manipulate people, I don't need to, as I do not interact with them, suits me.....

Human love is false. People only like you when there's something in it for them.

Bhagats are the outcasts of society. There's only One and He's beyond all the Bullsh..t, the false shows, the envy and jealousy, the anger, the upset, the hatred, the gimmick of society.

Dont worry about false society. Be a Good soul, work hard, and be good, focus on your own life.

Live in Chardi Kala, be happy regardless of the rubbish, it's all just One.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Human love is false. People only like you when there's something in it for them.

Bhagats are the outcasts of society. There's only One and He's beyond all the Bullsh..t, the false shows, the envy and jealousy, the anger, the upset, the hatred, the gimmick of society.

Dont worry about false society. Be a Good soul, work hard, and be good, focus on your own life.

Live in Chardi Kala, be happy regardless of the rubbish, it's all just One.

All society is false, there is no good society, kindly define 'good soul' what is a 'good soul'? to that end, what is 'being good'? I rarely leave my premises on account that I find society boring and tedious, I spend most of the day working, giggling and listening to music from my childhood, I eat simply, I refuse to watch TV or own a mobile phone, is that all good? am I being good? I don't think so, sounds quite self centered to me, focus on my own life? which aspects? goals? none, aspirations? none, my look? hobo on a bad day change my car? ok it is probably silly to go into winter with a car with no heating, but what the hell, I have special hobo jumpers, actually, its pretty silly to go into winter with no heating in the premises, writing this huddled over a small heater, but again, who cares, it just means 2 special hobo jumpers. I can fix this, if I wanted, I could move, get a warmer car, but does it all actually really matter, especially if this is a play, and I am an actor.

Being a good soul and being good is all pretty subjective, to me, this life is good, I cannot make it better, I am cold, I look like shit, but I am free, and freedom is better than being good, in my view anyway. Focus on my own life, in what way, I don't understand, I could not give a toss about my own life, that is what makes me so free, and that is also what takes most of my fears away,

See what I did there, I explained as best I could without calling you a fool.


May 11, 2016
All society is false, there is no good society, kindly define 'good soul' what is a 'good soul'? to that end, what is 'being good'? I rarely leave my premises on account that I find society boring and tedious, I spend most of the day working, giggling and listening to music from my childhood, I eat simply, I refuse to watch TV or own a mobile phone, is that all good? am I being good? I don't think so, sounds quite self centered to me, focus on my own life? which aspects? goals? none, aspirations? none, my look? hobo on a bad day change my car? ok it is probably silly to go into winter with a car with no heating, but what the hell, I have special hobo jumpers, actually, its pretty silly to go into winter with no heating in the premises, writing this huddled over a small heater, but again, who cares, it just means 2 special hobo jumpers. I can fix this, if I wanted, I could move, get a warmer car, but does it all actually really matter, especially if this is a play, and I am an actor.

Being a good soul and being good is all pretty subjective, to me, this life is good, I cannot make it better, I am cold, I look like shit, but I am free, and freedom is better than being good, in my view anyway. Focus on my own life, in what way, I don't understand, I could not give a toss about my own life, that is what makes me so free, and that is also what takes most of my fears away,

See what I did there, I explained as best I could without calling you a fool.

Lol noted.

We all know right from wrong and good from bad. Be a good soul, don't hurt others, love and respect yourself and others, work hard. Work is a seva which helps the world keep running, you're doing a service to humanity.

Give some of your earnings to the needy if youre able to.

Accept that people live in different ways, some people live one way and others live in another. Thats being spiritually balanced. Don't fall into anger and over judge others because that means you're still attached.

Focusing on your life is focusing on your work (seva), living and enjoying your own life without attachment to or judgement in anger of others, for everyone's on their own journey. It's focusing on the Truth in You, this a path of Self Discovery. Your body is His Temple.

Live well and respect yourself and others. You're on your own journey. What you learn, good qualities you practice, teach to others, that's a huge service and people can take the lessons and apply to their own lives.

The Saad sangat, the society of the saints, the good souls is best.

They remain detached hence there's no reactions in the 5 thieves directed at each other, they recognize truth to be Supreme and attachment to the temporal as false.

They are good souls, there's simplicity, no drama and a pure love untainted by Maya.

