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The Body Will Fall And Will Be Cooked In Hot Oil


Sep 16, 2004
AMg 438​
ang 438
Page 438
<> siqgur pRswid ]​
ik ounkaar sath​
igur prusaadh
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awsw mhlw 1 CMq Gru 3 ]​
saa mehulaa 1 shunth ghur 3
Aasaa, First Mehl, Chhant, Third House:

qUM suix hrxw kwilAw kI vwVIAY rwqw rwm ]​
oon sun hurunaa kaaliaa kee vaarreeai raathaa raam
Listen, O black deer: why are you so attached to the orchard of passion?

ibKu Plu mITw cwir idn iPir hovY qwqw rwm ]​
ikh ful meethaa chaar dhin fir hovai thaathaa raam
The fruit of sin is sweet for only a few days, and then it grows hot and bitter.

iPir hoie qwqw Krw mwqw nwm ibnu prqwpey ]​
ir hoe thaathaa khuraa maathaa naam bin puruthaapeae
That fruit which intoxicated you has now become bitter and painful, without the Naam.

Ehu jyv swier dyie lhrI ibjul ijvY cmkey ]​
u jaev saaeir dhaee lehuree bijul jivai chumukeae
It is temporary, like the waves on the sea, and the flash of lightning.

hir bwJu rwKw koie nwhI soie quJih ibswirAw ]​
har b​
aajh raakhaa koe naahee soe thujhehi bisaariaa
Without the Lord, there is no other protector, but you have forgotten Him.

scu khY nwnku cyiq ry mn mrih hrxw kwilAw ]1]​
such keh​
ai naanuk chaeth rae mun murehi hurunaa kaaliaa
Nanak speaks the Truth. Reflect upon it, O mind; you shall die, O black deer. ||1||

Bvrw PUil BvMiqAw duKu Aiq BwrI rwm ]​
aa fool bhuvunthiaa dhukh ath bhaaree raam
O bumble bee, you wander among the flowers, but terrible pain awaits you.

mY guru pUiCAw Awpxw swcw bIcwrI rwm ]​
ai gur pooshiaa aapunaa saachaa beechaaree raam
I have asked my Guru for true understanding.

bIcwir siqguru muJY pUiCAw Bvru bylI rwqE ]​
eechaar sathigur mujhai pooshiaa bhuvur baelee raathou
I have asked my True Guru for understanding about the bumble bee, who is so involved with the flowers of the garden.

sUrju ciVAw ipMfu piVAw qylu qwvix qwqE ]
ooruj charriaa pindd parriaa thael thaavan thaathou
When the sun rises, the body will fall, and it will be cooked in hot oil.

jm mig bwDw Kwih cotw sbd ibnu byqwilAw ]​
jum mag b​
aadhaa khaahi chottaa subudh bin baethaaliaa
You shall be bound and beaten on the road of Death, without the Word of the Shabad, O madman.

scu khY nwnku cyiq ry mn mrih Bvrw kwilAw ]2]​
such keh​
ai naanuk chaeth rae mun murehi bhuvuraa kaaliaa
Nanak speaks the Truth. Reflect upon it, O mind; you shall die, O bumble bee. ||2||

myry jIAiVAw prdysIAw ikqu pvih jMjwly rwm ]​
aerae jeearriaa purudhaeseeaa kith puvehi junjaalae raam
O my stranger soul, why do you fall into entanglements?

swcw swihbu min vsY kI Pwsih jm jwly rwm ]​
aachaa saahib man vusai kee faasehi jum jaalae raam
The True Lord abides within your mind; why are you trapped by the noose of Death?

mCulI ivCuMnI nYx ruMnI jwlu biDik pwieAw ]​
ulee vishunnee nain runnee jaal badhik paaeiaa
The fish leaves the water with tearful eyes, when the fisherman casts his net.

sMswru mwieAw mohu mITw AMiq Brmu cukwieAw ]​
aar maaeiaa mohu meethaa anth bhurum chukaaeiaa
The love of Maya is sweet to the world, but in the end, this delusion is dispelled.

