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Sikhism The End Of Karma

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Soul_jyot: I just finished reading the following "spiritual" book, and highly recommend it to all ! It is based on "JAPJI SAHIB JI".

"The End of Karma" by Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
( 40 days to perfect peace, tranquality, and joy )

Publisher: Hay House, Inc (USA)
!SBN: 1-4019-0641-9
Price: USA $ 17.95 - Canada $ 24.95 - UK 12.99 sterling

"What is karma and how can you possibly end it?

Is your soul seeking light in the midst of a dark and intense world? Are you still stuck in the same negative job, painful relationship, or emotional rut? Would you like to live a healthier, happier, and more meaningful life? If the answer is "yes," then The End of Karma is for you!

As Dr. Dharma explains, "Rather than a debt owed from a past life, karma is what's happening right here, right now. Karma is both action and the consequence of that action; it is cause and effect all in one go." Moreover, according to Dr. Dharma, your best self is to live your dharma, which means that your ultimate destiny is to always remember that God and you, you and God are one. Doing this will help you end your karma and experience peace and oneness.

Based on ancient yogic principles as well as modern medical science, the philosophy, meditations, and affirmations in The End of Karma are refreshingly dogma-free. Helping you develop self-knowledge and intuition, this interactive book shifts your focus, attraction, and intention toward your best and highest self. Begin to live your dharma and end your karma today."

Details: www.drdharma.com


Jun 11, 2004
Dear Soul_jyot,

Karma is the cycle of cause and effect.

To the extent I understand this, I hold that Karma ends only when the 'I' and its derivatives 'my' and 'mine' are dissolved.

Gautam Buddha had said.

'The Dharma that I do is Karma.
The Dharma that happens is divine'.

I elaborate on it a little.

What all Dharma I do becomes Karma because there is a feeling of I in my doing it. This way what ever I do is Karma and will attract the respose according to the Karmic cycle.

The Dharma that happens becomes divine, because there is no 'I' in it. As there is no 'I' the Karmic cycle cannot latch on to it; 'I' is what invites the recation from the Karmic cycle. I give an example of 'I less Dharma':
A person falls while walking on the road and gets hurt, you instictively run to help that person to recover. In this act there is no 'I', yet it is Dharma; an 'I less' Dharma. This is divine. Such acts are divine.

When the mind of the person becomes pure and Ahamkara in the person is dissoved, the person does all things without any expectation of any gain from its actions; the person does all this without any compulsion. This way there is no 'I' or 'mine' in it.
All the actions under such a state of mind are divine. Performing such actions becomes the only nature of this individual. This individual has become a Gurmukh and evolves into divinity which is beyond the laws of Karma; only 'The Sat' gets refected through this persons being.

This where according to me Karma ends.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
The Law of Karma (Actions)

1. Like any modern scientific theory, the Sikh doctrine of `Karma’ is also based on the premise of cause and effect. The good actions of a person have good results and the bad actions have bad effects. This is called the law of Karma.

2. Everything emerges from its seed. The admirable actions breed pleasing results and the bad deeds give birth to painful consequences. The people have to suffer for their unsatisfactory behaviour. The sufferings, as a part of punishment, if not pardoned by God or if not completely consumed in this life, go with the persons to their next life.

3. A person lives a series of lives. The tragedy of this life could be the result of one’s actions in both this life and the previous lives. The cycle of `Karma’ goes on for ever; but it is not a never-ending span. The repentance, the meditation and the grace of God can pardon both the un-consumed punishment and the bad actions and put an end to the vicious cycle of the Karma.

4. The universality of the doctrine of Karma is one of the chief factors which binds all the lives together. According to this law we all are constantly creating karma, enlisting obligations, and all of these activities must be paid for. The exact date, the time and place of settlement is not known to any one; but one fact which stands absolutely clear and unalterable, is that all must pay for their actions.

5. God allows us time for the adjustment of our Karmas’ account; it may be extended over periods of this life and the next life. At times people complain that there is no justice in this world. They notice that the wrongdoers are going seemingly unpunished, while the nobles are non-rewarded. It is at this juncture that the law of Karma comes to the salvage and offers a logical explanation.

6. The death of a person is not the end of his/her life, it is only the destruction of his physical body. So long as the punishment or reward remains non-consumed one must return to this world to use it. Misery or happiness of this life could be the result of the Karma of the previous lives. If a wrongdoer seems to enjoy the present life, he might be getting results of his previous good actions; and if an honest and God fearing person is suffering it might be a direct result of his bad Karmas of the previous life.

7. The Karmas of a person will definitely have their effect, both good and bad. No worldly power can change the course of their movement. But according to the Sikh thought, the Almighty God, with his Grace, may pardon the wrongs of a person and thus release him/her from the pangs of sufferings.

8. To invoke God’s Grace, a person must do concentrated meditation and must perform good Karmas. The unison of meditation and Karma is the basic qualification to go for God’s Grace. A person who does not perform any prayers and who continuously and deliberately indulges in bad actions cannot get God’s Grace and thus must suffer for his bad actions.



Q42. What is Karma?

Source: "Introduction to Sikhism", author: G.S. Mansukhani


The scientific concept of cause and effect, action and reaction is called the law of Karma(in religious parlance). A man reaps what he sows. Is it not typical that in spite of the law of Karma, man expects nectar after sowing poison?

Just as our present life is the result of our past Karma, the present Karma will determine our future life. Karma operates in this life and succesive ones. The law of Karma does not cease to operate after death, because death is just a matter of physical disintegration, and has no effect on the soul, which survives.

God is the Creator of the first Karma, the origin of the universe, and the destroyer of Karma.

Good or evil by frequent repetition leave their impression on character. A man doing wicked deeds continuously will turn into a bad character. This produces states of mind, like anxiety, fear and guilt, all of which will cause pain and suffering to the individual.

Karma does not mean that everything is pre-ordained and that man has no free-will. He carries his past Karma in the form of character. It is his own actions that make him what he is. Guru Nanak says, "The record of my deeds cannot be effaced because God has recorded them." Man has to sow seeds, the choice and the initiative to certain extent. He also has the ability to change the course of events even though circumscribed by heredity and environment. God as the Ruler of the Universe controls the over-all destiny of individual. Like the prodigal son, sinners turn to Him only as the last resort.

Sikhism modified the theory of Karma in two directions. Firstly, efforts of the individual are necessary for improving his own condition. Man is responsible for his lot. He must not blame God for his destiny. He must think of the present and the future. Secondly, Karma can be changed by prayer and the Grace of God.

When an individual learns to submit to His will, he ceases to make new Karma. He offers all his actions to Him; he acts as the instrument of His Will. According to Sikhism, all past Karma may then be erased through the association with saints, and meditation on "The Name".



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