You find your balance, be good, and teach others to be good also. That's our higher purpose. If you find no purpose in your life, look around you and see how much service the world needs. It's full of liars, cheats, Nindaks, people hurt each other all the time.

Teach them out of it.

You free yourself( focus on your own path) and teach them to free themselves. That's your higher purpose. When we get ourselves out of selfishness, we are able to truly live and be happy.
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Aug 13, 2012
Human love is false. People only like you when there's something in it for them.

Bhagats are the outcasts of society. There's only One and He's beyond all the Bullsh..t, the false shows, the envy and jealousy, the anger, the upset, the hatred, the gimmick of society.

Dont worry about false society. Be a Good soul, work hard, and be good, focus on your own life.

Live in Chardi Kala, be happy regardless of the rubbish, it's all just One.
I disagree human love is not false, I infatuation is false, unconditional love, altruistic love is roop of the divine.. True love is true and therefore Sat


Aug 13, 2012
Human love is false. People only like you when there's something in it for them.

Bhagats are the outcasts of society. There's only One and He's beyond all the Bullsh..t, the false shows, the envy and jealousy, the anger, the upset, the hatred, the gimmick of society.

Dont worry about false society. Be a Good soul, work hard, and be good, focus on your own life.

Live in Chardi Kala, be happy regardless of the rubbish, it's all just One.
If love is false then why be good? Why be true..
Love is the nature of the divine.. True, unconditional, without enmity.

We should all aspire to love in the truest sense of the word


May 11, 2016
I disagree human love is not false, I infatuation is false, unconditional love, altruistic love is roop of the divine.. True love is true and therefore Sat

That's what I meant by human love, attachment, infatuation, love with conditions.

Unconditional love is immortal and divine. Seeing All as one, with one eye, without worldly logic, for its all Truth, and accepting it all for what it is, is divine, its Truth itself.


May 11, 2016
If love is false then why be good? Why be true..
Love is the nature of the divine.. True, unconditional, without enmity.

We should all aspire to love in the truest sense of the word

I should have worded my post better.

Agreed. He is pure Unconditional Love


Aug 13, 2012
Call Him what u want, as long as you know who your talking about. Just have respect.
Call 'him what you want'? Why him?
My mother had pure love for me brought me into this world so by any definition of the divine she met it was she not a roop of the divine?

Have I been disrespectful?


May 11, 2016
Call Him what u want, as long as you know who your talking about. Just have respect.
Call 'him what you want'? Why him?
My mother had pure love for me brought me into this world so by any definition of the divine she met it was she not a roop of the divine?

Have I been disrespectful?

Which is why I said call Him what u want. I call Him Him, Parbrahm, Waheguru, Satnaam and Greatest Love. Others call Him Allah, Father, Ram, Rahim, Exalted One, King of Kings, Master and even Dad.

You want to call Him Mum then go ahead, along as you know who you're talking about and you recognize Him with respect. He is All and He has no Form.

Of course your Mums a Roop of Him, everyone everything everywhere is His Darshan.


Aug 13, 2012
Which is why I said call Him what u want. I call Him Him, Parbrahm, Waheguru, Satnaam and Greatest Love. Others call Him Allah, Father, Ram, Rahim, Exalted One, King of Kings, Master and even Dad.

You want to call Him Mum then go ahead, along as you know who you're talking about and you recognize Him with respect. He is All and He has no Form.

Of course your Mums a Roop of Him, everyone everything everywhere is His Darshan.
Again with all due respect I find it hard to understand why you need to use gender specific terms?


Aug 13, 2012
Which is why I said call Him what u want. I call Him Him, Parbrahm, Waheguru, Satnaam and Greatest Love. Others call Him Allah, Father, Ram, Rahim, Exalted One, King of Kings, Master and even Dad.

You want to call Him Mum then go ahead, along as you know who you're talking about and you recognize Him with respect. He is All and He has no Form.

Of course your Mums a Roop of Him, everyone everything everywhere is His Darshan.
And 'his darshan' for me and my personal understanding is that these are poetic metaphors to help communicate a idea..

