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Inspirational Baby Rhino War


Apr 24, 2006
size doesnt matter..reminded me of Bhai Bachittar Singh and the Mad elephant at the gates of Ananadpur fort...Bhai sahib ji was a miniscule 4.6ft tall and skinny guy..he had to STAND on his horse to get level to the elphants head...
Jarnail Singh ji
Speaking of Bhai Bachittar Singh, did he actually drive (some say threw) the spear into the elephant's head?
This story (mainstream) goes on to say that the elephant then retreated and disrupted Mughal ranks. Wouldn't it have died at this point?
Another inconsistency in this story is that the elephant had no driver. It was just sent straight towards the gate... as if it knew where it had to go, and what to ram!!?!?

I read somewhere else that Bachittar Singh didn't actually do that, rather he fought it off. THEN the elephant retreated. This same story go on to say that the elephant did have a mahout, but he fell of as soon as the elephant clashed with Bachittar Singh because Bachittar singh attacked the vulnerable part of the elephant, the legs and feet. It reared and the mahout fell. (The mahout in my opinion could hav easily been knocked down with arrows.) This makes more sense to me.

Both stories say the elephant was drunk. I found out that all elephant were given wine before battle so that they would kill without care (as they are usually humble creatures) but a mahout was always present so that if the elephant went out of control, the mahout could drive a chisel in the spine to kill the elephant. Sending a drunk elephant, without a mahout to ram the gates is a horrible idea.
Firstly, it wouldn't actually know where to go, you would need a mahout to drive it. Secondly, it could easily turn around and attack your army.

Anyways, the mainstream story was bugging me, I had to throw it out somewhere to get an answer. Its a good thing you mentioned it here. :)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Bhagqat ji,
From the accounts i have read.

1. There was a Mahout...Bhai Bachittar singh caught the tail of the elephant, climbed abroad and cut off his head...as the elephant turned around to flee his attacker.
2. The Barchhee spear that was given to Bhai ji by Guru Gobind Singh Ji is called NAAGNNI..it had a SCREW HEAD...to pierce the SHIELD tied to the Elephant's Forehead.
The weapon was gifted to him By Guru Ji himself and also the encouragement.
3. The elephant also had swords tied to his trunk - after Bhai ji had struck the head with the Naagnni Barchha, he cut off its trunk with hsi sword...and the elphnat turned...Bhai ji climbed abroad and killed the mahout...after that the elephant ran into the Mughal Forces follwoing closely behind to enter the fort once their champion had broken the gates down...a FATAL mistake as the mad elephant trampled many underfoot in his mad rage of terror pain and mahoutless...The elephant was indeed DRUNK.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Bhagat ji

"The mainstream stories" sakhies come in several varieties each one. They all have three things in common. Some kernels of truth, a large spoonful of moral teaching, and an outer layer of creative embellishment coming from folk lore and political messaging. BUT Gyani ji has never failed to relate an amazing background of historical information for any sakhi discussed in the forum that he has noticed. It is almost worth a longish thread or a forum section to take one sakhi at a time and have Gyani give a minilecture for it. We would learn a lot. Thanks for your comments above. :wah:


Apr 24, 2006
Thanks Jarnail Singh ji and Narayanjot Kaur ji,

Jarnail Singh ji thanks for sharing you knowledge. Narayanjot Kaur ji if it weren't for your confidence in him, I would have never doubted my own knowledge of elephant skulls.
It turns out:
"-The brain of the elephant is larger than any other land mammal and it is located in the back of the skull well away from the forehead. "

No wonder they sent these giants to ram the gates!

Ok still have few more doubts from what you guys have told me. These are unimportant details however, I have got my answer. Thanks again.

I have never come across anthing that mentioned swords tied to the trunk. Its the tusk taht the blades were attached to. THis natural weapon of the elephant was futher enhanced by sawing it off and putting in place, curved katar like daggers. The trunk was formidable as it was, the elephant used it to grab its opponents and rip them apart, a sword tied to this would not only hinder the movement but would also harm the animal as it swung the weapon.

What happened to the spear? I doubt he pulled it out. it would take too much force, when compared to the force taht was created from the horse charge. Yet, "they" claim to have this spear.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Bhagt Ji,
Your last sentence.."they" claim...
I am with you on that one...

"They" also claim to have the Original....

1. Chola of Guru nanak..
2. thalis, spoons, karchhas, misc bhandehs, etc etc etc that Mata Ganga ji, Guru Arjun ji....etc etc etc ate in....
3. Manjas and gharras and ganga sagars with holes that Guru ji used to milk "BUFFALOES" that were VIRGIN !!
4. the palki that was sent by Guru Arjun ji to Mohans place to bring back the "pothis" of Gurbani...( when Guru nanak ji gave gurgadii/Tilak (meaning GYAAN/Knowledge of Shaabd and not red ink.. on Forehead) and the Gurbani POTHI as mark of this to Bhai lehnna ji..and so on...
5. original descendants of Guru jis horses..
6 original Raath that mata gnaga ji rode to baba Budha Ji...to ask for a son...
ETC ETC ETC...lots of things..and not many "proofs".juts blind Faith..or someones say so (baba ji, Waddeh baba ji..sant ji or sadh sri 1008 ji...)
And NOW the Pakistanis have also got into the act..hordes of such "nishanis: are emerging from pakistan....descendnats of Mian Mir, Mardana etc etc... PROOF not required or necessary...
Latest is Guru gobind Singh jis KALGI..all the way from canada..UK..whatever...accepted, installed at Akal takhat by the Jathedars no less...and NOW with sangats demanding PROOF...the thing is fizzling out like a cheap SODA !!

Having said that..it is plausible the Naagnee was recovered later...or there were several..certainly many woudl be in existence..:advocate::advocate::advocate:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
See what I mean about Gyani ji. Information alone is n ot the key. Information, plus common sense, plus logic and you get an evolved picture of the event. He will tell you the possible, the probable, and the actual.



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