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Sikh Coalition CA State Assembly Passes The Kirpan Education Bill By Full 59-0 Votes

Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
June 3, 2009 (Sacramento, CA) - The entire California State Assembly yesterday passed a proposed law that would train law enforcement personnel about Sikhs and kirpans. The bill now goes on for a vote by the California State Senate, and then to the Governor's Desk to hopefully be signed into law. Yesterday's Assembly vote passed 59-0. Extensive advocacy efforts led by the Sikh Coalition and local sangat members resulted in bipartisan support of this legislation.

Should it become law, this would be the first law specifically pertaining to the kirpan in the United States. The California State Assembly, and Assemblymember Warren Furutani in particular, should be commended for their hard work and pioneering spirit in passing this bill.

AB 504
The proposed law (AB 504) would create and include training about the kirpan in the state curriculum for law enforcement officer training. The bill states explicitly, "It is the Legislature's goal to promote education and awareness of the carrying of the kirpan by Sikhs in California." The training would advise officers about "how to recognize and interact with persons carrying a kirpan."

The legislation arose out of a number of Sikhs being arrested for carrying kirpans because police mistakenly believe them to be in violation of concealed weapons laws. Such arrests violate Sikhs' rights and are a waste of taxpayers' money. Our hope is that being educated about the kirpan and its religious significance will decrease the number of wasteful arrests.

Assemblymember Warren Furutani: A Champion for California's Sikhs
The bill was introduced by Assemblymember Warren Furutani (D-LongBeach) in February 2009. Since then, Assemblymember Furutani and his staff have worked tirelessly with the Sikh Coalition and local Sikh activists to ensure that the bill is a priority for the legislature and for the California Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus. Under his guidance, the bill passed unanimously through both the Public Safety Committee and the Appropriations Committee of the State Assembly. We thank Assemblymember Furutani for his strong leadership on this issue.

Numerous Sikhs have also contributed to the passage of this bill. Over 150 people emailed their local assembly person to ask for support over the past week. The Coalition would also like to thank Nitasha Kaur Sawhney, Niranjan Khalsa and Darshan Mundy, each of whom took the time to personally meet with members of the Assembly asking them to support the legislation.

Next Steps
The bill will now make its way to the Senate side of the legislature. There, it will first be voted on by the Public Safety Committee and then by the Appropriations Committee before making it to the Senate floor for a full vote in September. If the bill is passed by the Senate, it will end up on the desk of Governor Schwarzenegger to be signed into law!

For more information about AB 504, or to join our lobbying efforts for this bill, please email us at legislative@sikhcoalition.org.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
GREAT NEWS...especially for the DHILLARR SIKHS among us who are so afraid to keep Dastaars and wear Kirpans...they prefer "inside Sikhi"....perhaps they will now see what others see in the Khalsa Symbols..worn by ( mere 2% Amrtidharees...as the Clean Shavens 98% sikhs always claim)..BUT the mere 2% seem to be persuading more and more people that the 5 Kakaars are indeed the UNIQUE ID of the Khalsa Sikhs...as Intended all along by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and was NEVER intneded to be the MAJORITY at all...:welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome:

Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
GREAT NEWS...especially for the DHILLARR SIKHS among us who are so afraid to keep Dastaars and wear Kirpans...they prefer "inside Sikhi"....perhaps they will now see what others see in the Khalsa Symbols..worn by ( mere 2% Amrtidharees...as the Clean Shavens 98% sikhs always claim)..BUT the mere 2% seem to be persuading more and more people that the 5 Kakaars are indeed the UNIQUE ID of the Khalsa Sikhs...as Intended all along by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and was NEVER intneded to be the MAJORITY at all...:welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome:

Gyanni jee,
Don't you think this massage should go to Sikh top brass (SGPC & Akal Takhat). See what's diffrenec of governing is. One should have political will power to go ahead for the necessary laws or change of ancient laws. I don't have their e-mail numbers ottherwise I would have forwarded this achievment to them.
Regards and Guru fateh.
May 28, 2009
Gyanni jee,
Don't you think this massage should go to Sikh top brass (SGPC & Akal Takhat). See what's diffrenec of governing is. One should have political will power to go ahead for the necessary laws or change of ancient laws. I don't have their e-mail numbers ottherwise I would have forwarded this achievment to them.
Regards and Guru fateh.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa..Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh...