Bgiq kir icqu lwie hir isau Coif mnhu AMdyisAw ]​
bhugath kar ch​
ith laae har sio shodd munuhu andhaesiaa
So perform devotional worship, link your consciousness to the Lord, and dispel anxiety from your mind.

scu khY nwnku cyiq ry mn jIAiVAw prdysIAw ]3]​
such keh​
ai naanuk chaeth rae mun jeearriaa purudhaeseeaa
Nanak speaks the Truth; focus your consciousness on the Lord, O my stranger soul. ||3||

ndIAw vwh ivCuMinAw mylw sMjogI rwm ]​
eeaa vaah vishunniaa maelaa sunjogee raam
The rivers and streams which separate may sometime be united again.

jugu jugu mITw ivsu Bry ko jwxY jogI rwm ]​
ug jug meethaa vis bhurae ko jaanai jogee raam
In age after age, that which is sweet, is full of poison; how rare is the Yogi who understands this.

koeI shij jwxY hir pCwxY siqgurU ijin cyiqAw ]​
oee sehaj jaanai har pushaanai sathiguroo jin chaethiaa
That rare person who centers his consciousness on the True Guru, knows intuitively and realizes the Lord.

ibnu nwm hir ky Brim BUly pcih mugD AcyiqAw ]​
in naam har kae bhuram bhoolae puchehi mugudh achaethiaa
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the thoughtless fools wander in doubt, and are ruined.

hir nwmu Bgiq n irdY swcw sy AMiq DwhI ruMinAw ]​
har n​
aam bhugath n ridhai saachaa sae anth dhaahee runniaa
Those whose hearts are not touched by devotional worship and the Name of the True Lord, shall weep and wail loudly in the end.

scu khY nwnku sbid swcY myil icrI ivCuMinAw ]4]1]5]​
such keh​
ai naanuk subadh saachai mael chiree vishunniaa
Nanak speaks the Truth; through the True Word of the Shabad, those long separated from the Lord, are united once again. ||4||1||5||

Dear Khalsa ji​

Can some body elaborate more on this part of shabad when guru ji is talking about painful ending of jeev( highkighted in red)

Jatinder Singh


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: the body will fall, and it will be cooked in hot oil.!!!

Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji KI fateh.

This is a Simile or metaphorical using shabad.

The Black deer is our mann....just like the Black deer feeds a bit here and bit there picking the green shoots off the sweet grass, our mann also darts about from thing to thing...smelling arose here, looking at a beautiful thing next, flirting on a mountian next..etc etc NEVER STILL fro a moment.
The Deer roams the FOREST..the MANN roams thsi WORLD of PLEASURES...just like the deer is "lost" in the forest..so is the Mann lost in thsi world... GURU JI says this WORLD is a temporary refuge...its pleasures bring on SPIRITUAL DEATH. This worlds pleasures are good only in the beginning..then they give pain...IF Naam of waheguru is not applied.

Then GURU Ji takes the example of the BUTTERFLY...same as the deer a butterfly flies here and there from flower to flower...

And then GURU JI says..I asked mY GURU..what is the solution ??

MY Guru told me that when the SUN sets and NIGHT comes ( man gets OLD and end is near)..then his BODY falls down in a HEAP...and he feels the PAIN ( of having wasted this precious life in Vikaars and bad habits of kaam krodh lobh moh hankaar egoo etc ) as the OIL feels as it is BOILED in the Kuali.. OH MAN..ATTENTION...ACTCHUNG !! BEWARE..IF you continue to be "tied up" in the Vikaars of this world..jamraaj will be your Jailer..( IF you want to ESCAPE this fate..DO NAAM JAPPING)

Then GURU Ji goes on to use the example of the Fish caught in a net and Separated from the WATER LIFE FORCE..and how it suffers and cries...
Of How the water that gets separated from the flowing rivers gets stagnated and becomes smelly..and Finally the Advise to Get in tune with WAHEGURU..Naam japp and get in touch with OUR LIFE FORCE..the CREATOR..

This is NOT a Christian/Muslim HELL "PICTURE" of people being boiled alive in oil....it is metaphorical language and use of similes and examples to explain GURMATT.

jarnail Singh.


Sep 16, 2004
Re: the body will fall, and it will be cooked in hot oil.!!!

This is NOT a Christian/Muslim HELL "PICTURE" of people being boiled alive in oil....it is metaphorical language and use of similes and examples to explain GURMATT.

Dear Gyani ji

Thanks for your reply and this was actually what i was looking for but found it difficult to explain

jatinder Singh
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