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Controversial Me Racist? Naw

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Me Racist? Naw........!!!​

rac·ism [rey-siz-uhm]
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Origin: 1865–70; < French racisme. See race2 , -ism

Based on the above definition, if we honestly look at ourselves with the help of our inner mirrors, we will find ourselves racists to a certain degree.

According to the recent survey, India is considered the second racist country in the world. Jordan is first. In the same token, we also know that India is the most religiously diversified country where people of many religions take their religious festivities, rituals, pilgrimages very seriously.

Caste system is one kind of racism. So,are the hue differences among the people of India.If one opens the Sunday Indian Newspaper in any language, the matrimonial section is the thickest one.

They ask for fair skin colour rather than the dark ones, caste, social status etc. etc.

There is religious racism in Islam between the Sunnis and the Shias.

There is also a religious racism in Christianity among the Catholics, Protestants, Mormons, JW's.

Mitt Romney, the GOP Presidential candidate in 2012 elections,a Mormon was declared not a Christian by the Evangelical Christians.

The Christian religious racism is wide and open, especially in Northern Ireland where people of one can not walk the streets of the other.

The same can be said in Sikhi with the different castes naming their Gurdwaras as such,e.g. Ramgharia Gurdwara etc. etc.

Let's be brutally honest with each other about racism after watching the video below.

1. What makes us racists?

2. What shall we do to eradicate racism in ourselves?

3. How can Sikhi help us do that?

4. How can we help each other in the family not to be racist?

5. Is diversity of all living together in different countries a hindrance, a cause or a foreseeable solution? Please explain.

6. What do you think of the video?

7. Do you agree with Paul Weston? If yes or no, in what way?

8. Is he right in his proclamation? How and Why?

We must start this conversation with an open heart and mind.

Gurmat values demand this from us.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru urges us to have this chat.

Sikhi's foundation needs this dialogue.

Paul Weston : I am a racist (French subs) - YouTube


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Jul 29, 2009
Dear Tejwant, unfortunately you´re right, we all are in a way racist.... because we may accept the other, the different, but as long as he/she follows my rules, changes to my way of life .... we honestly, from the bottom of our hearts, do not accept his differences .... very rarely let them be themselves, with their differences within next door....:grinningkudi:

Joginder Singh Foley

Jan 26, 2008
Stoke On Trent
I wish i had been given £1 for every time I have been verbally abused for my lack of intelligence for being Irish there would be a nice new Harley Davidson Fatboy in the garage but when they see the size of me and my dog they seem to stay the other side of the road rather than risk coming within thumping/biteing range though they can be bothered to find out that i am a degree educated Mech engineer or the that that there was a university in Dublin before Oxford or Cambridge


Joginder Singh Foley

Jan 26, 2008
Stoke On Trent

Excellent post, however, I would suggest that prejudice is possibly a more accurate word than racism. I do not consider myself racist, a persons race means nothing to me, but I am prejudiced, mostly against people with huge bottoms.

Can we include banksters,politicians and corporate fatcats in that as this Singh has nothing but utter contempt for these


Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
Very thought-provoking post. I'm a bit mystified, though, why racism is presented neither as good or bad, but then the second question goes straight to: "what shall we do to eradicate racism...?".
Also, as Harry Haller is right to point out, most of the examples given point to bigotry rather than race-based prejudice.
I simply think, more contemplation needs to go into the understanding of the phenomenon of racial diversity in the Creation, as well as the dynamics of racial interactions in history before speaking of eradication.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Guru Fateh to all for the input and many thanks.

Yes, the title could have been any of these- Racist, Prejudice, Bigot. In fact I thought about it but decided on the racist one because it is the whole tapestry in my mind rather than mere threads of it as others are. It englobes more. That is why casteism is not bigotry or prejudice but a stark Apartheid kind of racism.

One can also say the same for all Sikhs no matter what hue they are. For White Sikhs, it is a kind of racism because of their bana. It dictates that (you are not one of us but of some other "race, culture").

Both prejudice and bigotry are the branches of this same tree of racism that bears bitter fruits.

Having said all this, the questions include all the threads of this ugly tapestry. If one takes some threads of this tapestry out, then it turns into just a tattered piece of fabric, nothing more.

Thanks again for your input. The whole idea behind these kinds of posts is to have a conversation, to have a dialogue, to participate in this cyber Sadh Sangat scattered like little droplets over this big ocean. It is a great start. Let's carry on with this mindset.


Tejwant Singh


Dec 3, 2011

Excellent post, however, I would suggest that prejudice is possibly a more accurate word than racism. I do not consider myself racist, a persons race means nothing to me, but I am prejudiced, mostly against people with huge bottoms.

I have to fully agree here and have always demanded that we admit to our prejudice behavior.
No matter hard we try we will always have that gut feeling that is actually based on nothing but prejudice.
We all do it without realising and I like to call it a hidden form of dishonesty.
Dishonesty is major cause of many imbalances and it doesn't just involve lying and cheating. When someone doesn't admit their own weakness to themselves then that is also being dishonest to your self!!!

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Can we include banksters,politicians and corporate fatcats

ok, so we have the above, people with huge bottoms, and I mean huge, so big they affect the tides, and for me, certain car driving folks.

I do not judge people by their look, nor by race, but I do on culture, smell, and what car they drive.

BMW owners always want everything done quickly and are not too worried about cost, they are aloof and maintain a business attitude.
Ford owners will wait, are polite, and want everything done as cheap as possible but done correctly
4x4 drivers on the whole are reasonable types, but only if the 4x4 is more than 10 years old and covered in mud and dog hair. New 4x4 drivers I find quite aloof.
Bikers are always welcome, good friendly folk
Jaguar owners you have to watch, can be a bit dodgy
Merc drivers always keep their word, but expect you to keep yours, but can be quite forgiving
Dog owners are always welcome, never met a bad one, I normally get on all fours and cuddle the dog.One owner watching me enthusiastically cuddling her dog remarked 'will he be ok, he's getting licked to death' to which wife replied 'Oh Im sure Harry will stop licking soon'
Small car owners are a complete enigma to me, they are either lovely or awful
Volvo drivers have ancient computers that they will pay anything to keep going
Fiat owners have a very poor grasp of finance

and finally Range Rover drivers, best people in the world

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
We all do it without realising and I like to call it a hidden form of dishonesty.

I am also prejudiced against knife wielding rapists, I would call that common sense, where do you draw the line?

Joginder Singh Foley

Jan 26, 2008
Stoke On Trent
Dog owners are always welcome, never met a bad one, I normally get on all fours and cuddle the dog.One owner watching me enthusiastically cuddling her dog remarked 'will he be ok, he's getting licked to death' to which wife replied 'Oh Im sure Harry will stop licking soon'

Hmmm so you like cuddling Dogs eh HarryJi Might have to introduce you to my Bullmastiff and see how you cope with a face full of slobber


Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Dog owners are always welcome, never met a bad one, I normally get on all fours and cuddle the dog.One owner watching me enthusiastically cuddling her dog remarked 'will he be ok, he's getting licked to death' to which wife replied 'Oh Im sure Harry will stop licking soon'

Hmmm so you like cuddling Dogs eh HarryJi Might have to introduce you to my Bullmastiff and see how you cope with a face full of slobber


dog slobber is no problem for me, but would your bullmastiff be able to cope with Harry slobber?, wonder who would slobber more...



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