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Hard Talk Is anyone willing to fight for justice for all?

Apr 1, 2019
A while ago, after giving a TEDx talk about how we can do more to stop the sexual abuse of children, the speaker received death threats and asked TEDx to remove it from their YouTube channel.

What she promotes in the talk is a more thoughtful, objective understanding of people who may pose a risk to children and how to effectively address that risk and prevent the sexual abuse of children.

"In relation to punishment judgments, Jahnke et al. (2015) reported that approximately half of participants believed pedophiles should be incarcerated, and 14‐–27% advocated the view that they would be better dead, despite being explicitly informed that the person in question had never been convicted of a criminal offense."
--Craig A. Harper, Todd E. Hogue, Ross M. Bartels, Attitudes towards sexual offenders: What do we know, and why are they important?

So if it isn't the abuse of children that makes people don't like Pedophiles[sic] What does?

'I will emphasize my conviction, that if by some magic young people under twenty could have
sexual experience without resulting pregnancies, so that all of their
sexual activities could remain under cover and unknown to us, we
wouldn't be here. "What we didn't know wouldn't hurt us." Let's
admit, then, that what we're worried about is not only V.D. and
pregnancies, but also, that we'll have to provide contraception, with
the inevitable implication that we are thereby approving their sex
activities be, indeed, implicated in them as "accessories before the
fact." This is what sticks in our gullets. ' emphasis added.
--Mary Steichen Calderone, Contraception, teenagers, and sexual responsibility


"This ceremony teaches the person who undergoes ti not to fear death, and to fight against the oppressors, tyrants and the unjust people and to protect the weak, the poor, the old, the children and womenfolk from all sorts of molestation. From that day onward one has to be pure in body and heart. This is why the Sikhs are called Khalsa i.e. pure. After the ceremony is performed those having out-wardly an appearance of the Khalsa but having their hearts and sometime their bodies too full of impurities are a disgrace to the panth and to the sacred cause. [This was] preached by the Guru."
--Shahid Bhagat Singh talking about Amrit.

Maybe if a took the Amrit i could overcome my fears of a backlash against me family, but there is no local sikh community where I live so It's doubtful I ever will.

"Human is a blend of saint and soldier; this is a complete person. If you are not a soldier your sainthood will be kicked around. If you are only a soldier, not a saint, you will start kicking others around."
--Siri Singh Sahib

It's just as hard to stop being a saint as it is to start. I was lucky to never feel compelled to 'fit in' and my role models were all upstanders.

Being a saint has cost me jobs and even a place to live but has been easy the easy part for me but being a solder I've always struggled with.


Aug 13, 2019
A while ago, after giving a TEDx talk about how we can do more to stop the sexual abuse of children, the speaker received death threats and asked TEDx to remove it from their YouTube channel.

What she promotes in the talk is a more thoughtful, objective understanding of people who may pose a risk to children and how to effectively address that risk and prevent the sexual abuse of children.

"In relation to punishment judgments, Jahnke et al. (2015) reported that approximately half of participants believed pedophiles should be incarcerated, and 14‐–27% advocated the view that they would be better dead, despite being explicitly informed that the person in question had never been convicted of a criminal offense."
--Craig A. Harper, Todd E. Hogue, Ross M. Bartels, Attitudes towards sexual offenders: What do we know, and why are they important?

So if it isn't the abuse of children that makes people don't like Pedophiles[sic] What does?

'I will emphasize my conviction, that if by some magic young people under twenty could have
sexual experience without resulting pregnancies, so that all of their
sexual activities could remain under cover and unknown to us, we
wouldn't be here. "What we didn't know wouldn't hurt us." Let's
admit, then, that what we're worried about is not only V.D. and
pregnancies, but also, that we'll have to provide contraception, with
the inevitable implication that we are thereby approving their sex
activities be, indeed, implicated in them as "accessories before the
fact." This is what sticks in our gullets. ' emphasis added.
--Mary Steichen Calderone, Contraception, teenagers, and sexual responsibility


"This ceremony teaches the person who undergoes ti not to fear death, and to fight against the oppressors, tyrants and the unjust people and to protect the weak, the poor, the old, the children and womenfolk from all sorts of molestation. From that day onward one has to be pure in body and heart. This is why the Sikhs are called Khalsa i.e. pure. After the ceremony is performed those having out-wardly an appearance of the Khalsa but having their hearts and sometime their bodies too full of impurities are a disgrace to the panth and to the sacred cause. [This was] preached by the Guru."
--Shahid Bhagat Singh talking about Amrit.

Maybe if a took the Amrit i could overcome my fears of a backlash against me family, but there is no local sikh community where I live so It's doubtful I ever will.

"Human is a blend of saint and soldier; this is a complete person. If you are not a soldier your sainthood will be kicked around. If you are only a soldier, not a saint, you will start kicking others around."
--Siri Singh Sahib

It's just as hard to stop being a saint as it is to start. I was lucky to never feel compelled to 'fit in' and my role models were all upstanders.

Being a saint has cost me jobs and even a place to live but has been easy the easy part for me but being a solder I've always struggled with.

I agree that we should be saint soldiers. If you look back at the past Gurus and Santa, they all had their fair share of adversity... and they overcame it by fearlessly practicing Truth.

I stand by the fact that external appearance doesn’t matter. Gurbani teaches this.. u can dress as a beggar or a King or a Queen, it doesn’t matter. The internal must be strong, we must be like a mountain.

If everyone everything everywhere is God.. then Who and What is there to fear.
Standing up for a Truth, what is right and justice is what the Bhagat stands for and speaking the truth fearlessly regardless of the backlash.

We fight for what is right until we leave this earth. And beyond



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