Bul chuk maaf


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
We all know right from wrong and good from bad

Nope, we all know right from wrong given the social and religious parameters we follow, your ideal of what is right and wrong may differ from mine, folks that raped and killed Sikhs in 84 thought they were right, the two gentlemen that shot Ghandi, they thought they were right, as did the folks celebrating in Southall, they thought they were right too, people are influenced, I though I had a fairly reasonable idea what beauty is, but apparently even that is wrong, beauty today is having a massive backside, so what is right and wrong changes through time, or more to the point, our perception changes, the truth is always the truth, but what society dictates as the truth is what tends to give us our own compass.

Be a good soul

again, this is open to interpretation, what is a good soul

don't hurt others,

would you say calling someone a fool is an intention to hurt or just stating fact? How can we not hurt others, you hurt someone when you don't invite them to your party, you hurt someone when in making a point you make them look foolish, you can hurt someone by not letting through at a junction, as we become even more precious, not being able to hurt someone is going to be near impossible, unless you give up your life completely and bow down to all around you.

love and respect yourself and others,

I have no respect or love for myself or for others, I love my parents as if they were Gods, but respecting others, why? What is there to respect? a society implanted personality that is not even them in the first place? What should I respect? should I respect the fact that someone may have money? that they are a doctor? they they give to charity? that they are a good soul, even though I have no real idea of the state of their soul, other than what they are trying to get me to see? As for love? Well sorry to bore you, but it does not exist, very few people love without agenda, and very few people love God unconditionally, everyone wants something, and everyone wants something from God, so love, as I see it, is the biggest game.

work hard

work smart, not hard, anyone can work hard, and sometimes hard work achieves nothing. work smart and hard,
Give some of your earnings to the needy if youre able to.

Who are the needy? do they exist in the UK? If they do and I give them some of my earnings will it not ensure they stay needy for the rest of their life? what can I give them to help? from my own experience, nothing. Nothing ensures that they get out of being needy as quick as possible, anything else is just prolonging their agony, taking away their natural ability to fend for themselves, dragging them further down into the mire, I suppose their are needy in India, but that is not my problem, I live in the UK, maybe if folks in India spent a bit less on weddings and a bit more on social projects that actually make a change, then there would be less needy in India, but its not my problem, I cannot see it, I am 5000 miles away. Next time I do go, I would choose to spend time at a Pinglaghar, yes, they are needy, and deserving, and nothing they do is going to get them out of being needy, but on the whole, those that look needy, are nothing of the sort.

Accept that people live in different ways, some people live one way and others live in another. Thats being spiritually balanced. Don't fall into anger and over judge others because that means you're still attached.

Go one further, encourage people to stay the {censored} away.

Focusing on your life is focusing on your work (seva)

when you say work (seva) do you mean your sum contribution to this world?

living and enjoying your own life without attachment to or judgement in anger of others

solid gold quote

and on that note, I will have to reply later, its 5.30am and the BP petrol station down the road is just taking a large Beef Pastie out of its oven that I intend to have for breakfast, I will reply to the rest later,
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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Agreed. He is pure Unconditional Love

Nope, I do not agree with this, your telling me that whoever created all this, male or female, is just a big whooshing flow of love regardless of circumstance? I know unconditional love, its a state of near madness, Our Creator may be a fan of tough love, which is love that does not seem like love at the time, but when you look back you think, that was hard but I learned something, rather than unconditional love, which is do what you want, my love is there regardless, you want that, you want this, yeah let me help you get it, cos you deserve it, cos your the best.

I thought I had better write something else, just realised the doughnuts do not come out till 5.50

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Live well and respect yourself and others. You're on your own journey. What you learn, good qualities you practice, teach to others, that's a huge service and people can take the lessons and apply to their own lives.

hah fat chance, firstly, it is quite arrogant and egoistical that I should think I know anything, at one time I did think I knew quite a lot, but now I realise I actually know nothing, and nothing is fine, because nothing is better than knowing a lot, but it all being false, so I aim to stay at nothing, sure I don't know the truth, but I know the lies and know what to stay away from! People can only take lessons learned if they have walked in my footsteps all my life and have had the same experiences, if you have never had a problem with booze, then conquering alcoholism is of little interest, if you have never blown your entire net worth down the casino, then also, conquering gambling is of little interest, all it can do is act as a giant sign, but who reads giant signs anymore, people will do what they wish to do, and why should I or anyone stop them, has it ever occurred that I could in fact be making things worse, by me telling them how to do this, or what to avoid, I am taking away their own golden moment in discovering who they and what they are about.

