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English Girl With Ik Oankaar Tattoo


Sep 29, 2010
icecreammundaI'am a english girl and recently had my first tattoo on my wrist of the Ek-Omkar... i chose this symbol as i have alot of respect for the sikh religion, i have read on the internet that a famous indian actress has the same tattoo on her back which has caused some upset within the sikh commumity, Do you think that it was wrong for me to have had the Ek Omkar tattoo??


Apr 3, 2005
icecreammundaI'am a english girl and recently had my first tattoo on my wrist of the Ek-Omkar... i chose this symbol as i have alot of respect for the sikh religion, i have read on the internet that a famous indian actress has the same tattoo on her back which has caused some upset within the sikh commumity, Do you think that it was wrong for me to have had the Ek Omkar tattoo??

Give me a break.In your first thread you said you are in love with a sikh guy
Then you started another thread without any meaningful discussion and now you have started another thread saying that you have ik onkar tattoo because you have respect for sikhism.Its better you discuss your problems
in one thread


Sep 29, 2010
I must appolgise iam not use to this site really, not quite sure how it all works... also i never said i was inlove lol, just wanted some advice and appreciate all the comments, so thanks wahkaur


Jun 1, 2004
And also please do not start same topics in various forums. This simply amounts to spam. Your similar topic in general discussion has been removed. Thank you for understanding and co-operation.



Apr 3, 2005
I must appolgise iam not use to this site really, not quite sure how it all works... also i never said i was inlove lol, just wanted some advice and appreciate all the comments, so thanks wahkaur

Here is your first post

mundahug Hi Everyone, I'am a 25 year old English girl, I'am a professional nurse,I'll refer my boyfriend as (S), i met a British born Sikh man at work 2 years ago, within the last 6 months myself a S got talking and couldnt believe how much we had in common it was un-real there was deffiently a connection there, i would never think about getting with a non-white man before, i never been in that situation to have, but instanly i didnt care, it didnt bother me what so ever.

We would spend near enough the whole day together at work, always talking, meeting up for breaks, At first we were really good friends. Once a month all the staff go out as a group for a night out, i invited S to come out that particular night, which he came, we had a good time and we both felt a strong connection, the next month when we went out with all the staff, we kissed, since then we have been in a relationship secretly. I told my mum about S and she was fine and didnt have any problems with S, they have met eachother and got on really well.

S has always been honest with me and told me that his family may not accept me as iam not a sikh girl, which is really frustrating as his uncle has married a white girl and she has been accepted, they have been married for over 20 years and have children, also his cousin has a white girlfriend too. S is worried about how his mum and dad will take the news! do you think there could be a chance considering other members of his family are in relationships with other english women.

S has told me that he only wants to be with me and does not want anyone else or an arranged marriage, he has told me that he will tell his mum and dad when his ready too, and promised he will not hurt me he gave me his word and i do believe him. i would appreiciate any comments and suggestions about whats the best way to tell his parents about me?? kind regurds Jane


So Now you are saying that You are not in love


Sep 29, 2010
in that article i never said i was in love... so i don't understand were you have got that from and thats for me to know. what is ure problem? i simply just want advice. kind reguards jane


Apr 3, 2005
in that article i never said i was in love... so i don't understand were you have got that from and thats for me to know. what is ure problem? i simply just want advice. kind reguards jane


As a moderator of this site it is our duty to keep an eye on people.In Your First 4 posts You started 3 threads without any meaningful discussion.So Its little bit suspicious now Whether problems you are posting are genuine or it is just a time pass.

Also in First thread you started You stated about marriage problem and now you are saying you are not in love.Its better you clarify your position in your thread whether you love that guy or You both just want to get married for no reason as only then people could give you advice.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Actually if Kanwardeep Singh ji's points are not taken seriously, the entire thread will go into the wastebasket. And I will be watching carefully to see if this is a spamming situation which can lead to a permanent ban. :(


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I have also changed the spelling of ek Omkar to Ik Oankar in the title thread and fixed punctuation.

The conversation is going nowhere Jane2010 and things are not looking positive.


Sep 29, 2010
As you are the moderator of the site, i would like to inform you thst i feel i'm being bullied on here, i have alreday appolgised for starting new threads as i said i'm new to all this i wasn't sure what to do (thanks for the help) i just get comments like im a fake and that i may get banned! do u really think i'm going to pass time by just making up stories!!!! well believe me i'm not. i'm going through hell right now in my relationship with my partner i hope one day we can live a normal life.:confusedmunda:


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
In that case you need to think very very carefully about where your relationship is going. If you are not in love can you really have a future? Will you really be prepared to face the storm? Marriage is not something to be taken lightly-it should be a lifelong commitment. If you are not in love and things can finish anytime it is not fair to bring the family into the picture as you will break their heart. First decide where your relationship is going and how serious it is then ask for advise accordingly. Thats my advice!
Jasleen Kaur


Jun 12, 2010
Hello jane ji, Personally I don't feel comfortable with this kind of relations WHEN you don't know long term relations will effect ( Its not only my personal view) Its a fact. Think about present and future now at the same time .When there is a not strong foundation of the building how could your building would be solid. Do the math now and future think from all corners you will find all the answers. In my view marriage is not only for two people its for both side family relations TOO. In any course or addmisson you need some requirments if you don't have it you can't get the addmisson.This kind off relation ship more like selfishness then marriage.True LOVE is for others not only limited to me me and me. I am totally agree with jasleen kaur.