Thats a great news..I remember last march..I pulled over by Police officer for reckless driving...He told me to get insurance and registration...while I was looking for documents, he suddenly saw my kirpan ...he immediately moved his hand on his pistol...bu I was so polite...I started smiling and said..I am a Sikh...this is our religious mark...then he get calmed and told that you should keep it outside...because otherwise its a concealed weapon..I said ok...well I told him that I was not reckless, then he wrote something MTI ...he said its a mild...you tell judge that you will enroll for class...then this ticked will be waived off...its not that much reckless...I traveled from central part of america to eastern side twice at much more than the speed limit...but all the time I was in flow of Gurbani Katha...Keertan...and never get caught..that day I got car and there was songs CD playing..I thought its a small distance...why to change the CD...and I got the ticket...well everytime while listening Gurbani..Guru was always with me........

sorry..just added my feeling....

Here is the link with SGPC contact details of board:

I remember a doctor's experience..Once a Sikh with no right hand visited this doctor...doctor asked how that happened....Sikh told that I was cutting the feeding of Cows and Buffalo with machine...and my Kada (Sikh Kakaar) got stucked in that machine and my hand got cut... Doctor smilied and said...are you fool....because of Kada your hand got cut and you wore it again in other hand...if that will also got cut...Sikh replied...then I will get a big Kada and wear it in my neck....Doctor asked ...what then if you neck get cut...Sikh replied...what else I want..Sikhi Kesha Swasaan naa nibh jaaye..

Doctor said that I had a photograph of Guru Gobind Singh Ji at my clinic..I bowed to Guru and said ..Wah Guru Gobind Singh...Dhan Dhan Guru...Dhan tere Sikh.......

well we have to love our Sikhi...

Chardi Kala...
May 28, 2009
GREAT NEWS...especially for the DHILLARR SIKHS among us who are so afraid to keep Dastaars and wear Kirpans...they prefer "inside Sikhi"....perhaps they will now see what others see in the Khalsa Symbols..worn by ( mere 2% Amrtidharees...as the Clean Shavens 98% sikhs always claim)..BUT the mere 2% seem to be persuading more and more people that the 5 Kakaars are indeed the UNIQUE ID of the Khalsa Sikhs...as Intended all along by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and was NEVER intneded to be the MAJORITY at all...:welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome::welcome:

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa..Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh...

Rightly said...well while reading your comment, suddenly it came to mind that if education regarding Sikhs and their 5 Kakaars will be made to people...soon a day will come a person will look for Kakkars to identify Sikh and differentiate from other community...then clean shavens or Daadi Cut Sikhs (who only trims the beard), who wears CAP...will think that now we don't look like Sikh...we should wear a Turban....Keep 5 Kakaars.......

I don't know when this be happen...but yes it will be ...one day...by Guru's blessings...

Here is a US DOJ documentary on Sikhs...

USDOJ: CRS: On Common Ground - Law Enforcement Training Video on Sikhism

Chardi Kala..........

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I would like to thank all the Sikh youth that gathered in Sacramento to make sure this bill was passed. I would personally like to thank 2 people who call me Chacha. Kavneet Singh Alag( Kavi) who is a VP of Saldef and a tireless volunteer and Balmeet Singh whose heartfelt story is depicted in the following thread.

These 2 young ones worked tirelessly to make sure Sikhs went to Sacramento for this bill.

THANK YOU and ALL others who worked for this.

Tejwant Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The SGPC..Akal Takhat etc DONT REPLY or even ACKNOWLEDGE any mails emails etc.
I mho they are too busy...excommunicating people who pose a danger to Sikhi/Gurmatt !!
So dotn waste your time...:}--}::}--}::}--}::}--}::}--}:
May 28, 2009
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa..Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh...

I think Gyani Ji is correct....emailed them and also President of Gurdwara Dukh Niwaran Sahib, Ludhiana...but no reply...hope they will make it public that Sikhs are progressing..........

Chardi Kala.....