The Saad sangat, the society of the saints, the good souls is best.

Is this a secret society? does it have a website? how do I join? what is a saint? did we have a saint negotiate our say in partition in 1947? if we did, then I wish we hadn't had a saint, I wish we had a top notch evil {censored} lawyer would have fought and got our own bit regardless of niceties, I do not want a saint negotiating on my behalf, if I was up on a wrongful murder rap, I would not want a saint representing me, so what good are these saints? lock them up I say, let them get off on their own saintlyness in private, not in the real world where there actions actually cause more damage than good.

They remain detached hence there's no reactions in the 5 thieves directed at each other, they recognize truth to be Supreme and attachment to the temporal as false.

They are good souls, there's simplicity, no drama and a pure love untainted by Maya.

another solid gold quote, but hard to achieve in real terms, not that hard, but lots of distractions, and then of course maintaining sainthood is harder than reaching it.

You find your balance, be good, and teach others to be good also. That's our higher purpose. If you find no purpose in your life, look around you and see how much service the world needs. It's full of liars, cheats, Nindaks, people hurt each other all the time.

not quite sold gold, but good, I agree with all the statement to the self, the rest of the world bit I am not so sure about, you cannot change the world, and in my view, you should not wish to, its quite self destructive, unless self destruction is your thing.

Teach them out of it.

errr its not my place, I only know what I know for me, it would be again, arrogant and egoistical to think that by finding my own place, I can help others find theirs, I dislike teachers, people who cannot do, teach.

You free yourself( focus on your own path) and teach them to free themselves. That's your higher purpose. When we get ourselves out of selfishness, we are able to truly live and be happy.

Oh, when we get ourselves out of ego, attatchment, pride, anger, selfishness, yes, there is happiness, although maybe contentment might be a better word, and yes, we truly live, but you cannot teach this, and you should not wish to, one thing I will say, I did not realise how much happiness and pleasure I derived from being better than others, from seeing envy, from getting respect, but its all bullshit really, after that, I derived pleasure from being worse than everyone else, from seeing looks of pity, from giving respect and help, but that is also all bullshit as well, you interfere in the workings of the world, and then you have to ask yourself, am I willing to take responsibility for my act of help that has actually turned people into being completely reliant on me, have I freed them, or have I enslaved myself to them, no, helping others is very very subjective, giving a beggar money, that they could spend on drugs, hell, I have even seen a beggar go back into a shop and try and swap a sandwich someone had bought for him, for a lager can, in my mind, the beggar who sits in the cold and gets nothing, will sort themselves out quicker than the beggar who gets enough to get by, for the latter, a lifetime of getting by, for the former, belief in the self,

thank you for your questions, I hope I have answered them without offence
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May 11, 2016
Again with all due respect I find it hard to understand why you need to use gender specific terms?

Because that's how I communicate with Him.

He is formless, timeless, without colour caste or creed. I know who I'm talking about so for me, what I call Him doesn't matter.

When I send out prayers to Him, I have no image or form in my head of whether Hes a man or a women, human or whatever. Hes formless.

If someone comes to me and tells me not to call Him a He, doesn't mean I'm going to stop. We're free to call Him as and what we choose. You don't even need a name. He's just Truth. We all are.

Exalted One, Greatest Love, these names aren't gender specific. He's True Love, how can u really describe that- its beyond logic. And language is Limited.
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May 11, 2016
Nope, we all know right from wrong given the social and religious parameters we follow, your ideal of what is right and wrong may differ from mine, folks that raped and killed Sikhs in 84 thought they were right, the two gentlemen that shot Ghandi, they thought they were right, as did the folks celebrating in Southall, they thought they were right too, people are influenced, I though I had a fairly reasonable idea what beauty is, but apparently even that is wrong, beauty today is having a massive backside, so what is right and wrong changes through time, or more to the point, our perception changes, the truth is always the truth, but what society dictates as the truth is what tends to give us our own compass.

again, this is open to interpretation, what is a good soul

would you say calling someone a fool is an intention to hurt or just stating fact? How can we not hurt others, you hurt someone when you don't invite them to your party, you hurt someone when in making a point you make them look foolish, you can hurt someone by not letting through at a junction, as we become even more precious, not being able to hurt someone is going to be near impossible, unless you give up your life completely and bow down to all around you.