Sep 29, 2010
Thats true, i wonder why cause of a certain lady who has caused this rubbish, i'm sorry i guess i should never of signed up in the first place, its a shame really as this is the first site where i have read stories which i can relate too, it gave me some comfort. i never attended to cause any trouble and don't think i have, i'm new to this site ans wasn't sure if i had to start a new thread! i didnt even no what (thread) ment lol we dont say that here in England.



Sep 29, 2010
Thank you a. mother for you're comment, of course i love him, i wouldnt be with him if i didnt and especially going through a secret relationship were at present we can't do certain things like (normal) couples, like going cinema/going to dinner/walking down the street )-: i wouldnt be putting myself through it if i didnt love him. Marriage? i'm serious about marriage of course and only plan to marry once! we havent spoke about marriage thats why i havent mentioned anything about getting married. i'mj finding this situation very hard to deal with, you want to be with the man you love everday.... but i know i can handle this pain and im sure he is worth it.
Jane x


(Previously Himmat Singh)
Feb 19, 2010
Ek Onkaar Sat Naam

Jane2010 ji, it is better not to mix up human relationships with spiritual matters. This site is fundamentally a religious forum. Obviously the members, including yourself have relationships, and such matters will be discussed from time to time. Many users will have very different cultural backgrounds to your own. You have to bear this in mind, and what you might see as a negative reaction, may be the norm in other cultures. The same will apply within the circles in which most of your family will have been brought up in. What people from S Asian backgrounds may see as negative, may be seen by the people you are most likely to associate with, as the norm, or the standard by which to measure things. There is unlikely to be any intentional attempt to malign you in any way, but sometimes meanings are lost in communication. Some understand intuitively, without any words, whilst others read into every single word, and look out for any deep meanings. It is just the way people are. Try not to get cross, or angry. We strive to understand each other, to form a global multi-cultural society in which people do not look for differences before common features, but that is still a goal.

Regards to your relationship, the strongest relationships are built on trust, and understanding of each other. Arranged marriages begin with no love, yet love blossoms in them. If you can relate well to "S" then maybe you have something to build on. You will have to jointly decide how to progress the matter, and if it means something to you both, then it is not for the members of this forum or your repective families to intervene. It is your personal affair.

With respect to the tattoo, different people will see this differently. I know many people with tattoos, either of "Ek OnKaar" or a "Khanda" and have not come across any rejection of these people, or negative comments about the tattoos. Something you read in the papers, is not always representative of what goes on in real life.

Sat Sri Akal


Sep 29, 2010
Thank you sunmukh for your'e comment, your'e comment really said it all, i want you too know i have alot of respect for all cultues and believe in a global multi-cultural society also, being a nurse i have to treat all races and have many friends who are asian and strongly repsect asian culture.
I never wanted to come across angry but felt some people wasn't giving me a chance to get my message across.
Myself and (S) do really trust eachother, we have such a wonderful relationship, i don't want to sound soppy lol but we can just stare at eachother all day :) i pray every night that when(S) does tell his parents they will like me, it's hard to understand how culture can stand in the way of two people being in love, being in love is the most beautiful feeling in the world, we both repect eachothers cultures, I have done alot of research about sikhisium and have found sikhisium to be a very loving and beautiful way of life.

I really love my tattoo, (S) was so happy when i showed him, it was worth all that pain when i saw his face lol, i love the design and also the meaning. i would never want to offend anyone by having this tattoo.

I would like to say a very deep deep thank you for showing kindness i really appreciate it
kind reguards


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

As a moderator of this site it is our duty to keep an eye on people.In Your First 4 posts You started 3 threads without any meaningful discussion.So Its little bit suspicious now Whether problems you are posting are genuine or it is just a time pass.

Also in First thread you started You stated about marriage problem and now you are saying you are not in love.Its better you clarify your position in your thread whether you love that guy or You both just want to get married for no reason as only then people could give you advice.

This is what Kanwardeep Singh ji was requesting a page back . And his words are still legitimate. Once meaningful discussion does take place, then a thread has a direction and all can be clear what the issues are.

Thanks sunmukh ji and a.mother ji for stepping in to give some in-depth thought so we can appreciate the issues. Jane2010 ji it looks as if we have a better understanding of what the story is all about.