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Sikh News Sikhs In The City Go For Marathon


Jun 1, 2004
Sikhs in the City Go for Marathon

THE OLDEST marathon runner in the world will be flying the flag for Newham’s involvement in the 2012 Games when he competes in his next challenge.

Fauja Singh, aged 98, will be running the Toronto Waterfron Marathon alongside fellow teammates from Sikhs in the City, who have a combined age of 256 years.

He will be wearing a Newham 2012 t-shirt during the 26-mile race.

The long-distance runner is the current world-record holder as the fastest nonagenarian to complete a marathon and will don a Newham t-shirt when he participates in this weekend’s event.

Sikhs in the City’s members are renowned as much for their determination as for their longevity, and will be looking to coaches Harmander Singh and Nirmal Lotay for physical support and receive spiritual guidance in return.

Fauja has previously been an ambassador for the 2012 Games and claimed five new world records in 2005 as part of an event to demonstrate London’s suitability as an Olympic City.

He was also a torchbearer during the Athens Olympics Games a year earlier.

Fauja’s 38-year-old teammate Nirmal is Newham born and bred. The BT worker lives in Forest Gate with his wife and two children.

He said: "We are happy to fly the flag for Newham’s involvement in the Olympics as we believe the borough’s success ought to celebrated.

"Sikhs in the City is an ideal choice to represent the borough an example of the borough’s diversity."

Newham is the largest Olympic borough, hosting around 60 per cent of the 2012 Games.

Executive member for the Olympics and public affairs, Cllr Paul Brickell, said: "Fauja’s participation as part of the Sikhs in the City team is a fine example of older people staying active - a great deal more active in his case than some of us have ever been!

"We are delighted he has agreed to represent the borough in this way. We wish Fauja and all the runners good luck for the race and a safe journey home, when they are sure to be given a heroes’ welcome."

Mai Harinder Kaur

Oct 5, 2006
British Columbia, Canada
Every time I hear or read about Fauja Singh, I feel proud and guilty. Proud of him and guilty of me sitting here on my behind 30kg (66 lbs.) overweight and looking every kg/lb. of it. Carrying that much weight on a 152 cm (5 ft.) frame just doesn't make it. I don't think Guru Gobind Singh ji envisioned obese Khalsa! :chips:

A thought just came to me:

OK, I am disabled and losing weight is a challenge. Since when do we back down from such challenges? Any other fat Sikhs out there want to join me? Can we maybe form an online group here to safely lose weight and get into shape?! :situps: :muscle:

I've tried to do it alone and my success has really been limited. Maybe if we could work together, we could all be more successful. :cheerleader:

Any takers?!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Me too Mai ji -- and I understand your predicament. Maybe we could set a time every week where we share our diet changes and maybe even poundage. But keep in mind that this requires one small step a day.

I think I am going to follow Guru Nanak's advice on portion control. No more at any meal that can be held in two hands. He was way ahead of Weight Watcher's and the point system.

Naturally. He was ahead of everyone everywhere for all time.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I had gained weight when I had sciatica (paralysis in one leg), but I am losing it slowly.

Just watching what I am eating. Will start the gym again next month. Losing weight, should not be the goal, but getting fit. Not the same thing.

BTW, I know that Nirmal Singh, by face. I have seen him around. I remember when we had some punch ups with some Nazi's in the 80's in Newham, he was good at running then too.

Away from the punch ups. :p

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
As an ex- marathon runner, I admire Fauja Singh and all those who run a 26.3 mile race no matter how long it takes them. Once running becomes part of one's culture, it changes one from the inside out. One starts looking for a good quality of life and weight loss or maintenance become the results rather than the means to run. One starts enjoying one's solitude and the runner's high due to the chemical production of endorphins brings a blissful feeling.

I am glad I am able to power walk daily as I am not able to run anymore and still enjoy the same feeling.

Kudos to Fauja Singh and all other marathon runners. You are all winners.

Tejwant Singh



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