I have no respect or love for myself or for others, I love my parents as if they were Gods, but respecting others, why? What is there to respect? a society implanted personality that is not even them in the first place? What should I respect? should I respect the fact that someone may have money? that they are a doctor? they they give to charity? that they are a good soul, even though I have no real idea of the state of their soul, other than what they are trying to get me to see? As for love? Well sorry to bore you, but it does not exist, very few people love without agenda, and very few people love God unconditionally, everyone wants something, and everyone wants something from God, so love, as I see it, is the biggest game.

work smart, not hard, anyone can work hard, and sometimes hard work achieves nothing. work smart and hard,

Who are the needy? do they exist in the UK? If they do and I give them some of my earnings will it not ensure they stay needy for the rest of their life? what can I give them to help? from my own experience, nothing. Nothing ensures that they get out of being needy as quick as possible, anything else is just prolonging their agony, taking away their natural ability to fend for themselves, dragging them further down into the mire, I suppose their are needy in India, but that is not my problem, I live in the UK, maybe if folks in India spent a bit less on weddings and a bit more on social projects that actually make a change, then there would be less needy in India, but its not my problem, I cannot see it, I am 5000 miles away. Next time I do go, I would choose to spend time at a Pinglaghar, yes, they are needy, and deserving, and nothing they do is going to get them out of being needy, but on the whole, those that look needy, are nothing of the sort.

Go one further, encourage people to stay the {censored} away.

when you say work (seva) do you mean your sum contribution to this world?

solid gold quote

and on that note, I will have to reply later, its 5.30am and the BP petrol station down the road is just taking a large Beef Pastie out of its oven that I intend to have for breakfast, I will reply to the rest later,

Hope you enjoyed your breakfast. And I love doughnuts. I'm trying to cut too much sugar out of my diet though.

Regarding right and wrong, we all know it deep down. Some choose to ignore their higher self, their conscience. The Gurus reminded people to listen.

My friend called me a fool yesterday, and I laughed, because he was right, I was being foolish.

Love and respect yourself by discovering who u really are, treating yourself well. Then teach others to respect themselves. Respect others choices as they're all at their own stages of learning and evolution as per hukam.

Teaching is self help. You teach someone how to help themselves and your teaching them independence. That's seva.

A person teaching an immigrant in a western country English is teaching that person to potentially live an easier life in
that country, to get a better job, to be able to communicate with others, to gain a more recognized education.

Agreed with some of your points about the poor, especially regarding drug users etc. However some have little or no options especially in third world countries where gaining employment can be impossible. In these cases short term solutions help but it's best to try long term solutions as well.
The governments are heartless, world hunger could be remedied significantly if not solved but they choose to spend billions on sending ships up to space, and military stuff. How they get away with it is beyond me.

I'm off to sleep but I'll reply to the rest later. Take care


May 11, 2016
Nope, I do not agree with this, your telling me that whoever created all this, male or female, is just a big whooshing flow of love regardless of circumstance? I know unconditional love, its a state of near madness, Our Creator may be a fan of tough love, which is love that does not seem like love at the time, but when you look back you think, that was hard but I learned something, rather than unconditional love, which is do what you want, my love is there regardless, you want that, you want this, yeah let me help you get it, cos you deserve it, cos your the best.

I thought I had better write something else, just realised the doughnuts do not come out till 5.50

Unconditional Love is acceptance of Karam, dukh and sukh as Him, in peace Sehaj and Chardi Kala, without reacting in Maya(5 thrives).

As Bhagats we should take responsibility for our actions, He gives us endless chances and opportunities and we as fools react in lust anger greed attachment ego. We slander each other and find a billion and one excuses not to delve within and understand and accept and surrender.

Yeh we are beaten, the lesson is to detach and live free from the thieves but instead, when beaten we dig ourselves deeper in Maya, we shout, hit, sleep around, slander, steal, react in the thieves. And so we lose time and time again, Janam after janam.

Living free is easy and simple, free from Maya thoughts, free from the rubbish. He's given us a way to enjoy and live and appreciate life in peace regardless of the chaos around us and we refuse to accept it.



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